Friday, June 28, 2013

Pros and Cons of Drug Testing Methods

All the methods of drug testing have their own benefits as well as limitations. Hence, the choice of drug test depends entirely upon the requirement of the person, let us see commonly used testing types


Benefits: A urine drug test can be undertaken at the laboratory or at any other place, with the help of a kit. It is the test of choice for most people, and is even accepted by the government. Hence, it is sometimes referred to as "the gold standard".

Limitations: If the urine sample collection is not closely observed, there is the possibility that the specimen might be substituted, leading to erroneous results. Drugs can be detected in the urine only a short time after they have been consumed. Hence, if a person has consumed drugs just prior to the test, it would not be reflected in the urine test. Moreover, for conducting a urine drug test, proper bathroom facilities are required. According to the SAMHSA or NIDA-5 guidelines, the drugs that are currently most abused in the society are not tested.


Benefits: Saliva drug testing kits are easy to use and non-invasive. As in the case of urine drug testing, saliva drug testing does not require separate bathroom facilities. Even fairly recent drug use can be detected using saliva testing. Moreover, as the saliva sample can be monitored closely, there are lesser chances of the sample being substituted as in case of a urine test. Only a few minutes are needed for obtaining the results. Different kinds of saliva tests can be utilized to detect the use of different drugs. It is an ideal method to detect recent drug use.

Limitations: It is unfortunate that most people are not aware of the benefits of saliva drug testing. Moreover, there are a lot of false beliefs regarding saliva drug testing, which have been spread mostly by laboratories as they have feel threatened that they might lose money on account of on-site saliva drug testing.


Benefits: Hair drug testing can detect drugs consumed by the user more than 90 days ago. As the sample can be collected under direct supervision, there are very few chances of the sample being changed Fairly accurate and reliable results can be obtained through hair drug testing.

Limitations: The major limitation is the requirement of laboratory facilities to test the sample. Moreover, drugs consumed recently before the test cannot be detected in such way. A time period of around a week is required for the toxins consumed to be reflected in the results. Another drawback is the cost of getting results if it is compared to the other methods. Any person can resort to shaving off his hair in order to avoid the detection of chemicals.


Benefits: Sweat drug testing is also very easy to undertake. It is a non-invasive method. Moreover, there is no need for bathroom facilities for the collection of the sample, unlike urine drug testing. Drugs consumed by the user a few weeks ago can also be detected through sweat analysis. The sample can be obtained under direct supervision and hence, there are lesser chances of manipulation of the sample. This method can provide the results within a few minutes.

Limitations: There are high chances of a sweat sample getting contaminated. Moreover, the rate of sweat production of different donors is different, due to which it is sometimes difficult to draw accurate results. These tests are less popular as compared to saliva or urine drug tests and hence, there is lack of new innovations in sweat analysis kits. These kits are also more expensive. Only a few toxins can be detected.

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