Friday, June 28, 2013

Salicylate Elimination As An Alternative to Prescription Drugs for ADHD

An alternative to Ritalin that has helped many children is the Feingold diet, developed by Benjamin Feingold, MD. The theory of this diet is that a child can be sensitive or have intolerance towards salicylates and artificial additives. Salicylates are a natural chemical made by many plants and related to aspirin, a derivative of salicylic acid. Plants manufacture the salicylate acid as a protection in nature from insects, so even though salicylates originate in healthy foods, some children have trouble tolerating even small amounts. Also in the Feingold diet eliminating synthetic additives, dyes and chemicals common in processed foods has also helped many children.

It is estimated that as many as 25% of children might be sensitive to salicylates. They may be able to tolerate some foods that contain salicylates and not others mainly because the amount can vary tremendously even within the same food. If you are interested there are web sites available that list the various levels in a particular food. Some foods from the fruit family are apples, avocados, blueberries, dates, kiwi, peaches, raspberries, figs, grapes, plums, strawberries, cherries, grapefruit, and prunes. Vegetables like cauliflower, cucumbers, mushrooms, radishes, eggplant, spinach, zucchini and broccoli. Also included are some cheeses, dry spices, tomato paste and sauces, vinegar, soy sauce, jams and jellies.

Salicylates are in many products, some more than others. Those related to children and adolescents and used in the home which children can be exposed to are acne products, bubble baths, cleaning products, detergents, essential oils, fabric conditioners, fragrances, gum, hair products, some herbal products, lotions, lozenges, medications, aspirin and NSAIDs, Pepto-Bismol, skin cleansers, soaps, sunscreens, and supplements derived from rose hips or bioflavonoids, toothpaste, topical creams and wart remover.

Other food sources that can cause problems related to food allergies are berries, buckwheat, chocolate, cinnamon, citrus fruits, coconut, corn, dairy products, egg whites, nuts, peas, peanut butter, pork, shellfish, soy, sugar, tomatoes, wheat and yeast.

Another alternative to Ritalin that has shown remarkable results are nutritional supplements. Children with ADHD have shown low or non-existent levels of certain nutrients such as magnesium and essential fatty acids. There are also homeopathic remedies available using formulas specifically designed for ADHD that many parents swear by and those studies have shown to work as well as drugs in some cases.

Ritalin alternatives should be a consideration because of the negative health issues that can result from most any prescription drug. Sometimes the best options may be a combination of therapies. Starting with a more healthful approach first; trying a diet, allergy testing or homoeopathic methods might be all that is needed. If your child is going to use a prescription medication or any remedy tell your doctor about all health problems before they take any drug.

The main concern before a treatment is chosen is to have a qualified clinician perform a comprehensive battery of tests. Choose you or your child's therapy with awareness, look at all your options before taking medications as it might not be the right one for your child. Just keep in mind that an alternative to Ritalin and other harsh medications are available.

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