Saturday, August 10, 2013

Food Allergies in Kids: Be His Advocate

I always wanted to be a mom. Finally at age 26 our first born son arrived in our life. STOP THE BUS! It was NO fun at all. From birth he was the fussiest baby I had ever been around. We would run a vacuum for 45 mins. to help soothe him (so the old wives tale goes). Nothing worked. I stopped eating dairy while I was nursing. Then we put him on soy formula. The poor kid was miserable and mom and dad were right there with him. At this rate, we were NOT going to have more children. The pediatrician thought everything was "normal". He was "colic". Sorry, I am not doctor but I had been around enough kids to know this wasn't just a fussy baby. By age 2 he had had C. Diff and we couldn't get rid of it. C. Diff is not typical in children. We were starting to see outbursts of rage, not typical tantrums. His Ear, Nose and Throat doctor would not allergy test him until he was 5. That's when I decided I was his only advocate in this world. I couldn't rely on what the pediatrician and E.N.T. thought was best for him which was to stay on soy milk and come to terms with his behavior. So many kids are diagnosed as autistic and I thought we were headed down that road. (I used to think Jenny McCarthy was a quack with her gluten free hysterics but I would soon totally agree with her.)

In my job I deal with several medical offices. On this one particular day I was spilling my guts to one of the nurses and she felt one of their doctors would be willing to see our child. After our first meeting this doctor knew that I was a very concerned mom and agreed to move forward with allergy testing at age 2 1/2. On December 31, 2008 our son was tested for IGE (food allergies) and IGG (food sensitivities) through a very simple blood draw.

What did I expect the result to be? "Yes, we have found your son to be very allergic to dairy." What was the result? When we saw our doctor for the follow up our 2 1/2 year old had pretty extreme sensitivities (IGG) to DAIRY, WHEAT, SOY and EGGS. His sensitivity to dairy was actually the casin protein. His allergy to wheat was the gluten protein. Wow, was I floored, overwhelmed and incredibly angry at all the doctors who didn't want to believe this first time mom! Immediately we removed all of the above from his diet. This was so hard and extremely overwhelming. Over the weeks and months to come we figured it out. We found great resources in our local Whole Foods stores, Meijer grocery and even Kroger. Almost immediately we saw a dramatic change in our child.

Over the next 3 years of his life we remained off dairy, soy, wheat and eggs. His breakfast consisted of gluten free, dairy free waffles or pancakes, some corn based dry cereal and of course Rice Dream Vanilla Rice Milk. Bread was definitely the hardest product to substitute. Many brands try very hard but bread just cannot be reproduced with rice flour, tapioca flour, etc. without being dense and hard. We used lots of corn and rice pasta. We found Daiya shredded cheese to be our best alternative for him. We bought So So Delicious Coconut Milk Yogurt and we were all set to go. I found myself crying about how incredibly different this child was (normal) with the diet his body required. What if I hadn't been an advocate for him? What if I hadn't fought? What if we had listened to the first doctor and never pursued the testing until age 5?

This past summer at age 5 1/2, 3 years into his new diet, we suddenly saw some changes in his behavior and tantrums that were not age appropriate for a 5 1/2 year old. Again, we went back to our doctor and requested to be retested. It was done on the spot at our request. Again, SHOCKER for mom! Our son's allergies had really changed. There is a difference between sensitivities and true food allergies. He had always just been sensitive to foods. (Although not to down play sensitivities, they can be extremely hard to live with.) The new test results showed that we had crossed the line from sensitivities to true food allergies. He was now truly allergic to corn. Well, why not? His whole diet for 3 years straight was full of corn. All of our wheat substitutes were corn products. HOWEVER the best news was to learn from this 2nd round of testing that after 3 years of eliminating certain foods at age 5 1/2 he was no longer allergic to dairy or wheat.

So now at almost age 6, we are off all corn. Which to most seems very overwhelming but when I encourage parents I say that all the effort of finding the right foods, products, extra money that is spend on groceries, is SO worth having a HAPPY, HEALTHY child. Right? So we are off corn. We have slowly reintroduced wheat and he seems to be doing well. We have introduced milk products but not pure milk. He still drinks Rice milk and he is still off all eggs.

The point behind all of this is that you have to be an advocate for your children. You might not be educated in the medical field BUT you know your children better than anyone else. No one else is going to stand up for, defend or love your kid like you will. Keep searching for doctors until you find one who listens and respects you as a parent. Talk with other parents about their struggles and experiences. I hope someday my child understands how much I love him and how his life is different because of the fight I put up for him.

Skin Allergies

Allergy is a condition in which the body tends to react due to hypersensitivity to some substance such as food, drugs, drinks, pollution, flowers, and others. An allergen can be anything under the sun that might cause a reaction in one's body if the body disagrees with that substance. Even a common thing such as sunlight and air might cause sever reactions in some if the skin is susceptible to allergies due to the same.

Skin allergies are caused when the skin comes in contact with certain items that the skin does not agree with. This causes the skin to break into hives, rashes, swelling, redness and lots of itchiness. These might be caused due to a variety of reasons and not just food.

A few reasons that cause skin reactions are mehendi, henna, tattoos, metals such as nickel, silver, gold, cosmetics, latex, makeup, sunlight, seasonal rashes and many more such simple reasons that actually make no sense except to those who suffer.

Other than these, inherent skin diseases such as dermatitis, hives etc. can be treated if the reaction is observed at an early stage in children. However, treatment for skin allergic diseases is also temporary and most of them cannot be cured completely. Avoiding all that that produces a good reaction is a good option in most of the skin allergy cases.

Mehendi and henna staining as well as tattooing show a good percentage of skin reactions to all the chemicals used in those processes. Natural henna and mehendi are an alternative for such individuals who are allergic to the same. As for tattooing, it's a popular notion that it's just a mark of independence and making a point other than any good coming out of the same. For those who wish to make a statement while avoiding all the reactions caused due to the tattoo machine can go in for the artificial temporary tattoos that look just as good and can even be changed periodically before the design bores the wearer.

Some individuals, as mentioned, are allergic to certain metals. Nickel is the most common metal that causes reactions in most. A few percentages of people are allergic to even gold, silver and platinum. Titanium is a good metal for such individuals, as it usually does not cause allergic reactions to the skin.

Some foods such as seafood, milk products and nuts also cause severe skin reactions. They must be avoided at all costs as some of them like peanuts, shellfish, and jellyfish etc., can prove to be deadly for some.

Getting an allergy test done can help in the long run. It helps to know what the body reacts to adversely and thus prevent the reactions by avoiding the allergen. As the saying goes, prevention is always better than cure.

Balance Disorders - The Link to Allergies and Food Intolerance

Simply defined, a balance disorder is a disturbance that will cause a person to feel unsteady, nauseous or to have the sensation of moving while standing still. The four most common types of the condition are Meniere's disease, labyrinthitis, benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, vestibular neuronitis and perilymph fistula. All of these problems have some sort of adverse effect on the inner ear and surrounding areas.

Like the former conditions, allergies and intolerance's can adversely effect the inner ear and surrounding areas as well as many other parts and functions of the body. Symptoms of allergies and intolerance's can sometimes be very similar to those of balance disorders.

Allergies and intolerance's can have an incredibly wide range of effects depending on the person and situation. Allergies and intolerances may show up as a skin or respiratory condition. They may cause headaches, hearing loss, fatigue, behavioral problems and anxiety. Allergies and intolerances are known to irritate or cause certain diseases or illnesses.

In fact, allergies and intolerances are known to be the base for many diseases and common conditions. For example, Meniere's disease has been linked to allergies and intolerances. Coeliac disease, Crohn's disease and some kidney diseases are also related to allergies and intolerances. Those who suffer from Meniere's disease or another non specified balance problem could very likely have allergies or intolerances that irritate their underlying conditions. The allergies or intolerances may even have been the start of their balance disorder problems. If a person has an allergy or an intolerance that may be causing the condition, the problem must be addressed and dealt with immediately or permanent damage may occur.

If a person has a balance disorder and they think that an allergy or intolerance is irritating or causing the problem, there are measures that person can take to find out what is causing the reaction in their body. If a person is unsure what they are allergic or intolerant to, that person can seek a medical professional for testing or they can try to figure it out on their own. Medical testing is usually the safest route to take as some agents you may react to adversely when exposed to one day and have no reaction to the second day. A medical professional may be the best option for anyone who is suffering from allergies, intolerances and a balance disorder all at once.

Are the Right Foods Harmful to Your Health?

Eating the right foods such as fruits,vegetables, grains, legumes, fish and poultry may be wrong for you. Why? Because you may be sensitive to some of these foods and they could be the cause of chronic symptoms. Hundreds of thousands of people have already benefited from identifying their sensitivities and so can you.

Food allergies can cause injury to the intestinal lining; therefore, harboring a slurry of symptoms such as irritability, fatigue, headache, insomnia, sinus problems, indigestion, poor memory and weight gain (to name a few).

To break this "vicious cycle," we must:

•Stop further inflammation and injury to the intestinal wall
•Heal the intestinal wall
•Decrease pathogenic ("bad") bacteria and yeast
•Provide foods that are simple enough that they can be easily absorbed while the gut is being healed.

How do you know you have food sensitivities?

Of the hundreds of thousands of people tested so far, almost all had food sensitivities, so there is a good chance that you also are sensitive to one or more foods. If you experience any of the symptoms previously described, you may wish to consider looking into food sensitivity testing.

How are you tested for food sensitivities?

You can determine which foods you are sensitive to with a simple blood test that compromises a test for 154 of the most common food allergens. This will then offer an individual fingerprint that is unique only to YOU and your sensitivities.

How can this be treated?

Allergies are usually just temporary. They typically disappear when you eliminate the reactive food for 60 to 90 days. Most people can then reintroduce the foods back into their diet without recurrence of symptoms.The most effective way of preventing food sensitivities from developing again is to rotate, combine and cook foods properly. Your individual "fingerprint" report provides all these preventative measures in an easy to follow format.

Your next step...

Contact Dr. Nirvana to arrange for your individual "fingerprint" analysis. Join the many who now live healthier and happier which foods are right for you.

Allergies in Dogs or Cats: Such Confusion!

Allergies are the most common issue with dogs these days, and some cats as well. Ironically, it is the most commonly misdiagnosed health issue with pets.


Though there may be situations where pets may truly be allergic to things they come in contact with, eat or inhale, it is important to understand that this type of problem is actually not very common. This is totally in contrast to a viewpoint within the veterinary community that seems oriented toward the notion that there a large numbers of dogs (or cats) that are prone to be allergic to nearly anything you can imagine. However, there are numerous cases suggesting that these assumptions are often misdirected, and that there is virtually always an entirely different issue at the root of these assumed 'allergy problems'.


If your pet should be experiencing problems that are actually the result of an allergic reaction, not just a vet's assessment, those kinds of reactions and symptoms should dissipate and go away once the allergens are removed from the equation. In our experience, these kinds of allergic reactions in pets are rare rather than common.


Understanding what goes into common pet foods might provide a better clue as to why your pet might be having reactions to start with. Many contain harsh preservatives, chemicals, and additives, which are detrimental to basic health, and disrupt the natural balance of beneficial flora in the gut. Other disrupting factors include the use of antibiotics, steroids, reactions to vaccinations, chlorinated water, and hormonal issues such as a low thyroid.

A sound GI tract environment forms the basis for the health of the rest of the body. In sufficient numbers, beneficial bacteria like Lactobacillus Acidophilus help to maintain that environment by fighting off foreign invaders, aiding with digestion, promoting a healthy pH, boosting the production of B vitamins, and protecting the mucosal walls of the gut.

However, once the beneficial bacterial flora becomes disrupted and diminished, it is not long before harmful organisms, such as Candida Albicans (systemic yeast), begin to grow and expand. This expansion is helped along by the consumption of sugars and starches, which are primary components of many pet foods. Candida produces toxins that make their way into the bloodstream, are filtered out at the extremities, and can cause symptoms such as itching, biting, chewing, scratching, face rubbing, hair loss, blackening, odor, oozing skin, etc.

It is easy to see how symptoms like these can be mistaken for allergies. The notion is further advanced when allergy testing seems to confirm the diagnosis, often citing a long list of offending substances. At this point, it would seem the case for allergies is a 'slam-dunk'... or is it? What if there was an underlying condition, not taken into consideration that could account both for the symptoms mentioned above AND for false positives found in allergy testing? There is such a condition. For further insight on this, please read up on Leaky-Gut Syndrome.

There are several holistic pet product companies that people find solutions for such problems every day. They are able to offer solutions as they know the true root-cause is about an internal Yeast Candida overgrowth that has taken over the gut of your pet (something that cannot be solved from the outside). And unfortunately, the veterinary community seems oblivious to this very widespread CANDIDA problem. There may be many reasons for this; one of which may be that the problem cannot be rectified by use of medicine. It is a digestive imbalance problem, and must be rectified nutritionally. Damage to the delicate and fragile Flora of the gut is the causative factor in the very common yeast Infection.


Yeast - Candida infection is chronic and systemic - meaning it won't go away without major work, and it can affect any organ or system of the body. The list of most common symptoms is at the bottom of this page. Seeing many of these symptoms with your pet is totally indicative of Candida overgrowth. As the Candida fungus takes over intestinal tissues, and continues to grow, toxins and yeast cells from the infection are excreted into tissues and will eventually work their way to the skin surface at various areas of the body. As these toxins and cells reach the surface, they are recognized as invaders by the immune system; therefore, an Immune System Response (ISR) is the natural result. Since an Allergic Reaction is also an ISR, it is completely natural and common for the Vet to assess that there is an 'allergy' situation at hand, especially since he likely knows little about the Candida culprit occupying the gut and filtering out at the skin.


Incorrect Foods - which you find in your typical larger stores - will feed the Yeast issue constantly, and thereby produce flare-ups of symptoms. It is food items high in Glycemic index (converting to sugar very quickly) that will feed the growth of the yeast, which feeds off of sugar in the system. Starchy food items are the main problem - including potatoes, white rice, corn in any form, wheat grain in any form. Any of these items can produce what APPEARS to be an allergic reaction - due to how quickly the yeast responds.

Understanding these food items as enemy #1, when you examine most every big-name/highly-advertized pet food, you will find them laden with items that fall into this category. The rule of thumb - if you can find it in a big store, it won't be good for a dog/cat suffering this problem.


You may see your dog or cat suffering with a few, or many of the following: itchy skin or ears, licking or chewing at feet, chronic ear infections, skin rashes, skin bumps, pustules, or pimples; odor or smell problems, biting at tail, belly or underarm rashes, inflammation of skin, hair loss, pulling out hair, endless scratching, anal gland problems or itching, dragging rear-end on ground or floor, UTI infections, lethargy, decreased activity, etc.

Allergies Affect Immune System

Allergies, more so a disorder than a disease, affect a person's immune system. Allergens are the trigger for an allergic reaction and these allergens are most commonly found in the environment. Most allergic reactions are acquired over time by the immune system, are very rapid and are predictable. Most people, who have suffered from allergies for an extended period of time, know when their body is going to have a reaction to an allergen. The most common allergic reactions are from food, asthma, venom of a bee or wasp, hives, hay fever, eczema and/or grasses and weeds.

Not all allergies are harmless. Some are so severe that they can become life-threatening. People who have an allergy to a certain food are in danger of an anaphylactic reaction, which could lead to death. Food allergies can cause swelling of the throat and restriction of the airwaves if medicine isn't administered immediately. People who are allergic to bee stings, if the medicine is not administered immediately, can also face a life-threatening situation.

There are different tests that doctors and allergists use to determine whether or not someone is allergic to a specific thing. Treatments available are medication in the form of steroids, anti-histamines, other oral medications and even immunotherapy to desensitize the response of one's body to an allergen.

Some of the most common allergies are to ragweed, dogs, cats, dust mites and tobacco smoke. How can you tell if you have allergies? The symptoms are easy to pinpoint. They are watery eyes, itchy eyes, coughing, wheezing, sneezing and even itchy areas on the skin. It is also possible to be allergic to medicines such as aspirin, Tylenol and even penicillin. If someone with allergies to these medications happens to take one, a doctor should be consulted immediately. When someone is stung by a bee or a wasp, eats a food they are allergic to, or takes medication they are allergic to, the most common form of treatment on the spot is an injection of epinephrine. Epinephrine will ease the reaction to the allergen and allow time for transport to a doctor or hospital for further treatment.

Many allergies occur because of high pollen counts in localized areas or pollutants in the air. These cause redness of the eyes, an itchy nose, sneezing and coughing on a regular basis. Allergies can also be tied to family history. Parents that suffer from allergies are more likely to have children that suffer from allergies, if not the exact same ones. Doctors use two different tests to determine allergic reactions. They are skin testing and blood testing. With skin testing, a doctor or nurse will prick your arm or back with various needles containing allergens. If you have a certain reaction then you are allergic. Blood tests are used more commonly to determine if a patient is allergic to different types of medicine.

Treatment for allergies comes in many different forms. Patients can take oral medications, steroids, allergy shots and even immunotherapy. The easiest treatment for an allergy is avoiding the allergen at all costs.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Food Allergies - Is Your English Bulldog in Danger?

Is your English Bulldog suffering from a food allergy? How can you tell? How do you help him if he develops one? It is very important to know the answers to these questions to make sure your dog stays healthy. As a good mother or father knows, the health of your pet is vital to his and your happiness. Sometimes, however, it is hard to know when an allergy is affecting your beloved animal. Luckily, you will find some tips here to help you out.

There are a lot of ways you can tell if Rufus is allergic to something in his food. You just have to pay attention and notice it. Many of the signs are apparent in his skin and fur. If he seems to be scratching all the time with no sign of fleas, losing patches of hair, or developing dandruff type flakes, then you may be dealing with a food allergy. Another sure sign that Rufus' food is not agreeing with his body is an increase in bowel movements. If he is eating the normal amount of food but goes to the bathroom more often, it means that the food he is eating is not being processed through his body. This means that he isn't getting the nutrients he needs and will invariably become ill.

What can I do?
If you think that Rufus has become allergic to something in the food you normally feed him, now is the time to try another type of food. To find the right food for him, you have to figure out what is in his original food that he is allergic to. This will probably mean a lot of trips to the store, a lot of different dog foods, and a lot of extra time and energy. Thank goodness you know that Rufus is worth all the fuss! As you try each different type of dog food, you will have to give it around a month to know for sure if the allergy has made its way out of Rufus' system. Make sure that you are strict and feed him only the food you are testing. That way you know he is not getting something he is allergic to in a treat or off your floor. You can try several different types of hypoallergenic dog food, which may make it easier to gauge Rufus' reactions.

Hypoallergenic Food
This can really be a good choice for your dog, whether he has developed an allergy or not. Hypoallergenic dog food is made only with products that are natural for your dog to eat. A lot of the additives and fillers that people put into dog food these days are things that Rufus' body just can't digest. That will increase his chances of developing an allergy to something in the food. Hypoallergenic food is made with only the things that Rufus needs and are healthy for him. There is always a chance, however, that he may have become allergic to a typical ingredient that is not bad for him, but that his body just does not like. This may take some trial and error with various brands of foods to determine if this particular ingredient isn't present in more than one brand.

A food allergy can be really dangerous for your dog if you either ignore it or fail to respond in a timely manner. Once the original symptoms begin showing, do something about it as soon as possible. Kidney and liver function can be affected if your dog continues to be fed food he is allergic to. At minimum Rufus can get very ill, require IV antibiotics and a long hospital stay. However if ignored, he could die. Rufus is an important member of your pack and you would do anything for him, wouldn't you? You wouldn't continue feeding your daughter strawberries if you found out she was allergic to them, right? Rufus deserves the same love and respect.

As you can see, with a watchful eye, tuning into obvious changes in Rufus' behavior and health, a minor food allergy doesn't have to turn into something major. If caught early, Rufus, with a change in diet, can live a very long and happy life.

Allergic to Dust Mites? What You Should Know Before Buying a Dust Mite Mattress Cover

Every day, millions of Americans wake up with a stuffy nose, swollen or watery eyes, and even an itchy skin because of dust mites. I used to be one of them.
In many people the symptoms of a dust mite allergy are strongest in the morning and tend to subside during the day. Why is that? Well, mites love it warm and humid, just like in your bed's mattress. Since they are really tiny, they can easily pass through the fabric normal mattresses are made of. Mattresses typically are home to hundreds of thousands of little mites and their droppings. After a "good" night's sleep, chances are you have been breathing in dust mite parts and their allergen for 6 to 8 hours.

This is where a good dust mite mattress cover comes in: These special covers are made of a fabric dust mites cannot pass through. By completely encasing your mattress with one of these covers you essentially trap the mites and even their much smaller droppings inside. People allergic to mites are in fact allergic to an allergen mostly contained in their droppings and a mattress cover provides an effective shield against this allergen. Also, the dust mites are removed from their food source (our skin flakes), so they simply die.

When selecting a dust mite mattress cover, you need to pay attention to a few things though:

  • It is very important that you completely encase the mattress with a zippered cover. Fitted sheets, pads etc. may reduce the amount of allergens you are exposed to, but some mites can still escape from underneath and get to you and their food.

  • It is best to get a mattress cover made out of a woven breathable fabric such as specially woven cotton or microfiber material. These fabrics have pores between the woven thread which are so small that mites' body parts and their droppings cannot get through, while still allowing for good airflow.

  • Covers with a membrane bound to it tend to be water and mite proof. But, they can become quite hot to sleep on. So, unless you need something water proof, they should not be your first choice.

  • For people who need a temporary solution, covers made out of a non-woven breathable synthetic material are available. While they tend to be quite a bit less soft and comfortable than the woven type, they can be a good choice for when you are traveling.

I hope you found this information useful, and wish you a wonderful night and a good sleep.

How I Beat Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in 2 Weeks

I was a competitive tri-athlete in 1989. Fortunately, I had a job that allowed me time to train pretty seriously. Serious training for triathalons means practicing the three principles involved. Running, swimming, and bicycling.

One day during a training ride I had a cycling accident which threw me about 20 feet in the air and landed on my left arm. At that time I didn't realize I had fractured my forearm.

During this time I was still teaching martial arts. Whenever my left arm got hit and it would go dead. That's when I found out I had bone chips in my elbow. I had surgery to remove 3 chips about ¼ size of a dime.

This is how I contacted my CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome). Apparently my immune system was beaten up from all the training and the anesthesia/antibiotics during surgery triggered the CFS.

If anyone reading this still has CFS from that time, you'd probably remember it was first called Epstein-Barr Disease (the Yuppie disease).

It was also suggested that CFS was a yeast infection of the blood system.

It didn't matter to me what was the cause, I only wanted a cure. Anyone familiar with CFS will know about the mood swings, depression, suicidal thoughts, anger, weight bloating, etc. I had bloated up to 174 lbs. My in shape weight is 154 lbs. and always ripped. I was pudgy despite eating only salads. CFS throws your whole body into chaos!

Fortunately, my chiropractor was familiar with CFS at that time and turned me onto an acupuncturist who treated CFS patients. The acupuncture treatment was similar to allergy testing, I would be injected with herbs and needles. This was only one part of my treatment.

The treatment that worked for me was coffee enemas. In those days they were not as familiar as today. I don't know where the coffee enema originated, but I know coffee is an herb.

We now utilize herbs in various ways for healing and health.

At first I thought it was crazy and I mentally resisted. I started my coffee enemas and 2 weeks later had my CFS under total control, and almost gone.

My CFS regiment consisted of the coffee enema, and low carbohydrate diet.

I dropped 20 lbs in 10 days and was ripped again. I cut back my workout routine to yoga everyday, and a 3 mile jog.

If you have CFS and haven't been able to beat it, you should consider the coffee enema and diet regiment.

For me the coffee enema proved the most effective detoxification. I still do a coffee enema every 2 months to keep my liver, kidneys, and intestines putrid free.

I feel any detoxification program will help you overcome CFS. Try it!

Natural Remedies For Polyps

Today on natural remedies for polyps we will take a look at the two main problem areas and move onto the best treatments. Sinus passage blocking and infections are caused by polyps but doctors do not know with certainty exactly what causes these growths. There is evidence to support the theory that intolerance to aspirin can cause this problem.

This of course is not the main cause but just a statistic that ran true whilst testing many patients. Allergies are not thought to be a major factor in the development of polyps but is believed that men aged over 40 are more likely to get this growth than any other asthmatic groups.

Many Doctors have pointed to asthmatic patients as being more vulnerable to getting nasal polyps. Up to 1/3 of people with nasal polyps will have them come back after a successful removal of this growth due to frequent sinus infections, repeated colds, asthma among many other sinus problems.

Natural Treatment for Nasal Polyps:

Okay, natural remedies for polyps are few and far between but we have found a really effective method here. Go get yourself some honey and horseradish. Take 200 g of both and mix them together well. Now, take 1 teaspoon each morning and night until the mix is finished. Your nasal polyps should be cleared up before this remedy is consumed.

If this does not work for you then you may have to take a trip to your local Doctor for a closer inspection. Nasal polyps are among the easiest to rid yourself of, so don't be too worried. They are usually cleared up or removed without much problem at all.

Rectal Polyps

A rectal polyps can be extremely uncomfortable as you may already know by now. A mass of tissue breaks through the mucous membrane of the colon and the pushed out into the digestive tract.

There are many people who will have rectal polyps but never suffer any symptoms and the polyps are usually found during exams like a colonoscopy. Passing blood through the rectum may very well be a sign of polyps as well as Diarrhea. There are few natural remedies for polyps that have worked well for most, but, of course we have the best natural treatment here for you.

Natural Treatment for Rectal Polyps:

The size of the polyps in question will largely determine the correct treatment as well as the location, but if you want to go down the natural route you need to go get yourself...

繚 6 tablespoons of pumpkin seeds

繚 7 hardboiled egg yolks

繚 O.5 l of sunflower oil

You now need to grind those pumpkin seeds in a coffee grinder or something similar until they turn to powder. Then add the powder to the egg yolks and sunflower oil making sure to mix very well together. Now, put the mix on a steam session for about 15 - 20 minutes before taking off and letting cool right down. Keep in the refrigerator for storage.

Every morning take I teaspoon of the mix (on an empty stomach) and repeat every morning for the next 5 days. After the 5 days is up, take a break for 5 days and then continue for another 5 days after that. Repeat this process until the mix is completely gone. This is the best natural remedies for polyps so make sure to stick to the schedule as provided above for best results.

Reasons for Blood in Your Dog's Urine or Stool

The reasons for blood in your dog's urine or stool may not be a serious health concern. Is your dog outside quite a bit and does he or she have access to twigs, sharp objects of plastic or even garden tools that may have splintered causing injury to the lining of the intestinal track. This type of bleeding would likely last only a day or two. Did your dog eat an animal or have a wound somewhere else on his body that they may have licked, thus ingesting blood? Even rawhide treats can swell inside your dog's stomach causing intestinal distress as it passed through the digestive system. Be aware rawhide cannot be digested at all.

Blood color also can give you an indication. Have you noticed if the blood was a bright red or was it dark red, almost black? Bright red blood is generally from the colon or rectum. Blood that becomes darker has been digested (higher in the intestinal track, or stomach) thus causing it to become discolored. Many times it is hard to tell if the blood is in the urine or feces, so collect a sample of both the feces and urine and take it to your veterinarian for testing.

Some reasons for blood in your dog's urine or stool can include a minor problem like an allergy or a more serious health concern like cancer or dog bladder stones. The following list shows the broad range of causes of blood in the urine or stool.

--Straining because of constipation

--Food allergies which can lead to inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) also called Colitis or Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)


--Polyps which are not cancerous


--Bladder cancer and other diseases

--dog bladder stones

--Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)

Many times blood in your dog's urine can be blamed on dog bladder stones or a UTI infection. Your veterinarian can run the correct tests to determine the cause of the blood, the treatment and how to prevent future problems. You can also take the steps necessary to prevent further dog bladder stones by using the correct diet that is prescribed along with supplements.

Supplements that help to maintain or improve your pets' immune system can help fight off infections and delay future disease. If your dog does not have a strong immune system, and are prone to dog bladder stones and infections, they will be unable to avoid continued urinary problems; or for that matter other health issues like cancer.

Indoor Humidity: Can Indoor Humidity Affect Your Life?

The important thing to remember is that the perfect indoor humidity level is not the same depending where you live. If you live in a hot and humid climate such as Florida, it is 40% to 50%. If you live in a cool dry climate, the perfect indoor humidity levels can be 30% to 40%. Some very dry climates such as in desert areas can even be lower so you have to add indoor humidity to the air through a humidifier. Some people like it humid and some like it dry, it depends on who you are talking to.

Depending upon your body type and gene pool, the human body can adapt to any climate that it needs to. The human body does not do well with constant changes of back and forth. An example is: Hot and humid climate in Florida; going in and out of air conditioning can be harmful to your health.

If the humidity level regularly exceeds 50% for too a long a period, you are likely to experience a rapidly increasing dust mite population, which will affect allergy sufferers also.

A room that has high moisture content in the air will have a strong musty odor. The damp air is a perfect breeding ground for mold, algae, mildew and fungus to grow which can cause health problems such as Asthma and Allergies. The best course of action is to fix the problem because it will not get better over time. A temporary fix is a humidifier till the problem is fixed and remediated.

The latest models of dehumidifiers in the market place have built-in humidity controls to keep the levels below 50%. There are many manufacturers of humidifiers, so go over to the Consumers Reports people and check out their test results for what is the best one to buy for your money.

If you are one of those people who has problems with your sinuses because of low humidity, this will be bad for you also. I know that every winter is a problem for a lot of my clients because of dry skin, itchy eyes and dried out sinus. Some people can also get sick from this condition and think it is an Indoor Air Quality problem when it is just due to low moisture in the air. A good quality Humidifier can help that condition in the winter time for all of us. A humidifier will put moisture back into the air to help out with that condition. They can also be programmed to operate on your furnace, air conditioner or in the bedroom for that room only.

It is also a good idea to have a good quality hygrometer to check out the moisture levels in your home. Like I mentioned in a previous paragraph, check out the Consumers Reports people for their latest test results and which hygrometer is the best one for your dollar. Do not buy a cheap model from your local dealer. The best thing is to go to Google and do an internet search for "best quality hygrometer" for the right one. If you buy one, make sure that the price tag is more than $50. Remember, you get what you pay for in hygrometer.

If you have any question, feel free to call us or visit our website. We specialize in Indoor Air Quality for people with Asthma, Allergies and the Chemically Sensitive.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Adrenal Fatigue Tests - Three Self Tests

Dark circles under your eyes, morning fatigue, chronic tiredness, the inability to handle stress, cravings for sweet or salty foods, increased allergy symptoms, mild depression ...

Do any of these symptoms sound familiar to you? If so then you may be suffering from adrenal fatigue, which doctors estimate affects 80% of the U.S. population. I hadn't a clue about adrenal exhaustion or fatigue until I realized that I suffered from many of these symptoms, including dark circles under my eyes that would not go away, regardless of how much sleep I got. That's when I got interested in adrenal fatigue tests and further educating myself about this condition.

What is Adrenal Fatigue?

Adrenal fatigue is a strangely paradoxical health problem. The adrenal glands, which are tiny pea-sized glands that rest atop the kidneys, do a mighty job in the body. They control and regulate more than 50 hormones in the body, and are primarily responsible for our "stress response." When we are under stress, the adrenal glands release hormones like cortisol to help us deal with the stress. As you may know, cortisol controls the strength of the immune system, normalizes blood sugar, and regulates blood pressure, among other things. Too much cortisol can trigger autoimmune responses in the body, as well as cause weight gain. Cortisol is also related to our body's primitive "fight or flight" response.

So we rely on our adrenal glands to help us deal with and handle stress, which is a good thing. The bad news is that when we are subject to prolonged stress, the adrenal glands are the first to fail. The adrenal glands can function at high capacity for only so long before they break down. In fact, what most people call a "nervous breakdown" is really adrenal fatigue.

Since about 80% of the current population has adrenal exhaustion or fatigue, it's clear that most of us are subject to prolonged stress. These stressors come from too little sleep, too much caffeine, multi-tasking, poor nutrition, and too much work. Sound familiar?

Adrenal Fatigue Tests - Three Self Tests

So how do you know if you are among the 80% who have adrenal fatigue? Well, examining your lifestyle is one easy way to tell. Plus, if you seem to be unable to catch up on your sleep or are chronically tired and grumpy, you're likely to have this problem. But there are three adrenal fatigue tests you can administer to see if your adrenal glands are screaming for help.

1. Ragland's Test

You'll need a home blood pressure machine for this test (you can buy one for around $10 at any drug store). First, take your blood pressure while sitting down. Then, stand up and take your blood pressure again, right away. Your systolic number (the first or top number) should have increased by 8 or 10 points. If the number dropped, then you probably have adrenal fatigue. 

2. Pupil Dilation

For this test you need a flashlight and a mirror. Look into the mirror and shine the flashlight into the pupil of one eye. Your pupil should contract pretty quickly. If your pupil does not contract after 30 seconds, or even dilates, then your adrenals need some help.

3. Pain and Sensitivity

Your adrenal glands sit right on top of your kidneys. If you palpate that area and feel pain, then your adrenal glands are fatigued. You can also try pressing on the reflexology point for the adrenal glands, which is located at the top inside edge of your foot arch. If that area is sensitive, then so are your adrenal glands. 

Adrenal Fatigue Treatment

My physician recommended several approaches to dealing with this situation, and I've found three of them help me the most: 

1. Herbal Support

I'm taking an herbal formula called X51 (or Eleviv) from XanGo that works well. It contains four main ingredients that offer adrenal support: citrus sinensis, eurycoma longifolia suntheanine, and camellia sinensis. Other people use straight herbal tinctures.

2. Order My Life

By focusing on a routine and sticking to it, I reduce the level of over stimulation in my life. I try to check email and voice mail less often, and have more "quiet time" to myself.

3. Rest at 10, 2 and 4

Apparently the adrenal glands tend to become most fatigued at these times, so I stop for short 15-minute power naps at these times. Lying down is recommended, if at all possible, so I do for my power naps.

It can take time to help your adrenals recover -- anywhere from 6 to 24 months, depending on how stressed they are. The good news is that recovery can be taken in baby steps, not radical changes. I like that, don't you?

Autism Treatment - Food Allergy Testing

The issue with food sensitivity is a big one for children on the spectrum. And because it impacts children of various ages and ethnicities, it cannot be pinpointed easily in just one group. However, we also see this in adults as well and we are seeing more people with intolerances to different foods. Wheat is a common allergen as well as dairy and soy but other things can be problematic as well and testing can be challenging.

There is not just one test that can tell you what you need to know in regards to food intolerances. An IgE test gives you information on true food allergies but will not give you information on other foods that may be problematic for you. IgE reactions are more classic allergic responses like hives, itching, runny nose and eyes, and in severe cases, anaphylactic reactions. For example, the person who reacts to the peanuts and has a life threatening reaction. But, an IgG test can pick up on some of those other foods that cause your body to produce an IgG chemical reactions. IgG reactions are typically more mild and can be delayed and so you can have reactions to foods from hours to days after exposure. You may have fatigue, gas and/or bloating and it can be difficult to pinpoint.

Other tests out there can look at immune system reactions in general as well. You can look at other reactions to things besides just IgE and IgG foods. You can look at chemical sensitivities like for phenols, salicylates, artificial flavors and colors. Some tests just look at food proteins but other immunological tests can look at more of a broad range of immune responses not just to foods but also chemicals in foods too.

Recent studies report that children with Autism are four times more likely to have digestive food allergy reactions that their neurotypical peers. So you can see that children with Autism often suffer with bowel issues directly related to the foods they are eating. The more you learn about this issue the more your realize that inflammation in the gut increases the inflammation in the rest of the body and we know neurological inflammation is very detrimental to children with Autism. So knowing what testing is out there is important as is addressing this issue and removing foods that are causing immune reactions in your child with Autism.

How Allergy Testing Can Contribute to Your Good Health

You are probably aware of allergies, whether you have them or not. Every year, more and more people experience allergic reactions to a variety of triggers from cats to peanuts. Symptoms range from itchy eyes to anaphylactic shock. As an adult, you are likely to think that if you were allergic to anything, you would know by now. But that is not necessarily true.

It is possible for you to develop an allergy to something at any time in your life. In fact, as you get older you may find yourself having allergic reactions to things you were never allergic to before, such as fruit. That is why allergy testing is important for you, whether you think you have allergies or not.

The most reliable form of allergy testing is IgE testing. This is a blood test that tests you for a variety of allergens. While it does take a few days to receive results, the test is preferable to the more common scratch testing. Why? One blood test is easier for you to go through than a battery of skin tests. In addition, you will not have an allergic reaction as sometimes occurs with scratch tests. If you have a skin condition such as eczema, scratch testing is not good for you.

Results of IgE testing will help you determine what it is you may be allergic to. Four standard panels test for 20 allergies each, giving you a comprehensive test that can shed light on your health. You may not realize that you are allergic to gluten, for example. Finding out the results to this test will prompt you to think about eliminating an allergen from your life; that may encourage better health. You may be able to feel healthier than you are right now!

Even if you know you have allergic symptoms, the IgE testing is a smart idea. The test will help you pinpoint what exactly is causing your symptoms. This will help you adjust your medication regiment accordingly, and make the changes you need to alleviate symptoms.

It is possible that you can enjoy better health than you ever have, simply by getting blood tested for different allergens. You might discover you have an allergy you never knew you had, or you may get a better understanding of the allergy symptoms you are dealing with. Testing can help you to live your best life today.

What is the Physical Cause of Blushing?

You might be a chronic blusher wondering, "What is the physical cause of blushing?". This article will answer that question in depth and send you towards a blush-free life with tips and techniques to cure it. Let's roll up our sleeves and dissect blushing from the very beginning.

First, the physical and mental constitution of a person play a vital role in whether they will blush. Your "constitution" refers to your unique body type; this includes weaknesses and strengths based on genetics, environment and such. You'll notice some people never get a hint of pink in their cheeks after being teased or when talking to an audience. These people might seem invincible on the outside, but have issues in other areas. If you blush every so often, that's fairly common and is probably nothing to worry about. If you start blushing intensely and chronically, this probably means you are a very sensitive person emotionally and physically...and something is out of balance.

Possible Physical Cause of Blushing

The physical causes of blushing for you are most likely a combination of all or some of the following:

1. Adrenal Exhaustion
2. Weak Digestive System
3. Reaction to newly developed food allergies
4. Intake of inflammatory substances (alcohol, caffeine, sugar)

On rare occasions, uncontrollable blushing might be caused by:

5. Pregnancy
6. Diabetes
7. Menopause (hot-flashes)
8. Carcinoid syndrome

Either way, a blushing reaction is like an S.O.S flag from inside your body, telling you that something is not working right. I'm willing to bet you fall somewhere in the 1-4 category. Of course you should always visit a doctor or naturopath to deduce what you might have. Note: Most conventional doctors are not trained to treat adrenal fatigue or digestive weaknesses. Naturopaths and nutritionists are trained in that area.

Possible Psychological Cause of blushing

Each person's mental construct is a delicate thing. Some people are conditioned early on and "inherit" fears and insecurities from those close to them and can develop negative associations with people, situations and events that cause irrational reactions. These mental patterns are apart of a persons entire "belief system" which is strongly rooted in who they are. If chronic enough, extreme emotional imbalances will inevitably manifest such as depression and anxiety...further becoming physical manifestations such as blushing, sweating or shortness of breath. Here is a short list of some Psychological factors associated with the cause of blushing:

1. Low-self esteem
2. Self-destructive thoughts
3. Fear of being judged
4. Desire to be perfect and accepted by others

How to Prevent the Physical and Mental Cause of Blushing

Many blushers get to the point where they don't care why they blush and just want it to stop. There are a lot of blushing "quick fixes" out there, 90% of which do not focus on the problem at hand hence are not successful. If you're blushing occurs mostly in social situations where you fear humiliation, you are being teased, you are laughing, you make a joke, you are speaking in front of people, you hear a loud noise...etc., you probably have a physical imbalance and a phobia of social situations for various reasons. The physical imbalance is probably digestive weakness, food allergies and adrenal fatigue. This can be cured by greatly reducing stress, cutting out inflammatory and processed foods and taking supplements as prescribed by a naturopath or nutritionist. The original phobia plus the new fear of blushing can be eradicated by using daily hypnosis. In fact, hypnosis is the most powerful way to cure blushing. It can even override some physical causes of blushing once you learn how to control it. In a blusher's case, "Mind over Matter" is a very applicable phrase to remember.

Recommended Steps a Blusher Should take to Blushing

- First, download a hypnosis track that will train your brain to control and stop blushing.

- Second, deduce what you know of your constitution. What makes sense? Do you have trouble digesting certain foods, do you feel bad after a meal, do you cave under stress, are you moody? etc...

- Third, visit your doctor or a naturopath to pin-point and confirm what systems are weak and could be triggering blushing. Also ask for an adrenal test and a food-allergy test.

- Fourth, start changing your lifestyle by reducing stress, eating healthy foods, cutting back processed foods, drinking lots of clean water, and getting enough sleep.

- Fifth, be nice to yourself and know that blushing is a passing thing that will quickly be a thing of the past. You can do it!

My Dog is Itching - Why is He Scratching, Licking, Chewing and Biting Himself?

Why is my dog scratching, licking, chewing and biting himself?

There are lots of different skin diseases which will cause itching in dogs, including flea allergy, flea bites, air-borne allergies, hot spots, food allergies, mite infections and hormone imbalances.

To find out what the problem is you will probably need a visit to your veterinarian, but you can get a clue from which parts of the body your dog is attacking and when the itchiness started.

Different skin problems tend to affect dogs in different areas of the body and start at different ages.

In temperate climates, the commonest causes of itching in dogs are flea bites and flea allergy. Affected dogs usually bite and chew the top of the rump and the base of the tail. This problem is usually seen in warm, humid seasons. Dogs can be affected as early as six months of age. If your dog has flea bites or flea allergy you will usually - but not always - be able to find fleas or flea dirt on his skin or in his coat.

The second most common cause of itching in dogs is atopic dermatitis. This is an allergic reaction to things floating in the air, such as dust mites, pollens and moulds. This problem usually starts when a dog is between one and three years of age. Affected dogs are usually chewing, biting, licking or scratching at their feet, ears, armpits, lips or eyelids. Some dogs with atopic dermatitis will also be sneezing.

At any age, dogs can develop sensitivities to foods which will cause them to itch. The itching tends to occur around the face, the ears and the perineum (below the tail). Some dogs with food sensitivity will also vomit or have diarrhea.

Demodectic mange is a mite infection which usually occurs in young dogs. Hair loss and itching usually occur around the lips and eyelids, on the head, inside the ear flaps or between the toes.

Scabies, also called sarcoptic mange, typically affects the edges of the ear flaps, the elbows, the hocks and the underside of the belly.

A dog which develops a skin disease in later life may have a hormonal imbalance or, more rarely, skin cancer.

Itching can also be caused by other parasites, ringworm, bacterial skin infections, contact dermatitis, hot spots and problems with the immune system.

Some dogs can have more than one skin problem at the same time. Dogs with flea allergy dermatitis often develop atopic dermatitis, and vice versa.

Diagnosing a skin problem can be difficult and should be done by a veterinarian. He or she will make a diagnosis based on the dog's age and breed, the dog's age when the problem began, any signs or history of other diseases, diet, examination of the dog's skin, checking for fleas or other parasites, skin tests and possibly blood tests or allergy testing.

If a dog is itching, scratching, chewing, biting or licking at itself it will be suffering a lot of discomfort, and needs to be taken to a veterinarian to have the problem diagnosed and treated.

Allergic Rhinitis - A Life-Altering Disease

Allergic rhinitis, also known as "hay fever", is quite possibly the most common disease experienced by the allergy sufferer. About 20% of the world's population has been diagnosed with allergic rhinitis and approximately $5.3 billion are spent every year on the treatment of this disease. Allergic rhinitis is not fatal, but it does significantly decrease the quality of life to those who suffer from it.

Allergic rhinitis can be either seasonal or perennial. It is also believed to be hereditary, so an evaluation of family history of allergies may be performed, along with a physical examination during diagnosis.

Allergic rhinitis is basically the swelling and inflammation of the nasal passages. This is where the "clogged" feeling comes from during an allergic reaction. It is caused by the release of histamines in the nose as a reaction to allergens. Some symptoms associated with allergic rhinitis are sneezing, a clear discharge from the nose, watery eyes, itching of the nose, throat and eyes, congestion, ear pressure, nose bleeds and fatigue. Other symptoms can occur, depending on the severity of the allergy.

Allergic rhinitis affects a large percentage of people all over the world. The onset of allergic rhinitis is usually experienced in childhood or early adolescence, but can be experienced at any time in life. In children, allergic rhinitis is more common in boys than in girls; however, it is not any more common in either gender in adulthood. Allergic rhinitis is not life threatening, but it can have a drastic negative affect on the quality of life. Other disorders, such as asthma and otitis media (ear infections). Sleep disorders, such as apnea and generalized fatigue also often accompany the symptoms of allergic rhinitis, which can make life much less enjoyable for the allergy sufferer.

There are many factors that trigger the symptoms of allergic rhinitis. As previously stated, allergic rhinitis can be either perennial or seasonal. Dust mites, pet dander, mold and cockroaches can cause these symptoms to persist year round. Grass and ragweed pollens are the most prevalent of the seasonal allergy triggers. Some plants require insects for pollination. These plants are not seasonal. Only plants that rely solely on airborne pollination trigger allergic reactions.

Allergic rhinitis can be fairly easily diagnosed by a physician. The physician may ask the patient about past family medical history before beginning a physical examination. A past history of allergies may indicate that the patient is at a higher risk for developing allergies. After that, the physician will perform a physical examination. Often, when an individual is suffering from allergic rhinitis, the lining of the nose will be pale and swollen. The whites of the eyes may be red and irritated and the eyelids may be swollen. Allergic shiners, or dark circles under the eyes are also indicators of allergies. A crease in the middle of the nose may also be present, which has been named the "allergic salute". This is caused by rubbing or pushing up from beneath the nose with the palm of the hand. Skin testing may be done to determine a positive diagnosis.

There are many products on the market that can be used to treat the symptoms of allergic rhinitis. There is no cure for this disease, but if properly treated, the symptoms can be controlled. Antihistamines, nasal sprays and nasal decongestants are the most common treatment for the symptoms of allergic rhinitis. Other options are the allergy shots, which works by exposing the immune system to small doses of allergens. This strengthens the immune system and thus reduces the symptoms of that allergy. Usually this form of treatment is only used when nothing else has proven affective.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Airborne Allergens - Indoor and Outdoor Allergy Triggers

Airborne allergens are particles that travel on the wind. They can include obvious allergens such as pollen from plants and trees that are not insect pollinated, mould spores and pet dander and dust mites.

Not so obvious are the multitude of chemicals used for personal care and in our homes and offices used for cleaning and maintenance that give off a smell or scent and which can trigger allergic reactions.

An unfortunate fact with airborne allergens is that it is difficult to avoid them. With a food allergy you can avoid eating the food quite easily save in the cases of ingredients not listed on packaging. With airborne allergens lifestyle adjustments need to be made which can be difficult and or expensive.

Pollen allergies are the most familiar airborne allergen. Although these are regarded as seasonal a sensitive person may experience symptoms all the year round depending on where they live and which particular type of pollen they are allergic to. For these allergies filters in air conditioning units or standalone H.E.P.A. filters can help while they are indoors and finding out what mix of supplements and or O.T.C. and prescription medicines works best in terms of effectiveness and side effects.

Pet dander may be especially problematic. The obvious lifestyle measure is to get rid of the pet but from the point of view of a pet lover that is not an option. So the pet must be excluded from sleeping areas and optimise good routines of keeping surfaces and rugs dander free. Any pet with fur will produce dander although some pets will seem to shed more than others. Your local veterinarian may be able to give further suggestions on optimal pet care for an allergic pet owner.

Pests may be part of the problem too. Allergies to the droppings of Cockroaches are common in cities and particles from such faeces may be inhaled and cause allergy symptoms. Only a full scale allergy testing panel would be able to diagnose such allergy symptoms from a more obvious and socially acceptable allergy to a pet for example.

Dust Mites are a pest worth mentioning separately. They are almost invisible and live in great numbers in our homes, often in our bedding. Washing the bedding in hot water and drying on high heat is an effective way of controlling the problem. It is possible to get mattress encasements and other anti-mite bedding but washing and drying sheets and pillow cases at a high enough temperature seems to be the best and simplest remedy.

Mould, also spelled mold, is a common airborne allergen in humid conditions. Mould may be present in homes and offices - especially in kitchens and bathrooms. Some mould may be visible as a black line around a window frame or near plumbing. A thorough maintenance check can be done to find, kill and remove such colonies of mould.

In all these cases of airborne allergens we can use air filters to reduce the problem and then optimise our own allergy remedies.

Heroes in the History of Quality Assurance and Quality Control

When you go to the drugstore to buy allergy medication, you are benefitting from more than a century's worth of development in an unsung field: quality assurance and quality control. When you go to the grocery store to buy a cantaloupe, you are relying on graduates of food quality training to make sure that it was grown and packed with respect for food safety rules. But who are the pioneers behind today's food and pharmaceutical testing?

Quality Assurance and Quality Control Pioneer #1: Frederick Winslow Taylor, the father of science-based management (1856-1915)

Frederick Winslow Taylor was a leader of the Efficiency Movement, an early 20th-century movement that aimed to reduce waste in industry and society. He was so influential within this movement - the echoes of which are still felt in pharmaceutical testing and food quality training today - that it is sometimes known as Taylorism.

Taylor was born to a Quaker family in Pennsylvania. He started his working life as a machinist. In his time on the shop floor, he realized that his fellow workers were not working to their fullest capacity. This sparked his interest in the concept of productivity. He went on to promote the application of scientific principles to industrial management, a legacy that endures today in practices that guide food and pharmaceutical testing.

Quality Assurance and Quality Control Pioneer #2: Walter Shewhart, the father of statistical quality control (1891-1967)

This Illinois-born physicist worked in the Inspection Engineering Department of the Western Electric Company. When he joined, quality assurance and control was focused exclusively on inspecting the end product. He introduced a new goal - trying to minimize defects during the manufacturing process - which is still a tenet of pharmaceutical testing and food quality training today.

Quality Assurance and Quality Control Pioneer #3: William Edwards Deming, the father of the quality evolution (1900-1993)

World War II was integral to the industry movement, and Iowa-born statistician W. Edwards Deming was a leading figure of the time. A meeting with Walter Shewhart inspired him to consider the application of statistics. The resulting theories are said to have transformed how industry operates. He is still recognized as a hero in Japan for his post-war work there improving quality in the manufacturing industry.

Quality Assurance and Quality Control Pioneer #4: Joseph Duran, evangelist for quality (1904-2008)

In 1925, Romanian-born, American-raised Juran received training in statistical sampling from the Bell laboratory where he was employed. He would go on to develop a theory that a resistance to new ideas was often a cause of quality assurance and quality control problems.

The next time you are in the drugstore or grocery store, take a moment to reflect on the pioneers behind food and pharmaceutical testing.

The 5th Most Common Allergen - Thimerosal

The chemical preservative Thimerosal (which contains thiosalicylate and ethylmercury) is a light colored crystalline powder found in childhood vaccines, make up and personal care products. Other products that contain it are antitoxins, ophthalmic and otolaryngolic medications, topical and intramuscular steroid preparations and intradermal tests.

If Thimerosal is used in adults and children with autism it can produce undesired side effects. Such patients, as well as their families, need to consider alternative immunization methods and this is encouraged by physicians (also recommended that siblings of people with autism should take similar precautions). Needless to say, anybody who suffers from autism needs to avoid thimerosal and thiscan be found in make up, personal care products and medications like throat sprays and eye drops.

Common products in which this preservative is present (but not limited to) are:
Contact lens solutions, eye ointments, eye drops, antitoxins, antibiotic ointments, nose drops, soap free cleansers, cosmetics, eye moisturizers, make up removers, desensitization solutions and tuberculin testing.

The North American Contact Dermatitis Group states that, in the United States, a Thimerosal allergy is rated as the 5th most common allergen affecting people. Removing Thimerosal from everyday life is practically not possible but daily exposure can be reduced by using products without it.

In many cases a Thimerosal allergy occurs only on the skin and people with allergic reactions to it might develop a rash where an injection was performed. They can also develop extreme conjunctivitis if the preservative is used in contact lens solutions that they use.

People who seem to face higher risks to a thimerosal allergy are cooks, women and healthcare workers - increased thimerosal allergy reactions amongst such groups could be as a result of increased exposure. The preservative is present in many products and immunizations that they are required to use.

Other names that Thimerosal is known as are: Mercuochrome, Merthiolate, Merzonin, Sodium ethylmercurithiosalicylate, Mertorgan, Merfamin, Thiomersalan, Thiomersal, and Thiomersalate - it is by no means a comprehensive list of chemical names used for Thimerosal.

There may be no obvious side effects or allergic reactions to this preservative in people not allergic to it, but the question beckons - how does, or will exposure to this preservative, in their personal care products, immunizations and antibiotics eventually affect their bodies?

Why Does Dust Make You Cough Or Sneeze?

Both sneeze and cough are productive reflexes that clear the upper airways of bacteria, viruses, pollutants, and irritants including dust. A sneeze will remove dust that irritates the upper nasal lining and a cough will expel dust that is irritating the bronchial passages.

What is Dust?

If you were asked to describe "dust", your first inclination might be to think of it as being dirt. The truth is that dust is so much more complex than dirt can ever dream of being. Dust can include all of the following and more: bacteria, viruses, fabrics, feathers, saliva, mold spores, fungus spores, pollen food particles, human skin flakes, animal dander, dust mites, human hair, plant particles, insect particles, outside dirt, and chemicals.

Taking a look at this list, you can see many of the items that make up dust are allergens in their own right; you can imagine why your body wants to get rid of them; especially when they gang up on you. Sneezing and coughing are you body's natural defenses against these bullies.

The EPA says that indoor air can 70 times more polluted than air from the outdoors; much of this can be attributed to dust. Cough and sneezing are not the only symptoms caused by indoor air pollution; eye irritation, sinus problems, headache, and even fatigue are others.

Limit Exposure to Dust

If you suffer from dust allergies, your best treatment is to limit your exposure to dust. There is no way to eliminate dust all together but there are a few steps you can take to minimize how much accumulates and floats in the air.

Vacuum floors, rugs, furniture, and drapery often. A vacuum cleaner with a built in HEPA filter can help minimize the dust that is forced back into the air during the vacuuming process. Avoid sweeping and using feather dusters as they stir up the dust exasperating your symptoms.

Using an air purifier in your home can filter out allergens in the air and minimize the amount of dust that accumulates. Consider placing one in the central room of your home or in your bedroom. You may also want to consider using air duct filters that will continually filter large quantities of dust from all areas of your home.

Close windows on windy days during allergy season. One large gust of wind can blow pollen into your home coating surfaces, lingering in the air, and instantly attracted to existing dust present. If the trees are moving outside, close up your windows.

The next time you cough or sneeze because of dust, know that it is simply your body's reflexes working just as they should.

Allergy Shots For Dogs - Done the Right Way

Allergy shots for dogs make it possible for our pets to escape the itchy discomfort of allergy symptoms completely and permanently. That's a wonderful thing, but it will not happen overnight.

When it comes to inhalant allergies (atopy in dogs) you must pick a vet that has substantial experience in curing this type of allergy, and not just the occasional try. Inhalant allergies in dogs are different than food allergies because the former are treatable with allergy shots, the latter are usually not.

So, when it comes to dog inhalant allergies, most family vets have limited experience in administering skin tests and what is more difficult, understanding the results and how they may inter-relate to blood tests and other parts of the diagnostic jigsaw puzzle. Inhalant allergy diagnosis is a true art form born from extensive experience and wide knowledge of this form of allergy. This is far out of the league of the average family vet.

Some family vets do have the experience and knowledge to do a very good job. So, you need to research a vet before approaching him or her for allergy shot therapy.

The wise family veterinarian know their strengths, and as a matter of course will immediately refer a dog with a moderate to serious inhalant allergy (atopy) to one of many veterinary dermatologists.

Veterinary dermatologists are trained in the fine points in understanding inhalant allergies and their associated canine blood test, allergy skin tests, diagnostic evaluation, and the all-important pet allergy shots. It is the vaccine in the shots that will make allergy desensitization a success or failure.

Especially in difficult cases, you need a 'top gun' to get top results. If you live in the country you may need to drive to the big city, or take the subway across town to a university animal hospital. It may not be convenient but it will be worthwhile.

Here are some basic guidelines:

With dog allergy shots, your dog will need a daily needle or shot, at least at first. It is far better if the owner can administer the shots rather than driving to the vet dermatologist every day. It is also less expensive. It is not difficult to give a needle to a dog, and you will be shown exactly how to do it correctly and safely.

You should keep in mind that it is common for dog immunotherapy to take 6 to 12 months. There is no way of knowing when or if the shots will eventually work, especially if the dog has multiple allergies. But with a 75% success rates (or partial success rates), the odds are in your favor.

Be prepared that 25% of the time dog immunotherapy does not work.

You should keep in mind that success is not always 100%. There are times when a dog will need to have a fortnightly, monthly, or quarterly booster shot to maintain the desensitization. This is no big deal.

Allergy shots for dogs are a golden opportunity cure or control an allergy in a firm manner. It is the preferred manner in dealing with inhalant allergies in dogs. Locate a good vet dermatologist and have it done the right way.

How Strep A Test Can Solve Your Throat Problems

There are different kinds of tests performed to ensure right diagnosis of complications in a person's throat. Tests enable doctors to identify the right treatment. A sore throat can lead to a more serious infection thus it requires thorough testing. It can be experienced by any one at any age. Although this problem normally just goes off after a short period of time, there are cases when they can be quite stubborn. Sore throat due to bacteria buildup does not take long to heal but if there is a viral infection, medication is required. Viral infections may be hard to treat and so it is important to consult a doctor if you find that you have throat infection which is taking too much time to clear. If you have had a sore throat before, then you already know how uncomfortable it is.

The causes of throat issues can range from simple problems such as voice strain to tumors in the throat. You should visit your doctor to know the right diagnosis. It will help you realize that it can be another cause of another problem; hence, it becomes even harder to determine the true causes on your own. It is important to not take for granted any swelling you feel or roughness in your voice. Your throat doctor will try to identify what type of problem you have and this will help him get the right treatment for your condition. You have to know that there are some infections that run through the blood line. It is identified by your parents' genetics. If most of the time you experience having infections, then there is a high possibility that your children will get them also. Your doctor will take a Strep A test and the lab technician will examine the saliva to determine the type of infection you have. You should carefully listen to what your doctor recommends. Your doctor's advice will go a long way in helping you undergo the right treatment for your throat condition.

If you want to control your throat conditions, then you should go for a test. You have to clearly identify what is causing your illness. There are many effective ways that you can do once you are able to identify the exact cause of your infections. If it is due to allergic reactions then you must avoid using the product that is triggering the allergy. One most common reason for throat infections is due to bad lifestyle like smoking. There are several ways to control any bad habits you have and these could help you solve your problems of having a sore throat. There are alternative treatments that can also help you treat your conditions that can be done at home. You have to clean your house to avoid the growth of molds and get rid of dusts.

The Strep A test will ensure that you will only apply appropriate medications. Take note that if your throat is infected, your doctor will give you the most suitable medication based on the results of your test. You should however only consult a doctor that is specializing in throat infections.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Ringing in Ears Allergies and Cure

Ringing in ears allergies are not the only things that can cause ringing in ears. The sounds that are driving you crazy are actually symptoms of some other root problem, and, although ringing in ears allergies certainly can produce the ringing sounds there are many other underlying conditions that can do so.

So the first thing you need to understand is that ringing in the ears is not a disease, but, a symptom of some other underlying conditions that you may have (e.g. allergies) and which your doctor would normally look for once having established that you have ringing in ears. He or she would then decide on the most appropriate treatment for you. But many times you can report with tinnitus and no obvious underlying conditions can be found, which makes things kind of difficult.

The main causes for ringing in ears are damage / problems caused by noise, sinus, stress, and Meniere's disease. These are things like ear infections, damaged hearing, impacted ear wax, high blood pressure, allergies, and so on.

And apart from ringing in ears, sufferers can also hear sounds that are described as ticking, clicking, whooshing, buzzing, hissing, etc. It is also believed that the type of sound you hear is a function of the underlying cause or causes.

Traditional medical treatment consists of things like, drugs, complementaries like acupuncture, audio devices to mask the sounds, relaxation exercises, etc. Surgery is an option but only in particular circumstances and is really only used as a final resort. But the main thing about all this is that there is not a proven cure for ringing in ears using traditional medical treatments, so that, around 93% of sufferers never get full relief from their symptoms.

There are millions of folks who have ringing in ears and who just can't get relief. If the sounds are only occasional and not of a particularly high volume then you can probably just about put up with it, even although it's very annoying. And many times that's just what some doctors recommend. But for vary many people (perhaps you're one) tinnitus just drives them crazy. It prevents natural sleep patterns, leads to fatigue, undermines job performance, leads to depression, affects relationships; basically it just screws up your life.

That's why many folks nowadays are taking their cure into their own hands and researching (as you are right now) for any information they can get on alternative treatments. But of course to do this properly and get the right cure for you (because everyone is different) you will have to spend a lot of time and energy on research, interviews with medical experts and other sufferers, finding and pouring over medical journals, etc. Also, you are better to use the word 'tinnitus' when searching as that is the medical term for ringing in ears.

Luckily there's one tinnitus (cured) sufferer who has already gone through this whole process. It took over 2 years of research, testing and development, but, the outcome is a proven alternative treatment for tinnitus with a 80% success rate (compare that with the 93% who don't get relief using traditional methods) and very many satisfied ex-tinnitus victims worldwide. At its heart is a series of 11 secret techniques to stop the ringing. And the beauty for folks like yourself who just want to get their life back on track fast, is you just download them straight to your computer.

Types of Allergy Tests

It used to be if you wanted to find out what you were allergic to you had to undergo a long series of tests that could take weeks or months. If you were allergic to something unusual or rare it could take years or, more commonly, you never would find out. If your allergies were seasonal, they probably disappeared before the testing clinic found an answer and you would give up on the clinic testing and go back to life as before. Much of that procedure today has been speeded up and is more straightforward but if you are being checked for allergies there will probably still be several types of tests performed.

There are three basic ways that a clinic or hospital can use to test you for allergies. The most commonly used is a skin test. This involves putting a small amount of the allergen on your skin. Allergen, by the way, is the medical term for the substance suspected of causing your allergy. Most often, the allergen is applied to your forearm but it could also be done on your back or upper arm. Then the skin in that area is irritated by pricking it with a needle or scratching the skin. This allows the substance to get under your skin. If you are allergic to it there will usually be an allergic reaction in less than 10 to 15 minutes. Usually the reaction just involves redness, itching and swelling of the skin but testers have to be careful with skin tests because in some cases the reaction may be severe and involve respiratory complications. A variation of the skin test is the intradermal allergy test. This test uses a small needle to inject the allergen just beneath the skin. Skin tests are usually used to identify things in the air that you inhale that might be causing your allergy or allergies to insect or animal bites.

A second type of allergy testing is called elimination testing. This is most often used to identify food and diet allergies. In a very controlled environment, various foods are either added or removed from your diet and your reaction is monitored. Often the food is disguised in some fashion to prevent psychological factors from interfering with the test. Sometimes if you think you are allergic to something you abnormally influence the result. Obviously, this method is very time consuming and can only be used if the reactions are relatively mild.

The third and perhaps the best method of allergy testing is the blood test. As the name implies, this involves taking a small sample of your blood and sending it off for laboratory testing. The lab procedure is complicated but basically, they will expose your blood to various allergens. If you are allergic, your blood will create what are called IgE antibodies to fight off the allergen. Depending on what kind of IgE antibodies are created and how many are created the lab can both identify your allergy and tell you how severe it is. RAST and UniCAP are the two main specific types of modern blood testing for allergies. UniCAP is almost a fully automated procedure that can check for several 100 allergens and will even assign a number from 1 to 6 to identify the severity of the allergic reaction. The major disadvantage of blood testing is it requires specialized equipment. Usually your clinic or hospital will have to mail the blood sample off and will not get results back for several weeks.

Fix a Dog Allergy

Aside from needing their basic needs fulfilled, dogs may also need help regarding some health problems. Dogs are actually susceptible to medical conditions like allergies which the owner should quickly take note of and have cured to prevent the condition from worsening.

Making Your Dog Itch: Allergy Possibilities

Allergies cannot be prevented unless the owner is aware of which allergens his dog is allergic to. Here are some helpful tips and hints to fix this problem just in case they come up.

Inhalant Allergy

Most common of these dog allergies is inhalant allergy. The most common symptoms are scratching of the genital areas, abdomen, armpit or face, and prolonged chewing and licking. Upon close inspection, the dog develops a reddish area caused by too much licking.

If you suspect that your dog has this allergy, then you must bring him to your vet. A veterinarian can diagnose this accurately through allergy testing.

Bacteria allergy

Bacteria can be another cause of dog allergy. Bacteria allergy (specifically Staphylococcus allergy) is not a very common condition. Only a few canines react negatively to this bacteria; most other dogs have become accustomed to it.

If your dog is allergic to bacteria, they can easily develop crusts on his skin or even lose some hair on the spot that he normally scratches. You need to bring your dog to a vet before the patches of exposed skin becomes infected.

Flea allergy

Flea, per se, does not cause the dog's allergic reaction but the flea's saliva is the main culprit. A vet or even the owner can easily figure this out.

If you see your dog scratching himself frequently, then you should check his coat thoroughly to see if he has fleas. If you see fleas, that's a pretty good indication that it's causing your dog's discomfort. Since there can be other causes aside from fleas, though, it's better to bring your dog to a vet and have him diagnosed and tested for allergies. If it's flea allergy after all, then you should ask your vet for his recommended flea shampoo and medication.

Food Allergy

Allergy to food is also possible. Manufactured dog foods are a combination of a variety of ingredients, one or a few of which can be causing your dog's allergies. Your dog may have this type of allergy if he keeps on scratching or sneezes a lot, vomits, loses control of his bowels, etc.

Diagnosis of food allergy can be quite difficult. You need to fix a different meal for a certain period of time to see which is causing the allergy. Thus, in one period, you can give your dog chicken meat. Then, on another the diet can be restricted to pork and so on and so forth. Should the dog develop an allergy at anytime a certain ingredient was used, you'll know that it's causing the allergy so you should avoid serving your dog this food again.

Contact allergy

This is an allergy caused by an object that the dog is in constant contact with. It could be his food bowl, his collar, or another thing entirely that's causing the allergy. Since this is the least common, you must rule out all other allergy causes. After that is done, start eliminating the things he is in contact with to isolate the main cause.

Gluten and Autoimmunity: How You Could Still Be Gluten Sensitive With Negative Lab Tests

Every day patients come in to my chronic condition centers suffering from conditions like Hashimoto's hypothyroid, Lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, and multiple sclerosis. These diseases have very limited treatment options for the patient consisting mostly of drugs and steroids. For very few of my patients these treatments help but most are frustrated saying "the condition controls me and I do not control the condition". The underlying cause of most chronic conditions is autoimmunity. Autoimmune disease is where your immune system attacks a particular area or system of the body. If you do not address why the body has turned against itself you will continue to have symptoms and even develop whole new system failures. To find out if you have an autoimmune disease I recommend antibody testing.

An antibody is a protein marker. The body's immune system produces antibodies in response to unwanted material like molds, virus, bacteria, and parasites. These substances are labeled antigens. Antibodies can be produced when the body has a reaction to a food it is sensitive to or comes in contact with a harmful chemical. Antibodies can mistakenly be produced against a bodies own healthy tissue when the immune system becomes confused. The antibody marks the tissue for removal and signals the immune response. This is the cause of autoimmune reactions. I like to check for gluten antibodies, myelin (fatty sheath around the nerves) antibodies, cerebellar (back part of the brain controlling balance, coordinated movement, and spinal muscles) antibodies.More examples of are antibodies to pancreatic islet cells often called type 1 diabetes and antibodies to the thyroid are usually associated with Hashimoto's disease.

Patients ask "Dr. Beckingham why does my immune system go crazy to begin with?" One common issue is food sensitivity in particular gluten sensitivity. Gluten is a protein that exists in wheat that acts like an immune system provoking antigen. The protein has been shown in some studies to be a food sensitivity of up to 81% of people from northern European decent. This protein is what makes our crackers stick together, our soups thick, and our salad dressing creamy. Gluten sensitivity includes wheat, spelt, kamut, oats, rye, and barley. Gluten can be hidden as soy sauce, food starch, malt extract and dextrins to name a few.

If you put a food that you are sensitive to in your system every day your immune system will continually be fired up and attack the offending food just like a bacteria or parasite. This in turn creates too many soldiers in your immune army that have no leadership. A mutiny is the common result. The mutiny manifests itself as an attack on healthy tissue like your thyroid, nerves, or the joints of your body.

Patients often tell me that they have been tested for gluten and they are negative so that can't be the problem. This is the simple answer to that question. The blood tests that people have been getting only tests for a part of gluten called alpha gliadin. Alpha gliadin is only one of the building blocks of gluten. Until recently it has been believed that alpha gliadin was the prime suspect of gluten sensitivity. Published peer reviewed journals have now shown that not only does alpha gliadin pose a threat but you can be allergic to beta, gamma, omega gliadins as well. If you are allergic to beta gliadin and have a test for alpha gliadin it will show that you are fine when in reality you have gluten allergies.

As if this were not enough you can be allergic to a substance called glutenin which is also part of gluten. You could be allergic to transglutaminase which is a gluten enzyme. I have seen patients in my office sensitive to deaminated gliadin or gluteomorphin (the addictive part of breads). A true gluten test needs 12 components in it not just the 1 alpha gliadin test which has been the industry standard for years. It frightens me to think of how many patients have been eating gluten thinking they have tested negative when in fact they have a true gluten sensitivity that was missed because of improper testing.

Why is this so important you may ask? Recent studies have shown a link between gluten sensitivity and psychiatric illness, ADHD, rheumatoid arthritis, migraines, and obesity to name a few. Why are so many people so sensitive now when 50 years ago it seemed like nobody was? Simple, the genetic modification of foods make more gluten per piece of wheat when compared to a generation ago, poor nutrition overall, chronic stress (raised cortisol hurts immune tolerance), leaky gut syndrome, the storage of wheat products in huge bins on average of 2 years so the food can get covered in enterotoxins (waste product of fungus and mold), and overall lack of adequate digestive enzymes in our body.

This is why I insist on a full gluten panel of 12 tests for my prospective patients even before I accept a case. This test can be done with 1 vial of blood sent to a lab in Arizona that tests for all 12 potential gluten sensitivities specifically.

To sum up I have seen in my practice that when followed strictly a appropriate gluten-free diet is often life-transforming for symptomatic patients.

Dogs With Sore Eyes

Allergic conjunctivitis, as well as sneezing and other evidence of allergy, is increasingly common in dogs. This may be related to where they live, or to changes in their immunity due to, for example, diet and exercise.

Conjunctivitis is inflammation of the conjunctiva, a layer of skin over the inner surface of the lids. Allergy occurs when the immune system over-reacts to a stimulus, mistakenly thinking it is an infection or cancer that it needs to fight off.

A dog with allergic conjunctivitis is likely to have redness, swelling and watering of one or both (usually both) eyes. There may be thickening of the conjunctiva, and if the dog is irritated to the extent that it scratches the eyes, there may be corneal abrasions and other eye damage.

No treatment ("watchful waiting") is a valid option if symptoms are very mild. Allergen avoidance is important, as far as it is possible. Bathing the eyes with a cool damp flannel may relieve some of the soreness and itching.

More severe allergic conjunctivitis will be treated with anti-inflammatory or antihistamine eye drops and ointments, and if any secondary bacterial infection is suspected, an antibiotic drop may be added. In severe cases a steroid drop will be used if treatment is otherwise unsuccessful.

Allergen testing may be needed to find the cause of the allergy.

Most holistic therapists and vets will look to the diet for a source of allergy. It is worth trying a hypo-allergenic diet. In addition, allergens are often airborne, so it is worth looking at environmental dust and pollution. Antioxidant supplements can help boost the immunity and reduce allergy.

Herbal Remedies: Burdock, Rosemary and Meadowsweet can all help with allergic conjunctivitis. Burdock (Arctium lappa) helps with detoxifying the tissues; Meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria) is antiseptic and anti-inflammatory, and Rosemary (Rosemarinus officinalis) is another antiseptic and disinfectant. The eyes can be bathed in a decoction of fennel seed (Foeniculum vulgare), Eyebright (Euphrasia officinallis) or elder flower (Sambucus nigra) to reduce soreness and inflammation.

Homeopathy: Apis mel can be used to rinse sore eyelids; arsen alb is used for more watery eyes.

Relaxation therapy, spiritual healing and general stress reducing measures will aid recovery from allergic conjunctivitis, as well as other ill-health. Healing work on the Brow chakra will particularly benefit the eyes.

Blue lace agate is useful for eye problems when using a crystal healing.

Flower Remedies: Bach remedies will help an underlying emotional problem which may be contributing to reduced immunity and allergy.

Has Anyone Had The Carroll Food Intolerance Test Done And Think It's Reliable?

I recently responded to a question asked on a website, whether anyone had the Carroll Food Intolerance Testing done and thought it was reliable. They explained how they had been tested but didn't take it seriously, that they were still suffering. They further questioned if maybe they have a wheat sensitivity.

This was my response:

Hello, I find it fascinating that you would go to the effort and expense of being tested and then not follow through, yet doubt the validity of the testing! Over 30 years ago I was evaluated by Dr. Harold Dick using the Carroll Food Intolerance testing method. It saved my life! I referred, and personally took others, to see him, now refer people to his daughter Dr. Letitia Dick (Windrose Naturopathic Clinic, Spokane WA.) and to Dr. Jared Zeff (Salmon Creek Clinic, Vancouver WA.). Countless patients can testify to being cured by these methods when nothing else worked. One acquaintance I know of had schlera derma, she was in incredible pain and the allopathic meds weren't helping. Dr. Dick tested her for food intolerances, she avoided them and not only did the swelling and pain go down but she was able to live without the meds.

The nature doctors know that every dis-ease known to man is created in the digestive system. It doesn't matter what the ailment is. The body is a healing machine if allowed to do what Nature intended it to. IBS is an obvious and immediate condition that points to something being ingested that the body is not able to break down and utilize, thus causing disruption and irritation. Without the proper digestive enzymes to break down the food, it then causes toxic reactions. We are all genetically predisposed to not having one digestive enzyme or another. Hence, the doctors using the Carroll Food Intolerance Test will evaluate the patient for a number of food categories.

I suggest you give it a try before touting that it doesn't work. I suspect you question that yourself, otherwise why bother asking others what results they've had? Aren't you just a little tired of searching for answers? And yet, it's right in front of you!

We have all been exposed to AMA indoctrination, and that of the western medical world. For over a century they have treated and out-rightly called Naturopathic physicians "witch-doctors." They have made fun of us to our faces when we inquired about natural options. Yet, their methods of treatment only address symptoms, not causes. In doing so, the immediate symptoms might be masked, but the body is still sick, and the problem will only arise somewhere else.

My personal food intolerances are potato and a combination of fruit/sugar. There are many derivatives and chemicals created from the different food categories, so it takes a little effort to totally avoid them.

It's worth a try, staying off the foods you've tested intolerant to. What have you got to lose but the pain and discomfort of being sick all the time?

I want to add something to this: It is common to feel sick and show symptoms of other dis-ease as the body goes through the healing process. It must reverse itself from the existing condition, basically going backwards, through the steps of chronic illness, through acute illness, then to wellness. It's possible, if this person was actually refraining from eating their food intolerances, that they may be going through healing crises on their way to reaching well being.

Best wishes. In Health,

Monday, August 5, 2013

Contact Dermatitis - Allergy to Nickel Metal

Contact dermatitis can be a response to your body's contact with nickel. Nickel is present in a number of items we use daily and don't think twice about. For example, some cell phone parts, zippers, jewelry, belt buckles and nutritional supplements can all contain it.

Some speculate the body piercings are one of the reasons that nickel allergy reactions are more prevalent today. Keep in mind that the nickel can be not just outside the skin when you have a piercing but also in side your skin. A snap for instance on your pants at top of zipper is outside your skin.

Often for contact dermatitis, cortisone creams are used to ease the inflammation and antihistamines relieve the itching. However, continued contact with the irritating substance or item will still create an allergic skin reaction. To continue to aggravate your skin while you soothe it at the same time doesn't assist your skin in healing.

When your body becomes sensitive to nickel, it often continues to increase. Usually the reaction is localized, but it can also become something that spreads through your whole system. Patch testing is a way to determine what is causing an allergic reaction and if nickel is one of the culprits. Allergists will test foods, check for dust mites and analyze chemicals and other environmental factors that may cause your reactions to get to the bottom of the problem.

Think about what you are in contact with at your office as well as your home to try to find out if you are having a reaction to nickel that is compromising your skin and creating an itchy skin rash. Even paper clips can be a cause so don't overlook items that may seem innocent.