Saturday, July 6, 2013

Why Do I Get Toothaches If I Have Sinusitis?

A sinus infection can cause your teeth to ache - especially in the upper teeth, which are close to the sinuses. This is fairly common. If you have a persistent toothache, it is always better to see your dentist first for an exam. If your dentist rules out a dental cause for your toothache, your symptoms may be caused by a sinus infection or other underlying medical condition.

So, why do my teeth ache?
Toothaches caused by sinus infection can occur when the maxillary molars, the roots of the upper back teeth, extend into the maxillary sinus cavity. To see if this is the case, your dentist can take a periapical x-ray that shows the sinus area above the tooth roots.

How will I know if my toothache is caused by a sinus infection?
The first thing most dentists perform is a percussion test. The dentist gently taps on the tops of the teeth to see which teeth hurt. In most cases, when there is a dental problem, only one tooth will hurt when tapped. All your teeth will hurt if it is a sinus problem.

When you have sinusitis, your nasal passages or sinuses fill up with liquid and cause the sinus cavity to appear white and murky in a periapical x-ray. A normal sinus looks black in an x-ray.

What do I need to do to treat the infection?
In most cases, prescribing antibiotics for 10 - 14 days will eliminate the infection. If the pain does not resolve after the round of antibiotics, you should see an experienced ear, nose and throat physician to determine why the problem persists.

My teeth still ache. What is happening?
Your condition may be chronic and a repeating sinus infection toothache is one of the symptoms.

What should I do for the pain?
There are some home techniques that can be helpful with the pain you are experiencing. Nasal sea salt sprays and washes can be bought from most pharmacies. Using these sprays or washes several times a day will keep your nasal tissues moist and this will allow the sinus to easily drain into the nose. Relieving the pressure in the nasal passages will also help relieve the pain in your teeth.

What can I do to treat my chronic sinusitis?
Chronic sinusitis can be bacterial or non infectious. Both have different medical treatment options. Many people with non infectious cases respond to topical or oral steroids or nasal wash systems.

Depending on the severity of your infection, there are different treatment options your doctor may consider. Generally, antibiotics will be involved for bacterial cases. In worst case scenarios, sinus surgery can be done.

Chronic sinusitis can be difficult to treat because treatment may require the coordinated efforts of several specialists to treat all of the aspects of the disease. If antibiotic treatment fails, allergy testing, desensitization, and/or surgery may be recommended as the effective means for treating chronic sinusitis. A vast majority of people who undergo surgery have fewer symptoms and a better quality of life.

Dog Food Allergy - What's The Best Dog Food For Dogs With Allergies?

What's the best food for dogs with allergies? Here are 6 tips for choosing the best!

1. Look for a dog food with whole foods and no by products. Many of the commercial pet foods contain animal by products. Animal by products are things like chicken feet and bones.

These waste products can build up in a dogs system and compromise their digestive system. As the body tries to eliminate the waste, it gets carried out through the skin causing rashes, hot spots, foot chewing and licking.

2. Sometimes a so called "dog food allergy" is simply the result of a depressed immune system and an unbalanced diet.They may not really be sensitive to just one ingredient in the food they are eating. It may be that they just need to get on a good, quality dog food.

3. Stay away from food with corn, wheat, soy or dairy in it. Many dogs are sensitive to these ingredients. These ingredients can be very hard to digest and can cause stress on the dogs digestive system.

4. Find one that has probiotics that will help support the dogs overall immune system. Probiotics will help balance their system and aid in digestion.

5. Find a food with quality grains like barley and oatmeal. Dogs still need grains but they need the kind that are easy to digest and ones that add good nutritional support to the body.

6. Look for grape seed extract in the food. Grape seed extract is wonderful for boosting the immune system of both humans and animals.

The best defense for a "dog food allergy" is a healthy immune system.

Increasing Your Magnesium Levels Can Help Prevent Allergy and Asthma Attacks

Most people are deficient in magnesium due to the refining of foods- find out how increasing your daily intake of this important mineral can make a big difference to your overall heath and also prevent allergies and asthma attacks. Magnesium is a trace mineral that is required for not just building strong bones but for the proper functioning of our entire bodies.

"Magnesium is not limited to improving bone health. There are some three hundred bodily enzymes that require magnesium, which suggests that magnesium is vital for most cells and tissues of the body." - from American Chiropractic.

Studies show that insufficient magnesium levels not only can cause asthma and allergies, but also muscle cramps, muscle twitching, muscle weakness as well as muscle aches, TMJ disorders, depression, insomnia, osteoporosis, attention deficit disorder, fibromyalgia, diabetes, mitral valve prolapse, migraines, attention deficit disorder, noise sensitivity and nervousness among several other conditions.

Today's refined food simply doesn't contain enough magnesium and foods that do contain it lose it through the cooking process. Even if you are purposefully eating raw foods daily that are rich in magnesium, consuming coffee, alcohol, soda or soft drinks and salt will result in a loss of this mineral. Foods that contain magnesium are cereals, nuts, green vegetables, and dairy products. However, according to an article in The Lancet by Britton et al. Magnesium deficiency is surprisingly common. In one study 65% of an intensive care population and 11% of an outpatient population suffered from magnesium deficiency. Magnesium is used pharmacologically in acute myocardial infarction (heart attack) angina, (chest pains) cardiac arrhythmias, (irregular heart beat) alcohol withdrawal, and pre-eclampsia (high blood pressure during pregnancy). It has been used to treat acute asthma and plus magnesium may also help prevent asthma symptoms.

Maintaining proper levels of magnesium in the body helps by relaxing airway smooth muscle and dilating bronchioles in the lungs. It also reduces histamine release and inflammation of the airways and lungs by stabilizing mast cells and T- lymphocytes. Studies like the one in The Lancet showed that increasing magnesium intake helped to reduce and even prevent allergy and asthma symptoms. Taking a good magnesium citrate supplement, which is easily absorbed is important. Recommended daily dosages vary from 500 mg to 1000 mg if you have a substantial deficiency, but be aware that a dose of 1000 mg of magnesium will cause a loose stool. It is best not to take it after a meal since it neutralizes stomach acids, which would interfere with digestion. It is best to consult a naturopathic doctor or nutritionist for advice and testing to determine your individual needs. Trace mineral deficiencies can be determined through a tissue mineral analysis using a stand of your hair at a medical lab.

If you are looking for an effective drug-free alternative asthma treatment you should consider The Dramatic Asthma Relief Report, which is based on extensive medical research & proven clinical trials that will positively change your life.

What is Casein Test?

A cold glass of milk, a slice of cheese or a crunchy piece of toast with butter melting on it. These may look enticing to some. For others, they are nothing short of instruments of torture.

According to research, cow's milk is one of the most leading food allergies. It can cause vomiting, nausea, giddiness and diarrhea in many young children. One of the reasons for this widespread allergy could be the fact that milk protein is usually the first protein that is ingested by infants, and those children who are allergic to milk will develop severe allergic reactions easily. Of course, more than 50% of such children outgrow their milk allergy in the course of time.

But, even as adults, many of us experience bloating, heaviness, gas, nausea and even vomiting when we take in milk or milk products. In fact, a good majority of adults are sensitive to milk and milk products. A person who is sensitive to milk is unable to digest milk proteins. This is what causes the symptoms to occur.

Typically, people who suffer adverse reactions from taking in dairy products believe that they are allergic to milk. This is not always true. Milk and milk products can cause two different kinds of reactions in people:

- Lactose intolerance
- Milk allergy

An inability to digest lactose causes lactose intolerance, which though uncomfortable is not life threatening. But milk allergy is caused by the proteins in milk.

Milk contains two important proteins - whey and casein. Whey, as you know, is the watery portion which makes up 87% of milk. Casein is the thick portion that sets into curd when milk is left to curdle and it accounts for 4% of the rest. Some people are allergic to whey, while others cannot take in casein.

Unlike lactose intolerance, casein allergy triggers severe symptoms. It can cause stomach cramps, skin problems and pain in the gut. Ultimately, it can even make the sufferer unable to absorb nourishment from any food, thus leading to dangerous weight loss. Casein allergy can trigger an anaphylactic reaction in the body. This is a severe and rapidly occurring reaction that can have dire consequences.

Casein is found in varying ratios in the milk of every kind of mammal. If you are allergic to casein, you cannot have any product that contains milk or milk components. Remember, even half to one percent of the allergen may be enough to trigger an allergic reaction in you if that level is above your tolerance limit. So, you need to be aware of the smallest percentage of the ingredient in the food you take in. A casein test is done to determine whether a product contains casein or not.

Unfortunately, casein being tenuous (almost like glue when set) is not only found in food products. It is even used in the manufacture of glue and cosmetic products. Even the label on a bottle of beer may contain this glue. If you are allergic to casein, inhaling or touching it may be enough to trigger a reaction.

Avoiding Sinus Surgery with Alternative Treatments

We often dismiss sinus congestions and discomforts as nothing and leave the problem untreated, thinking that they would go away on their own. Unfortunately, this is what causes the issue to aggravate. Not taking care of ourselves during a sinus attack will only make the problem so much worse, which could eventually lead to a greater issue involving sinus surgery. Therefore, whenever we encounter even the slightest symptoms of sinusitis, we should seek to nip the problem at the bud.

There are several treatments and preventive measures you can do at home in order for you to avoid the bigger financial and physical pain of going into sinus surgery. We enumerate several of them here.

1. Irrigate your nasal passageways. Allergen particles, like bacteria, dust, pollen and others are washed off when a nasal rinse is done because it cleans out our mucus membranes and prevents the formation of more bacteria. The purpose of the mucus on our faces is to fight infections and, thereby, eliminate the incidence of sinusitis. Over the counter medications and nasal irrigation products are available and most have been found to be very effective. To know if a particular nasal irrigation product is fit for you, consult an ear, nose and throat doctor.

2. Breathe in warm, moist air. Humidified air is best to help unclog congested nasal passaeways. You may use a humidifier or a steam vaporizer to do this. If these are not available, you can still declog your nose the cheaper way by inhaling the steam from a basin of hot water, or by taking a hot shower.

3. Taking sinus medications. There are certain medications that work very effectively against nasal problems, but most of them are designed to address the aches and pains that go with it. Such drugs include naproxen, acetaminophen, mefenamic acid, aspiring, paracetamol and ibuprofen, among others. Just make sure that you're not allergic to these drugs before you take them.

4. Use hot and cold compress. Alternating hot and cold compress applied to your sinus area will help relieve sinus pains. Use the hot compress against your face for around three minutes and follow with a cold compress for about thirty seconds, alternating. Repeat as needed and do so at least six times day, depending on your sinus complaints.

5. Try other alternatives. More and more people are turning to alternative medicine, instead of the usual over the counter drugs. In China, for instance, the Magnolia Flower, is being used a cure for nasal congestion and clogging. Chrysanthemum, Angelica and Mint have also been found to be effective against upper respiratory tract problems and pains. These alternatives have no scientific backing, however, but those who have turned to them have already sworn to their effectiveness.

As said earlier, not all the above methods are surefire ways to treat sinus congestions and its permutations, especially if you have left the problem untreated and unattended for a very long time. If this happens and none of the recommendations prove useful, you should then head to your ear, nose and throat specialist to determine the best options.

For grave cases, sinus surgery is often required. Your sinuses will be subjected to a CT scan so the doctors will be able to find out how serious the blockage has escalated into. If no chronic issues were found, then you will be told to proceed to allergy testing and other medication programs.

However, if the sinusitis has bloated to uncontrollable levels, you will be subjected to sinus surgery. This procedure is not exactly painful and may only take a while, but it can take quite a toll on your pocket, especially given the fact the sinusitis often starts at a very minor and curable point.

Testing For Eczema Symptoms

Is your skin showing some eczema symptoms? If so, you need to get an appointment with a professional likely to be a skin specialist to see what your diagnosis is.

There are some common medical tests to help the skin specialist determine whether you have eczema or some other dermatological condition. In many cases, the skin specialist can simply look at the affected area and make a diagnosis based on what it looks like. "Eczema sensitive areas" are where the skin specialist will look first. These areas include the chest, skin creases, and the face. If these parts of your body are experiencing redness, itchiness, are swollen, or are extremely dry, then your skin specialist may believe that you have eczema symptoms.

There are additional ways that your skin specialist will diagnose for eczema symptoms as well. He will take a detailed history of your life to help him make his diagnosis as well. A detailed family history will also be taken to rule out allergies, asthma, or hay fever.

You will also be asked questions about your diet, allergies, lifestyle, prescription medications that you are taking, and whether or not you work or live around any chemicals or other hazardous materials at home or at work.

You should also tell the skin specialist when the skin condition first appeared, what it looked like and felt like when it began, and whether you have noticed that things like stress, sweating, dry air, etc. make it worse.

Be prepared to answer a lot of questions about your eczema symptoms when you visit your skin specialist. However, keep in mind that he is only asking so that he will get a better idea of your diagnosis and the key to your skin flare-up. It may be helpful to write down all these answers before visiting your skin specialist so that you do not forget anything.

Your skin specialist may suspect that your eczema symptoms are caused by an allergen or irritant that you have come into contact with. If so, he or she will probably ask for a blood test to see if there are any antibodies in the blood and to check the number of a variety of different cells.

If you have eczema symptoms, then your "IgE" (or eosinophilia) will be raised. Your blood may have to undergo a test called a Radioallergosorbent Test (RAST) or a Paper Radioimmunosorbent Test (PRIST). This test is completed by mixing your blood with a variety of allergens separately to try to determine whether you have an allergic reaction to them. The test determines this by the number of antibodies that the blood creates. A high number of antibodies means that you have an allergy to that specific allergen.

Your skin specialist may decide to order a test called a skin patch test. This test is usually ordered when the skin specialist suspects a specific irritant or allergen to your eczema symptoms. For this test, they simple take some of the suspected irritant, press it to your skin, and hold it there with an adhesive patch. Then he places an adhesive patch without an irritant near the same area for him to compare to. These patches are left on from one to two days and then removed at the skin specialist's office. If the skin where the irritant was is inflamed, red, and/or itchy, then you probably have an allergy to it.

A skin lesion biopsy is sometimes ordered. This test consists of removing a small part of the skin and then viewing it under a microscope. This kind of test and the blood tests are not ordered for every suspected case of eczema, but if your eczema symptoms are very severe then they may be ordered.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Got Allergies?

Millions of Americans, it is estimated up to 50 million, suffer from a range of allergies. The most common: Pollen, Dust, Dander, Food. They of course are broken down into further specific categories ie: Ragweed, Dog, Cat, Peanut etc. Then of course you have your seasonal allergies, with the spring and summer time being the most prolific.

What is an allergy?

An allergy is an overreaction of our immune system to a substance that's harmless to some people. But in someone with that particular allergy, the body's immune system treats the substance (allergen) as an invader and reacts to protecting your body, resulting in symptoms that can be anywhere from annoying to possibly deadly to the person.

There are even some that you may not know even existed like: Sunshine, Cold, Heat, Vibration and Noise

If you have a constant running nose, watery eyes, sneezing, unexplained hives or swelling, you are a prime candidate for Allergy testing. One the most problematic allergies these days are food allergies. There are panels that specializes in allergy tests from peanuts to cantaloupe to zucchini. Recent changes to food packaging have led to a slight decrease in cases of accidental food allergy reactions, but with so many food processing facilities being used to process foods from every category, cross contamination and therefore inadvertent reactions still occur today in the USA. Whats more concerning, there is a large part of the world that does not conform to this type of packaging and food handling, the consequence for people living in those regions of the world are at a much greater risk. Obviously, not every sever case of allergy attack is food born. One of the most deadly throughout the world is the reaction to a bee or wasp sting. These type of reactions are usually the most painful and potentially deadly.

So even if you are not aware of any known allergies that may be affecting you, it's always a good preventative way to steer clear of potential problems by having an allergy test. It just my explain why every time you visit your friend's home with a dog you end up sneezing and whizzing the entire way home, or when you put on that favorite sweater, your eyes are tearing all day long (yes, people are allergic to certain laundry detergents too!)

SEE below for Best and Worst cities for Allergies in the USA.

Top Ten Best Cities To Live I If You Have Allergies

Portland, Ore.

Seattle, Wash.

San Diego, Calif.

Sacramento, Calif.

Albany, NY

Salt Lake City, Utah

Stockton, Calif.

San Jos矇, Calif.

Colorado Springs, Colo.

Daytona Beach, Fla.

Top Ten Worst Cities To Live If You Have Allergies

Knoxville, Tenn

Louisville, Ky

Chattanooga, Tenn

Charlotte, N.C.

Greensboro, N.C.

Jackson, Miss.

Philadelphia, PA

St Louis, MO

Dayton, Ohio

Wichita, Kan.

Chest Infection, Asthma, and Allergies - Do I Really Need to See a Doctor?

Bronchitis is an infection/inflammation that can be viral, bacterial, mycoplasmic, rickettsiae, parasitic or allergic in origin. This affects the big, main air transportation tube systems of the lung all the way to the smallest tube at the aveoli.

Pneumonia is the infective, inflammatory or obstructive process of the filling with anything such as fluid, pus, mucus, bacteria, or pollen of the millions of tiny microscopic air baggies (sacs.) The sacs (alveoli) are located at the tips of these and become smaller and smaller until they are small tubes of the respiratory tubal system. These tubes are used to transport air and the sacs are used for the diffusion of oxygen into the bloodstream. It is the circulation and transfer of carbon dioxide back into the sacs out of the bloodstream and respiration out of the body.

Asthma is an over-sensitive airway disease. Asthma is a response of hyperactivity and hypersensitivity inflammation, swelling, hyper-mucus secretion, muscular constriction of the air carrying bronchial tubes. This stops transfer of gases to the alveolar sacs into the bloodstream. It is the closure of the inside opening of the tube from swelling and constriction bronchial tubes and respiration to the alveoli sacs. It is the closure of the inside opening of the tube from swelling and constriction of the muscle in the tube wall. Excessive, very thick mucus production from the inside lining of the tube causes partial occlusion, wheezing sounds, or total occlusion of the breathing passageway system of the lungs. It is caused by inflammation and constriction of the bronchiole tubes. You must specifically fix the chronic problem instead of treating the acute symptoms for only immediate relief.

You can stay indoors and miss all the sunshine and the tulips. However, in order to enjoy the world, you can take medications that are available to let you comfortably exist in the real world despite pollen and food allergies.

Profiles testing show many various types of allergies when and where they appear. Allergy can be sore throat, headache, fatigue, pneumonia, and many other symptoms. A Mast Cell, Basophile and Eosinophil are the body's natural responses to defend from the stimulus of allergens or infection. These natural bodies produce chemical called histamine. When histamine is released it reacts like an acid to help fight infections and kill or defend the stimulus. Now in the 21st century with recent advantages with medical care you can do more of the things you need to do in your daily life. Enjoy living comfortable and mostly symptom free with ease of breathing, and get your energy and health back.

It is a 365-day serious and significantly increasing health problem. With many flare-ups, there is still more mucus production, constriction, and swelling of the bronchial tubes in the lungs than a normal person. You must learn what triggers your asthma and how to avoid them. Prevention can involve anti-inflammatory medication and specific treatment of the problem and not just the apparent seen or felt symptoms. Eating oranges, fish, crab, shrimp, or exposure to grasses, mold and animal dander can all cause respiratory asthma/bronchitis symptoms.

A bronchodilating inhaler is a temporary medicine that works by relaxing the tubular muscle constriction and opens the air tubes of bronchioles. You get immediate relief. It does not get rid of the mucus in the lungs or the stimulus causing the constriction. It is only for temporary and fast relief. This is a great medication when correctly used. Again, this is a temporary relief medication. This should not be used as a long-term treatment. If you use your bronchodilator more than 10 times a day, it is a true sign of trouble.

One good thing to have around is the Peak Flow Meter- this is your best at home indicator for you and your doctor to measure the air speed and flow from your lips. This tool is designed specifically to measure your respiratory and lung function. The peak flow measures the maximum air velocity at your lips versus your height and age. Weight and other factors will have no effect on this measurement.

A spacer decreases the coordination necessary for medication delivery and effectiveness used for inhalers. It prevents the wasting of money and medicine in the back of your throat. It can avoid unnecessary side effects of sore throat or throat ulcers from the medicine. The cold "Freon effect" often stops people inhaling the medicine. Therefore, most of the medicine goes to the back of the throat. At least eighty percent (80%) of the medication used from a regular inhaler is wasted. A spacer increases the effectiveness and use of the medications and decreases costs by ten times. Asthma is the excessive mucus thickening, mucus plugging, and tightly constricted mucosal airways. The spacer dissipates the medicine into the air to be more easily inhaled. More than fifty percent (50%) of people have poor inhaler technique and fifty percent regress in technique within one month of starting the use of medications.

Corticosteroids that are used for asthma control are not the same as anabolic steroids used by athletes for abuse. Many months of steroids can cause weight gain, upset stomach, stomach ulcers, and the thinning of the bones. Too few steroids can cause hospitalization, death, and mood changes. Corticosteroid inhalers are the best consistent daily prevention therapy. Steroids appropriately used are essential for exacerbations and must be carefully, consistently, and closely monitored by a physician.

Asthma is an excessive inflammation, over-reactive, and over-sensitivity of the lungs to stimulus with the production thick mucus and mucus plugging. Specific anti-inflammatory medications are a treatment. If left untreated, this will lead to permanent lung function loss. If silently you lose 2% of your lung function a year for 10 years, you have lost approximately one-third (1/3rd) of your lung function.

Asthma anti-inflammatory choices are: Inhaled corticosteroids, leukotriene blockers, cromolyn, and others. Side effects of these medications must be carefully and consistently balanced with view to permanent lung damage and disability. Routine checkups are essential. All allergy patients should be seen at least every 2-3 months-- and immediately if severe reaction, infection, or more than a minimal problem arises.

There must be careful attention to triggers. Infections such as sinus infections can and often do cause poor control of asthma. Cigarette smoke (even passive and 2nd hand smoke), dust mite feces are all triggers. A typical mattress has more than 200,000 living dust mites. Animal dander is another trigger--keep pets out of the bedroom. Pollen and mold humidifiers can increase mold. Cockroach parts and feces when they dry turn into a powder, causing a possible trigger for asthma. Aspirin and ibuprofen: About 10% of people with asthma are sensitive to aspirin and ibuprofen compounds. Sulfates on food preservatives for fruits, grapes, cherries, wine and beer, as well as cold air and exercise are all triggers. Each year, about 5,000 people die of asthma. The majority of these people did not have severe disease.

Patients are very poor judges of their own wheezing, coughing, allergy, or shortness of breath. A patient who monitors their daily peak flow is essential. The elements of combination therapy, physician monitoring, and understanding are all very important to patient care, lung damage, and the quality of life.

When using inhalers, you exhale all the air in your lungs, use a spacer, inhale the medicine, hold your breath for 10 seconds, breath out, and repeat. The Nebulizer machine delivers therapy for five to ten minutes and is much more powerful as an immediate rescue inhaler. Prevention of flu and pneumococcal vaccines is essential. Allergy testing and/or injections, antibiotics and antivirals, are very important aids in the maintenance of these complex problems, potential complications, and the quality of life.

Severe Digestive Problems - Cause and Cures For Gas, Bloating, Diarrhea, Constipation and Nausea

There are many causes for severe digestive problems, although there are a select few that stand out. In this article I will detail the causes and cures for gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation and nausea. Find out exactly what is causing the problems with your digestion and how you can experience the ability to digest your foods with no problems.

The Main Causes of Severe Digestive Problems
Food Allergies: There are a vast amount of food allergies that go undiagnosed properly, it's no good relying on pin prick allergy tests to determine these sensitivities as they will often go unnoticed. Wheat, dairy and soy are some of the most common ones, but those with severe digestive problems can be sensitive to far more foods and even may need to avoid fibrous foods for a time to reduce inflammation of the bowels. To treat this problem, it is critical that you avoid these foods, no ifs ands or buts. Better yet get testing such as electro dermal screening to determine exactly what you're sensitive to. 

Parasites: These invasive creatures are spread much more often than you would think, gyms, bathrooms and drinking water are commonly known to harbor not only germs but parasites as well. These may not be the gigantic tape worms you've seen disgusting pictures of but microscopic pathogens that can cause severe bloating, diarrhea and nausea with vomiting in some cases. It's a commonly misunderstood point that parasites are limited to 3rd world conditions, they are everywhere, and although people living in 3rd world countries may expose themselves more often to them it does not mean that those living in 1st world countries are safe from them. Parasites cleansing is a must for everyone, we de-worm our animals bi-annually, why not ourselves?

Candida: This is a yeast that exists in an estimated 90% of the population and is arguably the most common cause of all chronic severe digestive problems. It disturbs the natural bacteria in your body that assists with digestion in your colon, once this occurs everything begins to get thrown off. The only solution is to eliminate the candida overgrowth to re-balance the digestive functions of your body, once performed you can rest assured that you will fully eliminate all gas, bloating, constipation and any other digestive problems you might have. The key is also to eliminate the cause of the candida overgrowth so that you will not experience a reoccuring infection down the road.

Allergies in Dogs - Causes, Symptoms and Helpful Treatments

We don't always think about dogs being allergic to anything because so many humans are allergic to dogs! However, it is common for dogs to have allergies to certain substances, and it is important to keep a look out for symptoms. The most common symptoms of allergies in dogs are:

• Scratching the ears

• Licks or chewing his own feet or body

• Reddish discoloration of the hair, paws or between toes

• Rubbing head against things

• Rash, bumps, pimples, open sores on skin

• Red or watery eyes

• Reoccurring ear infections

• Consistent sneezing or runny nose

• Vomiting or diarrhea

• Coughing or wheezing

Allergy causes:

Out of all of these symptoms of allergies in dogs, scratching is the most common. Dogs may have airborne, flea, food or contact allergies. If they have airborne allergies, they may be sensitive to tree, grass and weed pollens as well as molds, mildew and house dust mites. Just like in humans, these may occur seasonally or year-round. Flea allergies may cause severe reactions, leading the dog to bite its own skin. The dog becomes sensitive to even just one flea, so it is important to control. Common food allergies in dogs include beef, pork, chicken, turkey, eggs, soy, corn and wheat. They can occur at any age and may cause itching as well as increased bowel movements. Contact allergies are the least common type and are caused by something the dog comes in contact with, such as carpet, bedding, plastic, cleaners, detergents, lawn chemicals, grasses, etc...

Treatment is going to be different for each type of allergy. For all of them, limited or no exposure to the allergen will help.

Airborne allergies:

When it comes to airborne allergies, veterinarians may recommend allergy shots if the specific allergen has been identified.

Flea allergies:

As for flea allergies, treatment includes strict flea control. You must make sure that your dog is not exposed to fleas by using medicine and home treatments.

Food allergies:

Dogs with food allergies should have a diet absent of the food they are allergic to. Seameal supports the immune system and can help prevent chewing at the feet and base of the tail, which are two of the first signs of allergies.

Contact allergies:

If he has a contact allergy, the only treatment is to remove the allergen from the home.

Other treatments for a dog with allergies include shampoo, anti-inflammatory allergy medication and antibiotics. The treatment will vary depending on the type and severity of your dog's allergies.

The diagnosis of allergies in dogs can be difficult. First off, the veterinarian will most likely make a preliminary diagnosis based on the time of the year when your dog has the most symptoms, what locations are the itchiest and response of the itch to medications. However, if the allergies do not subside and become worse, the vet may have to do more specific allergy testing. This may include a blood test or performing intradermal skin testing. Remember not to self-diagnose your pet if they are having the symptoms mentioned above-you should definitely take them to the veterinarian because they could indicate a different condition other than allergies.

Worried About Having Allergy Tests?

Allergy tests are the most definitive ways of getting to the root of all those allergic reactions that you seem to be plagued with. Of course, there are allergy cures out there if you're all set to have a go at various methods of self medication; however that isn't always going to reveal to you exactly what triggered your allergic reactions to start with.

So, if you are a tad anxious about what's required in allergy tests; relax and take a couple of minutes to go through the following paragraphs. Here we're going to have a look at what's involved in taking these kinds of tests.

Just how will they carry out the allergy tests?

There are two key methods for assessing exactly what you're hypersensitive to. The first, and certainly most frequently used approach, is to perform tests on the skin. The alternative and also somewhat pricier approach is to take a small sample of your blood for screening.

The skin test can be carried out in one of three different ways; however each consists of having a tiny amount of the suspected causes - in an allergen solution - either on, or just beneath, your skin to determine which creates a reaction.

The first of the skin test approaches is performed by making a number of scratches to let the allergen get beneath your skin. Each section of scratches is then labelled in some manner and if one of the areas does grow to be inflamed or itches, it's ticked off as providing a positive reaction.

The next of the skin test approaches is the intradermal test where an allergen is injected underneath the skin. The way this differs from the manner in which the skin prick test is performed, is in the depth that they're planning to inject the allergen solution.

The intradermal approach will normally be performed if there's an excellent prospect for your allergy or intolerance problem, but the skin prick test isn't giving off a positive reaction.

The third of the skin allergy tests is the skin patch test. The skin patch test is used if you're suspected of being prone to contact dermatitis. A pad is going to be impregnated with an allergen solution, stuck to your skin, and then left for anywhere between twenty four and seventy two hours.

Last, and in all probability the most dreaded of the allergy tests, for many people anyway, is the blood test. Blood tests - radioallergosorbent testing (aka RAST) - are used in examining the antibodies the blood generates due to the allergens injected into the blood stream. It's most often utilized on people taking prescription medication which prevents the skin tests from working correctly.

So there we have it, a straightforward breakdown of how allergy tests are carried out.

You'll either have one of the three types of skin tests that are on offer, or, if you're not able to have those tests due to the use of some type of medication, you'll have a blood test to evaluate the reaction of your antibodies.

Now you know there's really nothing to it, stop using the guesswork of self prescribed treatments, and get out there and discover the actual answers using the allergy tests.

Autism & Sulfur Sensitivity - Part 2

A Biomedical Autism Intervention Doctor Explains:
A sulfite sensitivity does not constitute an automatic allergy to sulfa drugs and vice versa. Many people with asthma who have obvious reactions to sulfites can many times have some in small amounts and suffer no adverse reactions. A sensitivity reaction to sulfites is not a true allergy like a sulfa drug allergy, and so allergy testing for sulfites in unreliable.
Sulfates are chemical compounds with sulfur surrounded by oxygen atoms. It is a derivative of sulfuric acid and can complex with various minerals in the body to form stable compounds such as magnesium sulfate found in Epsom Salt (which is used as a laxative or a muscle soothing aid in bathwater). Some people can have sulfate sensitivity, but it is questionable whether this is truly an immune reaction to the sulfate or an immune reaction to chemical compounds attached to sulfate. More commonly, a sulfate sensitivity is a biochemical reaction from other sources, and have nothing to do with an allergy. This leads us in the next discussion - sulfur supplement sensitivity.
Sulfur sensitivity can occur when too much homocysteine is pushed through the trans-sulfuration pathway creating an abundance of sulfur compounds. This is particularly a problem if an enzyme called CBS is up-regulated creating an increased production of sulfur byproducts. These byproducts can contribute to the overproduction of ammonia. Ammonia can lead to irritability, hand-flapping, stimming behavior, language problems and other chemical imbalances in individuals on the autism-spectrum. Other chemical systems in the body become stressed leading to a further difficulty in eradicating ammonia. Genetic mutations in the CBS and MTHFR complexes make this problem worst.
Finally, an enzyme called SUOX (sulfite oxidase) in a deficiency state will effect sulfate regulation which effects glutathione production, as well as sulfates for other proteins in the body that support protein structure. Glutathione is our bodies' most potent antioxidant and supports cellular detoxification. There is a genetic disorder that leads to severe brain damage and death with the SUOX enzyme deficiency, but it is likely possible that sub-clinical stressors in this enzyme could adversely affect some children on the autism-spectrum, while not causing a disease process.
The likely scenario is if children are having difficulty with sulfur containing supplements (i.e. taurine, Epsom salt, MSM, methionine) that a genetic mutation pattern has occurred in the CBS and MTHFR genes, and has nothing to do with a sulfur allergy - which we know is a misnomer.  

Thursday, July 4, 2013

One Common Type of Eczema - Nummular (Discoid Eczema)

Nummular eczema or dermatitis, also called discoid eczema, is skin inflammation characterized by coin shaped, circular lesions on the legs, hands, arms and torso. Tiny spots and blister like sores that weep fluid enlarge and grow together to form the circular patches. The pink, red, or brown well-defined patches range in size from one to four inches in diameter. The patches can itch and burn and be very painful. Blisters may appear and after they break open they can become crusty and then scaly. Sometimes a staph infection may occur which is indicated by a yellowish crust on the patch. This type of infection would require an antibiotic. Nummular eczema is not contagious.

Nummular dermatitis is most commonly found in men between 55 and 65 years of age but is also found in women between the ages of 15 and 25 years. It is not common in children. It occurs most frequently in people that have one or more of the following: severely dry skin, live in a dry environment, take frequent hot baths or showers, have other types of eczema such as atopic or stasis dermatitis, have poor blood circulation or swelling in the legs, have a bacterial skin infection, have a skin injury caused by a bug bite, chemical reaction, or abrasion, take certain medicines, such as isotretinoin and interferon, are sensitive to metals, including nickel and mercury (such as from a dental filling), Formaldehyde, or medicines such as neomycin (topical antibiotic).

Nummular dermatitis is diagnosed by a dermatologist who would do a visual inspection of the skin. If there are sores at the time, the doctor may want to swab the sore to test for a skin infection. If the dermatologist thinks that you may have an allergy, he or she may recommend patch testing, which is a skin test to detect allergies.

Treating this form of dermatitis can be challenging since the sores have a tendency to be stubborn. See your dermatologist and follow these recommendations to avoid a serious case of nummular dermatitis:

Avoid skin injuries.
Keep your skin well hydrated
Take a lukewarm daily shower lasting no longer than 20 minutes and immediately apply a moisturizer such as Vanicream to the damp skin
Follow your dermatologists' orders and take any prescriptions as directed
A corticosteroid ointment may be prescribed which would help reduce inflammation and itch
Antihistamines can be taken at night to reduce itch and help you to sleep

If your condition worsens and spreads you may need to:

Sleep or rest in a cool moist room and use a humidifier if needed
Take an oral antibiotic if a bacterial or staph infection develops
Use medicated wound dressings Phototherapy (treat the wounds using light)
Regular use of corticosteroids by mouth or injection

With proper care and treatment the nummular dermatitis can clear completely although sores on the thighs, legs and feet take longer to heal. Some patients' skin will clear within a year while others may have the patches for several years. Occasionally the patches will reappear in the spot they originated in.

10 Foods to Avoid With Eczema

There are some foods to avoid with eczema, and this is at all cost. If you want to prevent the condition or just try to avoid worsening it, you have to learn what not to include in your diet. The world is full with millions of different types of food, but certain medical conditions like eczema would narrow down those that you should eat.

It's common knowledge that a person's diet plays a role in the overall health of that person. You are what you eat, and what you eat every day could definitely define the kind of life that you'd be leading years from now. If you want to prevent eczema, you need to make sure that you do not eat the worst triggers of the disease. And so without further ado, here are the 10 foods to avoid with eczema:

1. A fruit that has a high acidic content is a no-no when it comes to preventing the skin disease. Studies have confirmed that citrus acids are triggers of the disease, and are one of the worst ones at that. There is such a thing as too much fruit especially to eczema sufferers, and these people could have bouts of eczema from eating even the smallest amounts of citric acid. Strawberries, blueberries, lemons, tomatoes, prunes and plums should be avoided.

2. Certain herbs should be avoided too. Many herbs have sweating and faster heart rates as side effects, and both of these aren't good for people with eczema. Specifically, try to avoid herbs that are considered as aphrodisiacs. Ginseng and yohimbe are good examples of these herbs to avoid.

3. Milk, cheese, butter and all other dairy products could trigger eczema, as studies have confirmed. Those who are allergic to dairy products, especially cow's milk, have higher chances of being prone to eczema too. Lactose intolerance is also a likely culprit. However, you might want to make sure that it is healthy for you to not take anything dairy, as they are the most common sources of vitamin D and calcium. Talk to your doctor about dairy intake and eczema, and find out if there are other alternatives.

4. Acidic fruits aren't the only kind of fruits to avoid. Did you know that a fresh fruit could trigger allergies, which could then lead to a bout of eczema? It isn't too rare for someone to experience eczema symptoms after the consumption of a fresh fruit, and the main reason behind this is in fact the pollens from the fruit. Pollens are allergens and they could affect more people than you might think.

5. Refined carbohydrates increase blood sugar. This means that the blood would have fewer places for nutrients. Taking excessively sweet foods increase eczema symptoms. Examples of these foods are maple syrup, pasta, jam, cakes, and many others. It is recommended that people prepare these things at home. Better yet, replace them with healthier foods such as vegetables and fruits.

6. Allergens are most likely causes of eczema. Whatever might cause an allergic reaction might cause or aggravate eczema too. This means that nuts should be one of the 10 foods to avoid with eczema. Nut allergy is one of the most common allergies in the world, and it affects millions of Americans. Though children could be born with it, around 20% of them would outgrow the allergy and it wouldn't have any effect on them for life. However, nut allergy is also considered a very serious allergy, since it is one of the most common allergies to cause death all over the world. Tree nuts such as almonds and hazelnuts are to be avoided.

7. Wheat bread isn't good for a person with eczema, because wheat is actually a rare allergen. As by-products of wheat can easily become airborne, they could easily be ingested as well as inhaled. Look at the ingredients and the contents of a food product before buying it.

8. Food preservatives can worsen eczema. This means that you might want to stay away from processed and prepackaged food products. Benzoates, glutamates, sulfites, chemical additives and food coloring are triggers of eczema. It would be very difficult to avoid these food additives, and preparing food at home can help you avoid these triggers. Look for alternatives for better taste on your foods.

9. Some of the 10 foods to avoid with eczema are those with saturated fats. These fats could increase cholesterol and blood pressure. Having higher heart rates isn't good for a person suffering from eczema, and the substance itself promotes the scaling and the inflammation of the already affected patches of skin. Animal meats are sources of these saturated fats, and some of these meats are also processed, which gives you all the more reason to avoid them. Bacons, hotdogs and sausages are known to have high saturated fat content, along with healthy servings of food preservatives.

10. Because some people are highly allergic to seafood, it is highly recommended that it should be avoided too. Shellfishes like crabs, shrimps and lobsters are known to induce swelling in the mouth and throat, the inability or the lessened ability to breathe, as well as minor to major skin irritations and inflammations.

Eczema is a skin condition characterized by itchy rashes that look like thick scales. There could be pain when the rashes turn into crusting and oozing blisters. It can cause pain in mild cases, but severe cases would be painful and severely discomforting. Curing it could be simple, but it has been said, time and time again, that preventing something is always better than curing it. The most common type of eczema is atopic eczema, and it is a chronic disease that might relapse for a long time, only to flare-up again at the slightest irritant or trigger. Because of this, there are certain foods that an eczema-prone person should avoid. These 10 foods to avoid with eczema should be avoided no matter what, as they are known to set off discomforting, dangerous and deadly allergic attacks.

Thyroid Adrenal Disease Testing - 6 More Tips for Proper Diagnosis! Part 2 of 2

Has your thyroid and adrenal disease been missed or mistreated? There are an estimated 60,000,000+ people today with undiagnosed hypothyroidism. Discover what it takes to get properly tested; this is part 2 of 2 articles on thyroid adrenal disease testing.

In this second article, we continue with 6 more critical or major tests you should address if you really want to know what is going on with your thyroid and adrenal glands. While there is other thyroid adrenal disease testing that could be helpful, having these tests done should be a great start on assessing status and determining what kind of actions you can take to improve the functioning of your thyroid and adrenal glands.

Your overall health will also be much improved if you can address any factors where you have subpar thyroid or adrenal performance occurring, as these glands affect the entire body.

  1. Basic Food Allergy Testing. If you have any food allergy findings, anything positive, you really should see a nutritionist, and especially a holistic nutritionist to help you review what you are eating, what you can change, and how you can revise your diet. If there are several food allergies that are elevated, you may want to consider a complete blood panel of IGG blood testing, and several of the laboratories like Bio Tek are able to do that from even just a little finger stick of blood.

  2. Heavy Metal Testing. This should definitely be done if you have any amalgams or silver fillings, if you eat or every ate any significant amount of fish, certainly if you have exposures, just being near a coal factory that is coal burning, and certainly if you have any neurological symptoms, any tremor, any symptoms of Parkinson's, multiple sclerosis, any brain fog, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, as all of these can be related to heavy metal toxicity.

  3. Vitamin Testing. This is very essential, and the things that are most related to thyroid problems are zinc levels, and especially RBC, red blood cells zinc level is important, you serum selenium is significant, those are both required for thyroid conversion in the cells to the active form (T4 to T3 conversion). And B vitamins are also essential, it is especially easy to measure B1, B6, and B12.

  4. Comprehensive Analysis of Intracellular Nutrients. For more complete testing, there are labs such as Spectra-Cell that can do a very comprehensive analysis of intracellular nutrients, and they will measure 33 different vitamins, many that you can't get from a regular lab such as vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin E, certainly all the B vitamins, but also Biotin, CoQ10, Alpha-Lipoic Acid, selenium, chromium, calcium, which is the only way to get an accurate level, not possible from traditional labs, magnesium, zinc, copper, glutathione, Carnitine, serine, glutamine, on and on. So this is a very helpful test, and everyone I have tested so far has one, and usually several, deficiencies that are essential for maximizing your health.

  5. Saliva Testing for Adrenals. If you have concerns and you're not sure, there are several companies including Diagnostics that will do a saliva test - a little spit 4 times during the day, and they can even measure your DHEA and cortisol as it fluctuates through the daytime and evening, and this is really much more accurate than one single blood test at one point in time. And it will tell you if you are having adrenal fatigue or adrenal burnout, or high cortisol, maybe high stress, both of these may be detrimental to your thyroid function.

  6. Complete Panel for Food Allergies. Again for food allergies, if you have one or two of the common food allergens such as gluten or casein you may want to consider a whole panel, because often with leaky gut there may be other foods that have caused problems and you have become allergic to them. Several companies, including Bio-Tek will do 96 different food allergens by IGG from just several drops of blood and you can even do this test at home - just a finger stick and put a drop of blood on a little card, dry it and send it off. So it is a fabulous way to get a very complete analysis, with minimal cost and time.

In summary, these tests, combined with the first five will provide a comprehensive picture of your thyroid and adrenal health. By knowing in depth what is going on, you can then move on to specific action steps to address any deficiencies, and work to correct any imbalances.

In the next article, we will provide a checklist questionnaire that will allow you to determine for yourself if you may have thyroid and adrenal concerns. If you score positively on many factors listed on the questionnaire, then it may be worth pursuing the additional testing that we wrote about in this article and the last one.

Thank-you for reading,

Diane Culik, MD
ABC Wellness

Sneeze a Lot? 3 Reasons Why You Are Always Sneezing!

Do you sneeze a lot? If so the real reason may be right under your nose, literally! There are numerous reasons why you might sneeze a lot, but there are some major causes which until rectified may have you constantly feeling like you're suffering from a cold. Find out 3 very real causes for why you're always sneezing and get ready to start feeling better as soon as today!

3 Reasons Why you Sneeze a Lot

#1 - Undiagnosed Intolerances/Allergies: Even if you've seen a doctor and they said you aren't allergic according to the tests or that it's all in your head I would highly suggest getting a second opinion from a alternative holistic practitioner. There are numerous ways to test for allergies which includes EDS testing amongst other things.

Not sure what I mean by intolerances? They are often to things you eat every day or expose yourself to frequently that suppress your immune system or constantly create reactions in your body. The most common of which to eliminate are wheat and dairy. Do it for a week and you'll see huge relief! Many times it can be as simple as that.

#2 - Sinus Infection: Often you can have a low level chronic sinus infection which you aren't even aware of but it constantly keeps you stuffed up. In fact if you sneeze a lot this can be a good sign that you're body is still aware of it and trying its best to eliminate it. The one thing you never want to jump into is taking an anti-biotic for a sinus infection until its 100% determined to be bacterial, because most often sinus infections are fungal in nature and if you do end up using a anti-biotic it can actually make the infection much worse!

If this is the case that you've taken anti-biotics anytime within the last several years a chronic fungal infection is often the cause of your current health problems. The next cause then of chronic sneezing is what you need to eliminate to feel better.

#3 - Candida Overgrowth: The #1 reason many people feel sick constantly for no apparent reason is something known as a Candida Overgrowth. This fungus lives inside all of us, however in some people it grows out of control. Quite often the reason people suffer from it is due to the use of anti-biotics and both of the causes above, chronic allergies and liver toxicity. When all 3 are at play an individual will undoubtedly also develop a Candida overgrowth. The solution requires the elimination of all these factors, while doing specific cleanses and using specific herbs/supplements/foods to rebuild both the immune system and the functionality of the organs affected.

If you're constantly sick I highly suggest you consider taking a quick online test to determine if Candida is a major concern for yourself. Most people who begin eliminating Candida notice a tremendous change in their overall health and energy in as little as 3 days!

Everything You Wanted to Know About Bee Sting Allergies

Honey bees attack people in two instances, when they feel their hive is attacked or when they themselves are threatened. When a honey bee attacks, it lodges its barbed sting into the victim's skin. A normal reaction involves swelling, redness, pain at the site. However, if the person has bee sting allergy, the reaction is severe and it can even lead to death. In fact, about 40 to 50 people die from bee sting allergies, every year in the United States

Symptoms of Bee Sting Allergies:
If a person with this allergy is stung, the hives would not be localized it but moves to other parts of the body. Following are the symptoms of bee sting allergy:

  • Red, itchy hives which spread beyond the sting to other areas of the body

  • Swelling of lips, mouth and throat

  • Itchy, watery eyes and runny nose

Bee sting allergy can progress to anaphylaxis which is life threatening. The symptoms of anaphylaxis are low blood pressure, breathlessness, difficulty swallowing, dizziness etc. To stop the anaphylactic reaction, Epinephrine should be injected to the victim.

First Aid for Bee Sting:
Persons who are allergic to the problem should immediately be administered epinephrine to prevent anaphylaxis and they should seek medical help.

It is also important to remove the stinger out of the skin by scraping it or by flicking it. Avoid squeezing or pulling out the stinger. Apply cold compresses to the sting site for relief.

How to Avoid Being Stung?
If a person is allergic to bee sting, it is very important to take steps to avoid being stung. Here are a few tips:

  • Prefer light-colored clothing. Avoid wearing bright colored clothes as bees are attracted to them.

  • Bees are attracted to flowery perfumes. Hence, avoid wearing deodorants, colognes, perfumes with floral scents when entering into a bee or wasp colony

  • If bee hives are around your place, make sure they are removed

  • Avoid leaving food outdoors and close the dustbins, as bees are attracted to food

Bee Sting Allergy Testing:
An allergist can determine if you have the allergy by conducting allergy tests. Blood tests ( RAST) and skin tests are used to test for this type of allergy.

Bee Sting Allergy Treatment:
To prevent the progression of anaphylaxis one should use epinephrine. Self-injectable epinephrine such as Epi-Pen can be used by the victim. Epinephrine should be carried all the time to avoid an anaphylactic reaction

Venom immunotherapy or allergy shots are long-term treatment option for those with bee allergies. This treatment involves administering minute amounts of allergen over a period of time. Gradually, the person would overcome bee allergies

Medic-Alert bracelets could be worn by those who have bee sting allergies. This bracelet identifies the medical condition, allergies and enables the doctors to give proper treatment

Getting yourself tested for bee allergies is the first step in overcoming them. Bee sting allergies are very dangerous and those who have this condition should carry a self-injectable epinephrine all the time.

Beeswax Allergy Could Be Treated

There are a lot of people who suffer from this allergic reaction. The symptoms are clear, so you could find out if someone has such a problem. For example, if you see a rash around your mouth, then it is probably caused by beeswax allergy. You do not have to worry about that, because you could cure the allergy if you know the perfect treatment. Of course, first of all, you should talk to some experts because they will give you the best advice. You could cure that allergy really fast if you know the right treatment.

It is not necessary to talk to an expert, so that you could find out whether you suffer from that allergic reaction. If you spend an hour surfing the net, you could find some helpful information. Everything is presented clearly, and you won't have any problems finding the information that you need. Beeswax allergy has particular symptoms, so it would be easy for you to find out whether you suffer from that problem. If you have a runny nose or watering eyes, you should know that they are only a small part of all symptoms of beeswax allergy. It could also cause hives and rashes and you can feel really tired all the time. If you have all these problems and if you don't find a way to treat that allergy, you should know that it could cause more serious problems. That allergy could cause death if you don't pay attention to it and if you don't take the necessary treatment.

Beeswax could be found in different products, for example, in beauty products, candles, different kinds of make-up and creams. So it is important to know from what allergic reactions you suffer, so that you could treat them properly. They are all curable, so you need to do the right things for proper treatment. Of course, the first step that you will need to take is to talk to a professional because the experts could really help you.

If you look for some information on the internet, you will understand that there are two medical treatments that would help you to cure beeswax allergy. These treatments are called decongestants and antihistamines and you have to know that if you try them, the effect will be great and you will get the desired result in no time. The thing you need to keep in mind is that this allergy is life-threatening, so the faster you find the right treatment to cure it, the better. If you know that you suffer from this kind of allergic reaction, you have to pay attention to the products that you are purchasing. Make sure that they do not contain beeswax; otherwise, the result will not be very good.

Some people note the symptoms of beeswax allergy right after using the products that consist of beeswax. But other people could use these products for months before noticing any symptoms of that allergy. However, if you see something strange about your body or if you do not feel good, do not hesitate to talk to an expert.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

How Are Musculoskeletal Injuries Diagnosed?

Musculoskeletal disorders can affect joints, bones, tendons, ligaments, muscles, nerves or bursa. These conditions can include fibromyalgia, arthritis, tendonitis, sprains, strains, infections, injuries, carpal tunnel syndrome, lupus, fractures, dislocations and many other disorders. Diagnosing musculoskeletal disorders usually involves thorough physical evaluation and diagnostic testing procedures. These can include blood tests, MRI's, CT scans and x-rays. Diagnostic testing depends on the symptoms of the condition.

Pain is often the primary symptom associated with musculoskeletal disorders. Depending on the type of pain the patient is experiencing can help determine the cause. Pain that is more severe during movement can be a good indicator that there is a musculoskeletal problem or if swelling is present with tenderness when the physician palpates the area can also indicate the source of the problem. Although physical examination can help to determine the cause of the discomfort, diagnosing these types of disorders usually takes additional diagnostic measures. For proper diagnosis, physicians must rely on not only physical examinations, but also the patient's history, symptoms and test results.

If the physician suspects that a bone disorder is the cause of symptoms, they will order x-rays. This is common in suspected cases of fractures, bone tumors and infections. X-rays are also used to help confirm cases of certain types of arthritis such as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. X-rays are not used for diagnosing conditions that are related to muscles, tendons or ligaments, as they are ineffective at producing image results.

Computerized tomography (CT scan) can offer additional details on bone problems such as fractures or soft tissue problems. These diagnostic devices take several different images at different angles to provide the physician with cross-sectioned images. This can give the physician more detailed information of the musculoskeletal problem.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is often used for diagnosing disorders related to tendons, ligaments, bursa or muscles. These diagnostic devices enable the physician to see detailed images of abnormalities. They are also effective for diagnosing disorders associated with joints and bones as they can detect hidden abnormalities in bones that x-rays or CT scans may not reveal.

When the physician suspects that symptoms are related to lupus, arthritis or other systemic causes, they often use blood and urine testing for help in diagnosing these conditions. Blood tests are also sometimes ordered when the patient is experiencing unusually severe symptoms or when symptoms persist. Blood and urine tests can reveal substances, which can indicate certain musculoskeletal disorders.

When the physician suspects that the patient may have a nerve or muscle disease, they will often perform a Truax biography, which will show changes in the conduction patterns of nerves that occurs when a disease affects the muscles or nerves. Physicians can use the Truax biography to distinguish whether the disorder is affecting muscle fibers, is a disorder due to defects in nerve conduction or is due to defects where muscles and nerves connect.

Live Blood Analysis - The Benefits

Diagnosis often begins with the recognition of symptom patterns, but definitive diagnosis has long relied on blood testing. Live blood analysis is a newer technique using a special type of microscope to provide real-time viewing of fresh samples. Haematic changes can be found in this manner, and they may be categorized to provide a faster and more accurate diagnosis. Due to the ease of the process, the efficacy of treatments for the diagnosed condition can be verified at follow-up appointments. Live haematic testing has proven especially useful at spotting several otherwise hard-to-detect conditions.

How Does Live Blood Analysis Work?

The procedure is simple and can be performed during an appointment, which allows the patient to share in analysis. A sample is drawn from the patient's fingertip and placed under the dark-field microscope. Instead of lighting the background, dark-field microscopy illuminates from the sides of the sample. In this manner, blood is allowed to maintain its natural properties during analysis. The image is transferred to a monitor for a real-time view of platelets and smaller particles.

What Conditions Are Best Diagnosed with Live Analysis?

Pathological changes in the body tend to cause haematic changes first, but most of these changes cannot be seen via stained slides. Conditions can be diagnosed by symptoms, but this is unreliable. In the past, physicians resorted to invasive and dangerous procedures, such as the biopsy and different types of X-ray, for definitive diagnosis. Some of the conditions most easily spotted with live analysis include:

* Oxidative stress

This condition shows an abundance of free radicals most commonly caused by dietary and environmental toxins coupled with a deficiency in dietary antioxidants. Oxidative stress can cause cellular damage and is a precipitating factor in heart disease and many types of cancer.

* Ratio of Essential Fatty Acids

Fatty acids are a critical factor in chronic inflammatory conditions, include pelvic inflammation, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and heart disease. Omega-6 fats are used to build inflammatory hormones, and omega-3 fats are building blocks for anti-inflammatory hormones. Both are necessary, but an imbalance in favour of omega-6 fats is extremely common and damaging to health.

* Infection Versus Allergy

Symptoms tend to be general and common to multiple illnesses. Most represent the immune system going into attack mode, but it can take weeks for traditional lab samples to determine whether an infection is responsible. Live analysis provides a quick method of discerning between symptoms caused by allergic reactions or infections. This is extremely important from the treatment standpoint but also to epidemiologists.

* Impaired Liver Function

Anyone who has tried to lose weight unsuccessfully is likely suffering from an unseen problem. It could be nutritional deficiency or impaired liver function. The liver is involved in every hormonal pathway of the body. It activates the hormones necessary to release fat stores. Dieters may attempt to correct underlying problems with the liver by trial and error, but live blood analysis is faster.

Live blood testing is an effective diagnostic tool. Accuracy is critical to developing effective treatment protocols.

Nutritional And Homeopathic Therapy For Food Allergies And Intolerances

Nutritional Treatment

It has been suggested that food intolerances are more likely to occur when the mucous membrane lining the intestines becomes excessively permeable, allowing large food-derived molecules and breakdown products to pass from the intestines into the bloodstream and triggering intolerance responses. This is known as the "leaky gut" hypothesis. Many food intolerance reactions of this nature are not mediated by the immune system through the production of IgE antibodies (as occurs in true allergic reactions). It is possible that some no immune mechanisms may also be involved in food intolerance.

Elimination Diet

Although many tests claim to identify sensitive foods, their reliability has yet to be conclusively proved. The elimination diet is regarded by many practitioners of nutritional medicine as the most accurate way of testing for food intolerance. In this approach, all likely problem foods are removed from the diet for several weeks. Initially symptoms may actually worsen, but if, as usually happens, an improvement in symptoms is seen, foods are added back into the diet, one at a time, and a note is made of which foods cause a recurrence of the symptoms.

Improving digestive function may help reduce a tendency to food intolerance, because more complete digestion of food ensures that it is not absorbed in a partially digested form.

Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathy is reputed to be helpful for children who are intolerant of cow's milk protein (this is not the same as lactose intolerance, in which the body cannot digest the milk sugar lactose). The most commonly appropriate medicines are Silicea, Calcarea carbonica, Magnesia carbonica and Natrum carbonicum and in order to get a correct diagnosis it is best to take your child to a homeopath. If sensitive children continue to have milk, other problems may develop, including runny nose, asthma and skin rashes.

Homeopathic pills usually include lactose, which theoretically might cause problems if you are lactose intolerant. However, the amount of lactose is very small and is unlikely to cause trouble. If it does, homeopathic medicines.

Silicea and Calcarea Carbonica

In children who respond to Silicea and Calcarea carbonica, milk often causes vomiting. Children who respond to Silicea tend to be small and wiry, with fine hair and delicate skin. However, appearances may well be deceptive because these children can actually be quite determined, set in their ways and stubborn.

By contrast, children who respond to Calcarea carbonica are often big and chubby, and they may sweat on their heads at night. They are often stubborn, and may have various fears that cause them to wake at night crying and frightened. Another key feature of these children is that they often love eggs.

Natrum Carbonicum and Magnesia Carbonica

In children who respond to Natrum carbonicum and Magnesia carbonica, the problem is more likely to be diarrhea. Features that suggest Natrum carbonicum include a lot of nasal catarrh and symptoms such as headaches brought on by the sun. Symptoms that suggest Magnesia carbonica include abdominal swelling and diarrhea that resembles frog spawn. An affected baby may also have a sour smell, even after bathing.

Dealing With Allergies - Help with Hives

Hives are one of the unfortunate side effects of many allergies. These annoying pink bumps and raised patches aren't just unsightly - they're also very itchy, burning and stingy!

Hives can pop up anywhere on your body after coming in contact with, or eating something that turns your immune system into overdrive, causing an allergic reaction. They may be relatively small (like a mosquito bite), or big like a dinner plate. Hives may also come in groups or clusters.

Many people associate eating acidic foods like fresh tomatoes or strawberries with hives, but did you know that virtually any food or allergen could cause these itchy bumps to occur? It really just depends on how your body reacts (or over reacts) to the allergens it comes in contact with. While one person may experience itchy watery eyes and a runny nose from pollen, another may get hives!

Are hives very common? Yes! It is estimated that as many as 25% of us will get them at least once in our lives.

When you're exposed to something that can trigger hives, the cells in your body begin to release a chemical called histamine, which causes fluid to leak from the small blood vessels under the skin. When this fluid collects under the skin, it forms the blotches we call hives.

The most common cause of hives is an allergic reaction to an insect bite, food, or some other allergen. But other things can cause hives to. They include:

-Exposure to the cold (like diving into a cold pool).


-The sun.


-Infections caused by viruses.

No matter what the cause, a case of hives can last for a few minutes, a few hours, or even a few long days.

Antihistamines can be used to alleviate the itchiness and burning of hives, but they usually go away all by themselves in a few hours, or a few days. Sometimes a stronger prescription medication is needed, however, to alleviate the discomfort of hives.

It is rare, but hives can sometimes be a sign of a more serious allergic reaction that can affect breathing and other body functions. If someone you know exhibits any signs of breathing trouble (a tight chest, swollen throat; raspy voice or wheezing), after you've noticed hives appearing, get medical help immediately! If the allergic reaction begins to constrict their throat, it can prevent enough air from getting into the lungs within minutes. Some people who know they have these serious reactions carry a one-shot pen like dose of epinephrine with them called an Epi-pen. Although it will ease their discomfort, they still must get to a hospital right away.

As you can see, hives can be more than juts an itchy annoyance. When coupled with a severe allergy, they can be life threatening. The important thing to remember is that in most cases, they are a temporary reaction to something you've touched or eaten and will go away with little if any attention or medication.

Finding the Right Allergy Relief

For allergy sufferers, finding the right allergy relief can be downright frustrating and, at times, feel quite hopeless. When medication after medication proves unsuccessful, relief can seem like a far-off dream. However, being persistent, monitoring triggers, and keeping open lines of communication with a doctor may prove to be the best possible ways to get one step closer to finding a solution.

Depending on the type of allergy, many options are available for relief. Obviously, the most important treatment is to avoid the irritant as much as possible or to try and completely eliminate any type of contact with the allergen. In order to find the specific irritant, testing may take place to see what specific allergen is causing the allergy symptoms. Once the specific trigger is defined, a plan can be discussed with a doctor or allergist.

For individuals who suffer from pet dander, mold, dust, and mildew allergies, keeping the home as clean as possible can help to achieve some allergy relief. Choosing not to have an animal in the home if there is a pet allergy would eliminate this problem completely. But if the animal must remain in the home, frequent washing of the animal to eliminate excess pet dander can prove to be helpful in minimizing symptoms.

Frequent dusting, vacuuming, and cleaning of bathrooms and kitchens with a bleach and water solution can help keep dust mites and molds at bay. Protecting mattresses and pillows with covers and pads minimizes the possibility of dust mites. And weekly washing of all bedding, including blankets, will also provide allergy relief by reducing allergens within the air. Also, obtaining an air humidifier and an air filtration system can reduce mold spore production within the air.

Certain over-the-counter medications also prove helpful for sufferers of seasonal allergies - those that are induced by the release of pollens into the air - as well as any other type of mild allergy. Nasal decongestants or certain antihistamines such as psuedoephedrine, phenyleprhrine, or oxymetorlzaone can be used alone or in conjunction with each other to achieve relief through the elimination of such symptoms as itchy and watery eyes, stuff and runny nose, and chronic sneezing.

For sufferers of more severe allergies, prescription allergy relief may be found in long term antihistamine use or in nasal corticosteroids. Corticosteroids, taken at low dosages, have proven very successful in eliminating ongoing chest congestion. Immunotherapy is also utilized in severe allergy cases and involves injections of the specific allergen over time in order to build the body's immunity and create tolerance to that allergen in the future.

If all of the treatments have proven unsuccessful, individuals should remain persistent and discuss other alternatives with their doctor to find the relief they need. Monitoring the triggers and tracking any changes will help the doctor understand the individual's specific allergy. New treatments are being discovered on a daily basis and keeping up-to-date with the newest developments could lead to finding the right allergy relief for you.

Gluten: A Battle Worth Fighting

When my son was a little boy, he would come home from school with a splitting headache. He usually would throw up and go to bed to sleep through the night. We took him to doctor after doctor. We even took him to a headache clinic where the psychologist said we were terrible parents and told us to give him a strong pain reliever.

Being anti-drugs, I went to the internet. For the first time in 2004, I found a funny little word 'gluten'. Hadn't a clue what it meant nor what it did. In January of 2005, I had done enough research to realize that we could possibly have a reason or source to his headaches. Having proposed a two-week trial of not eating any packaged foods or grains, we were surprised to find that our little 9 year-old no longer had any headaches. His father asked if he wanted to continue the diet and he said of course.

In 2005, France and most of Europe didn't have a clue as to what we were doing. We got our testing done in the States. Statistically, it is not possible. I have one boy who is celiac and gluten intolerant whereas the other is only gluten intolerant. My husband is celiac. I have gluten intolerance. What it means in layman terms, is that we eat a lot of potatoes and rice to feel better and be in optimum health. The out come has been incredible.

In Canada, they call gluten intolerance (for the sake of a combining the two) the disease with over 228 symptoms. One of the most extraordinary symptoms is gluten rage. When children go through the terrible adolescent years, parents are often confronted to their eating 'crap'. Our children have given us their share but nothing in comparison to their friends.

There are about four doctors in the world who recognize the neurological transformation of the effect of gluten on the brain. Also remember, the stomach acts as the second brain. Not all just suffer from sitting on the toilet.

I have been off gluten now since 2005. My last grand mal seizure was in 2007. It is strange. I have yet to get it medically confirmed but I start a series of partials 46 hours after having consumed gluten.

You must be saying now, well don't eat gluten. Do you realize it is everywhere? Impossible to rid yourself when there are degrees of sensitivity. The standard deviation of ppm (parts per million) still can be between 20 and 200: degrees of sensitivity and the symptoms.

When the partials start, we count backwards to see what I ate. 99% of the time we can find the source. The good thing is that experience trains the eye. We read labels. Though different countries might not have the same luxury, we read the labels in different languages.

My oldest boy sleeps all day when he consumes gluten. He knows it. He has only the gluten intolerant gene. Unfortunately, he is in his rebellious stage and decides for himself. Europe is far behind the States. His last comment, referring to gluten was to tell me he avoids it before exams otherwise he won't wake up.

My husband is celiac. Over 1% of the world population is allergic to this genetically modified food. The wheat, we ate three thousand years ago, had one- third the number of chromosome it has today. Our bodies have not changed enough. He gets horrible intestinal problems.

As a small introduction to the horror of one's family's health in the struggles of the gluten crusade, it is only the tip of the iceberg. I am not a doctor nor do I have any intention do claim any medical knowledge. I speak from experience and observation of those in my entourage.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Allergy Testing - A Look at the Skin Test

Studies estimate that more than 50 million people in America alone deal with some degree of allergy reaction at some point during the year. Some are unfortunate enough to be saddled with the reactions all year long. These allergens can be due to something outside, something in their home, or even something they have eaten. To treat these reactions, the first step is to find out what exactly is causing them. Doctors can perform allergy testing, which can determine the culprit, thus opening up a path for avoidance and proper treatment. Today's skin tests are very accurate and the results come back quickly. Here's a look at the screenings themselves.

Two Types
When you talk about the skin and allergy testing, you're usually talking about one of two different kinds of tests. The first is percutaneous, sometimes known as the scratch test. With this screening, the doctor will put a drop of solution mixed with a suspected allergen on the patient's skin. So this screening doesn't drag out over a period of months, the physician will usually test several allergens at the same time. If the patient is allergic, the reaction will show on the skin. The other type of test is intradermal. Here, the doctor will actually inject the solution below the skin's surface, allowing for greater sensitivity if the scratch test proved inconclusive.

There are several advantages to using these skin tests for allergy testing. One of the main advantages is that the results usually show up almost instantly. Few people have to wait more than a half hour to know whether they had a reaction. When it comes to intradermal tests, however, there may be a delayed reaction, which can take several hours to show up. Either way, it won't be long before the doctor knows what he is dealing with and whether or not you were allergic to the suspects you were exposed to.

Some doctor-phobic patients avoid getting allergy testing done because they are afraid that it will hurt. Rest assured that children undergo these tests all the time, testifying to the fact that they are relatively painless in nature. Does that mean you won't experience any discomfort? Perhaps not; those with more sensitive dispositions may not care for the sensations. But very few would describe the procedure with the word "painful. The discomfort will be over almost immediately, and certainly, the results are more than worth it.

The Facts Of TB Test Results

In the civilized worlds of today, TB was supposed to be a thing of the past. Unfortunately, because of lax immigration laws, TB is becoming a major epidemic in the modern world. However, there are some misconceptions about TB test results that I am going to try to put to rest in this article. Hopefully, this will help remove the hysteria from the facts.

First off, for those of you who don't know what TB is, since this is supposed to be a disease that has long been wiped out, it is caused by a bacteria known as Mycobacterium tuberculosis. This particular bacteria usually attacks the lungs as its primary target, but TB can actually effect many organs in your body such as your kidneys, liver and even your brain. TB can be fatal if not treated immediately.

TB is a disease that is transmitted through the air from person to person. It is highly contagious and those that have active TB are put into immediate quarantine. And therein lies the misconceptions about TB test results.

My wife, who is a school teacher in an urban district, where there are a lot of illegal immigrants, just recently went for a routine physical. After getting some tests back that didn't look quite right, the doctor decided to test her for TB. Sure enough the test came back positive. Now, my wife, who is normally a very rational person, became quite hysterical, as she understood exactly what that meant. At least she thought she did. The doctor assured her that the test result simply showed that the disease was lying dormant in her system and by simply taking some pills for a number of months, she would be okay. She did NOT have active TB.

If your doctor suspects that you have TB from other tests, usually a build up of calcium somewhere, and gives you a TB test that you test positive for, it is most likely as latent TB infection if you have no symptoms and don't feel sick. If this is the case, you cannot spread TB to others. However, if you do not get treatment for the latent disease, it can turn into active TB and become very serious.

How long the latent infection will take to become active depends on the individual. Some people have latent TB their whole lives and never become ill from it. Others become ill quite soon. It all depends on how good your immune system is. That is why, during the course of treatment for latent TB, the patient is given a strong dose of vitamins, especially vitamin B 6.

While TB is a very deadly disease when active, don't let a positive skin test send you into a panic. If you are feeling okay, most likely it is latent TB and can be easily treated. Treatment takes about 9 months, but once you've been treated you will be immune to the disease from that point on.

To YOUR Health,

Gluten Intolerance Vs Celiac Disease

People often assume gluten intolerance and celiac disease are one and the same. While celiac disease is a gluten sensitivity, it is possible to exhibit clear signs of a gluten sensitivity without testing positive for celiac sprue disease. One accurate way to look at it is to view celiac disease as a severe and more clearly diagnosed subset of a gluten intolerance. Let's walk through some of the similarities and differences between gluten intolerance vs celiac disease.

Similar Symptoms

One obvious similarity is that the symptoms experienced by someone who is intolerant to gluten and someone diagnosed as a celiac will be very similar. The primary symptoms will include alternating bouts of constipation and diarrhea, excessive foul-smelling flatulence, intestinal bloating and cramping, lethargy, weight-loss and sore joints.

Similar Microvilli Response To A Gluten-Free Diet

One way doctors try to diagnose people as celiac or not is to take a biopsy of the small intestine wall before having the patient subscribe to a strict gluten-free diet and then after that patient has been on that diet for some time (usually at least six weeks).

Along the walls of the small intestines are little finger-like hairs called villi or microvilli. Someone suffering from both gluten intolerance and celiac disease will have damaged microvilli, and after subscribing to a strict gluten-free diet for a good period of time, the microvilli will start to recover.

Different Presence of Antibodies

The most common blood test for celiac sprue disease involves checking for raised levels of specific antibodies that are triggered by consuming gluten. These antibodies are AGA, EMA, and Anti-tTG. However, there have been cases where someone who broadly exhibits negative effects from consuming gluten won't always show a clear sign of having these antibodies at a raised level. In some people, these antibody levels may fluctuate, so testing them at different times may create different results.

While the presence of these antibodies strongly suggests celiac disease is present, some people have exhibited a clear negative response to consuming gluten despite testing negatively for this blood test, so it can be a difference.

Different Presence of Specific Genes

If DNA testing is conducted, a pretty stark line can be drawn between gluten intolerance vs celiac disease. If you exhibit symptoms of a sensitivity to gluten and you have the HLA-DQ8 or HLA-DQ2 genes, than you have celiac disease. If you show all the signs of being gluten sensitive but you don't have these genes you will be diagnosed as having an intolerance to gluten but you may not be diagnosed a celiac sufferer.

However, the genes associated with various degrees of gluten sensitivity are currently being researched and our understand of this matter appears to be evolving. But for now, this is another difference between those who would be considered gluten intolerant compared to those who would be officially diagnosed as having celiac disease.

Just because you test negative for celiac disease doesn't mean you aren't suffering from some form of gluten sensitivity. Please see your doctor before defining yourself either way. Specifically, I encourage you to discuss the matter with an immunologist who has specific experience with gluten sensitive patients.

High Blood Pressure - Keep it Under Control

It's easy to imagine the cardiovascular system in a simplistic way. First of all, the heart is the pump. It can vary the fluid flow in the system by either pumping more forcefully, more frequently, or by increasing pump volume. Then there are the pipes, which are the arteries and the veins. The pressure and velocity in the vascular system depends on the diameters and tone of the pipes. Think of squeezing a garden hose and feeling the pressure and velocity rise. The main plumbers in the system are the kidneys, making constant adjustments in the fluid viscosity and in the pipes' diameters with chemical vascular tone enhancers or tone reducers.

This is, of course, a very simplistic model for a living system. The true system is infinitely more complex. The heart has both innate mechanisms and brain hook-ups which make moment to moment changes in its pumping capacities. The pipes are alive and stretch and contract, altering the force within the system. Rather than two plumbers, there are numerous cells and chemicals which make continuous adjustments in the system. Sometimes these mini-plumbers can work against one another in a counter-productive fashion or too much to drop the pressure or too little to decrease the pressure.

Before we proceed, we need to clarify why blood pressure and hypertension are such critical determinations. Simply put, they are major factors in the occurrence of coronary heart disease, stroke, kidney failure, aneurysms, and overall health and longevity.

What are desirable and undesirable blood pressures? Any values less than 120/80 are considered normal and desirable. If a blood pressure is 120 to 139/ 80 to 90, this is called prehypertension. This is a strong indicator of blood pressure problems to come. A blood pressure of 140 to 159/90 to 99 is called Stage I hypertension. Values above 160/99 are called Stage II hypertension, and can lead to serious consequences.

There may be underlying medical causes for high blood pressure like thyroid, pituitary, or adrenal conditions called secondary hypertension. If there is no apparent underlying cause, it is called essential hypertension. 90% to 95% of hypertension is essential. This is not to say we don't know things which can contribute to hypertension like obesity, family history, being of African-American or Native-American race, excessive use of alcohol, poor physical conditioning, and excessive intake of salt. Although these factors contribute to hypertension, their effect is still considered essential hypertension.

The medicines for hypertension basically work on the cardiovascular system at various levels to reduce the blood pressure. One of the first treatments to have been used is diuretics, which reduce the fluid volume in the system. They work by causing the kidneys to excrete sodium, or salt, and this salt takes fluid with it. The beta blockers and calcium channel blockers reduce heart pumping force and rate, and relax blood vessel constriction. Then there are the so-called ACE inhibitors which interfere with the kidneys making angiotensin II from renin, a kidney-secreted hormone. Angiotensin II is a substance which constricts blood vessels in the vascular system. Finally, there are the ARB's which actually block the receptors for angiotensin II in the blood vessel walls.

So here's the deal with your blood pressure: You've got to check it frequently. Mostly, it is silent in its relentless destructive processes, and unless it is advanced to the point that you're having severe headaches, passing out, going blind, or going into kidney failure, you won't otherwise know it's elevated. Stick your arm in those blood pressure measuring devices when you're waiting at the pharmacy. Have it checked when you're at a health fair. If it is showing up elevated, go ahead and invest in a blood pressure device you can use at home especially with a printer that can record your pressure accurately and permanently. Be sure you know how to use it; have it checked for accuracy at your physician's office. Keep a notebook with your blood pressure readings in it, and always take it with you when you see your physician.

Take your blood pressure medicine every day, and don't miss a dose. Remember the lifestyle changes that can benefit your blood pressure-- like slimming down and getting moderate exercise every day. A diet that's low in salt, cholesterol, and saturated fat can't do anything but help you. Evaluate your alcohol intake: if it's more than a drink a day, it would be good to reduce it to that level. Smoking is something else that elevates blood pressure. Be aware that you may have family or ethnic history that predisposes you to high blood pressure. If you are diabetic, it is especially important that you keep your blood pressure at the lowest desirable values.

There is probably nothing more significant that you can do for your immediate and long-term health than maintaining a normal blood pressure. There are enough medicines available, and at reasonable costs, that everyone should be able to do this vital step. It is a tragedy when someone has a stroke or a heart attack, or ends up on a dialysis machine, because he or she had high blood pressure which could have been controlled with a simple office visit to their physician several times a year.

Douglas Beatty M.D.
Doctors Medical Center

ADHD Test - Urinary Peptides

Ask any doctor, and he will tell you that medication is the best and only way to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Western medicine believes that ADHD is a genetic and chemical issue that can only be corrected by stimulant medication and some behavioral therapy. While there is indeed a genetic and chemical aspect to the disorder, ADHD is also caused by other environmental triggers and bodily imbalances.

One of these environmental triggers is the food intolerances that infiltrate the immune system, the digestive system, the nervous system, and the brain. Allergologists have discovered that a large number of children with ADHD also suffer from an intolerance to gluten and casein, complex proteins found in wheat and dairy products, respectively. Wheat and milk are ingredients of many foods we normally eat, but most people have trouble digesting gluten and casein. When gluten and casein are partially digested, they form harmful peptides that induce morphine-like effects on the body: you feel drowsy and sedated, and concentrating on tasks and maintaining your attention require far more effort. In severe cases, peptides from gluten and casein alter speech, sensory integration, and behavior.

Treating ADHD should involve eliminating the source of the intolerance, but before we can even begin to talk about treatment, we need to uncover the causes. Although Western medicine has certain tests and technologies that detect food intolerances, they are unable to objectively determine the particular substance causing the intolerance. To see if intolerance to gluten and casein is aggravating your child's ADHD, you will need a specialized test called "urinary peptides," which is offered only by chiropractors and alternate health care practitioners.

The urinary peptides test is a non-invasive method of measuring the peptide content in your child's urine sample. A healthy gastrointestinal tract may have a few peptides present, which are harmlessly eliminated through urine. However, a diet high in dairy and carbohydrates combined with a problematic digestive system will result in an excess number of peptides in the urine. In fact, not all the peptides are excreted efficiently; some make their way to the bloodstream and the brain, where they bind with the nervous system's opioid receptors and produce their morphine-like effects.

The urinary peptides test requires a 10 ml sample of your child's urine. Your child does not need to fast before the test; in fact, it would help if your child maintains his or her eating habits. Through methods like spectrometry, HPLC, and RA methods, a lab technician can identify the presence and levels of peptides in your child's urine. The peptide content in the urine is also reflective of the peptide content of the blood, because the elements found in urine are waste elements of the blood. If the test reveals that your child has an excess amount of peptides in his or her urine, your child will have to follow a gluten-free, casein-free diet as part of the treatment protocol.

To obtainthe urinary peptides test, visit and look for a test called "Urinary Polypeptides with IAG." Remember, the urinary peptides test is just one part of a comprehensive testing protocol. Experts recommend that your child be tested for food allergies, because children with gluten and casein intolerance are more likely to be intolerant to other substances.