Saturday, June 8, 2013

NAET Allergy Treatment - NAET Therapist Identifies Little Known Allergens That Have a Big Effect

As an NAET Allergy Practitioner I do allergy testing using Applied Kinesiology or muscle testing, and NAET (Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Technique) Allergy treatment using Acupressure. The results from testing can sometimes highlight some little known allergens that surprise many of my clients. Once identified, the NAET treatment can be used to desensitise the person to the allergen.

People come with various conditions including Asthma, Eczema, Hay fever and IBS. Testing people for the first time using muscle testing is always entertaining as you watch their expressions as the strength in their arm changes when I give the various NAET allergy vials to hold. Their expressions usually start of with them looking at you as if you are a Martian with three head and change to puzzlement and intrigue. The next interesting part is when you tell them what allergens are causing their symptoms.

Below are a list of my top five with the conditions they are linked to.

My number 5 is Pollen. Usually associated with Allergy related Asthma and Hay fever but can be linked with heartburn and indigestion.

My number 4 is Formaldehyde. Found in Exhaust fumes and paints and sprayed on new clothes as a preservative. Common allergy related symptoms include ADHD, Asthma, Eczema, and Hyperactivity.

My number3 is Plastics. Especially soft or thin plastics used to make bottles, tubs and packaging. Common allergy related symptoms associated with plastics include fatigue, Endometriosis, IBS, infertility, nausea, and rashes.

My number 2 is Artificial Sweeteners. Found in toothpaste, diet drinks, medication, sweets, chewing gum.... they get everywhere! Common allergy related symptoms/ conditions associated include ADHD, Autism, Hyperactivity, Learning difficulties, and Multiple Sclerosis.

My number 1, and enemy of the people, is Fluoride. Found in tap water (especially in North America), toothpaste and tea leaves. As well as being a common allergy for many people, fluoride is also toxic to humans. It does act as a fairly effective antibacterial, so can help the built up of plaque on teeth, but its toxic and allergy effects far out weigh its benefits. Some of the common allergy related symptoms I have found linked to fluoride allergy are a Depression, Hyperactivity (especially in children), infertility, joint pain, Osteoporosis, and panic attacks.

Allergies - Understanding Perfume and Cologne Allergies

There are a lot of individuals that have allergies to irritants and allergens in the air such as second hand smoke, winter chimney smoke, dust mites, animal dander, parts of roaches, mold and pollen. They can have an allergic reaction at any time when they come in contact with these allergens. But wait, there are more allergens that you need to understand about.

Schools can be a perfect location where a student who has Asthma can have some serious problems trying to concentrate on their school work. A lot of students will wear perfumes and colognes to school and not realize that their fellow students can have a neurological allergy to their fragrances. I have several clients who have to Home School their children because of this phenomena in the Public and Private School Systems. Their childrens behavior was affected by these fragrances but changed dramatically when they were no longer in the School Systems.

America has a violence problem in the School Systems. Has anyone even looked at the possibility of the discipline problem being related to Perfumes and Cologne Allergies. Lab tests have been done on rats which when exposed to certain chemicals, they become very aggressive in their behaviors toward other rats in the same population. That is a pretty strong argument to have research funded to do this to help our children. Our children are the future and they need to be protected.

Parents who have children attending schools should request to see a copy of the MSDS Report, also known as the Manufacturers Safety Data Sheet from the Perfume and Cologne Distributors. They are required to have it available to all consumers. It will tell you exactly what is in the product. This can help you pinpoint the source of the allergy for your child. Parents need to be proactive and not reactive to violence in the School Systems.

In conclusion, chemicals such as acetone, ethanol, linalool and ethyl acetate have all been found in trace amounts in certain brands of Perfumes and Colognes. Do an Internet Search on Google or Yahoo for these chemicals. You will be surprised. It is important to check out what your children are wearing because of all the imitations that are sold in Flea Markets and elsewhere. Most of these products are from China and have not been tested properly to our standards here in the US. If your child is having a severe reaction to any fragrances, it is important that you consult with your Doctor immediately.

If you have any questions, feel free to call us or visit our website.

Dog Skin Allergies - How to Help Your Dog

Dog skin allergies are one of the most common types of allergies in dogs. Many dogs have this allergy when they are born, or develop it due to various reasons later in their life.

As a dog owner, it is important to find out if your dog has an allergic skin and find solutions for it.

Dog skin allergies can be temporary and simple, or long-lasting or even permanent.

So it is important to discover the specific type of skin allergy your dog has, and then plan a way to cure it based on it.

There are generally three types of skin allergies...

Allergy Type #1: Immune-Mediated Skin Allergies

When there is a problem in the immune system function of your dog, this allergy is very likely to appear.

Because of that, your dog may experience regular skin infections - more often that normal because of every day accidents.

Then it is time that you start getting suspicious that maybe something is wrong with the way your dog's body operates.

Allergy Type #2: Canine Atopic Dermatitis
This type of allergy is a chronic allergic skin disease. You may see it in your dog usually by 10 months of age up to 2 years of age.

If your dog has this allergy, you may notice he is very itchy, especially around the eye area. Also his feet may be very itchy too.

Allergy Type #3: Infectious Skin Diseases
Dogs with this type of skin allergy, usually experience hair loss in some parts of their body - especially legs.

Infectious skin diseases of dogs include contagious and non-contagious infections or infestations. Contagious infections include parasitic, bacterial, fungal and viral skin diseases.

So as you see, this type of skin allergy in your dog is the most serious and dangerous of all. So if you see the signs of it, it is highly recommended that you take him to the vet as soon as possible.

NOTE: Another common type of allergies in dogs is food allergies. So if you are seeing some symptoms in your dog, have you thought that is might be a food allergy - not skin allergy?

You can find out more about signs of dog food allergies and compare it to find out which one your dog is really allergic to.

How Antihistamines Work

For millions of us allergy sufferers, antihistamines ease the annoying discomfort accompanying allergic reactions. Being an allergy sufferer myself, through the decades I have taken both over-the-counter and prescription antihistamines, some of which have been discontinued. Allergic reaction symptoms include nasal congestion, sneezing, coughing, headache, and itching indicating sensitization to certain allergens such as pollen, mold, dust, or insect venom. Repeated exposure results in allergic reactions due to antigen-antibody interactions.

First, antigens come into contact with lung, gastrointestinal tract, and/or skin tissue, and enter into the bloodstream. Next, mast cells and white blood cells misidentify these as invaders and inappropriately respond by releasing histamines causing tissue injury. The severity of the allergic reaction is directly proportional to the amount of histamine released.

Histamines dilate small blood vessels and capillaries, but contract smooth muscles. Responses include decreased blood pressure, increased heart rate, difficulty breathing, constipation or diarrhea, heartburn and nausea, and proteins and fluids leaking from capillaries. Nasal mucous membrane capillaries leaking, result in nasal congestion. Skin capillaries leaking produce hives and swelling resulting in pain and itching.

Thankfully all antihistamines block most of histamines effects by competing at histamine receptor sites thereby preventing them from producing an effect on the tissues. Antihistamine drugs prevent, but can't reverse, histamine responses. Some of the general uses of antihistamines include relief from nausea and vomiting, relief from motion sickness, and relief from coughs. Usually antihistamines are administered orally since they are well absorbed in the intestinal tract, or topically, although a few can be given intravenously. To maintain a therapeutic dose, these medicines are given two to four times per day because the liver rapidly metabolizes them.

First generation antihistamines, which can be used interchangeably, include chloropheniramine (Chlortrimeton®), diphenhydramine (Benadryl®), and promethazine (Phenergan®). Some of the side effects include nose and mouth dryness, and drowsiness. Some antihistamines are also used as local anesthetics because they depress sensor nerve activity. When taking these antihistamines, it is advisable to not drive or perform hazardous tasks, and not to use alcohol or other drugs.

Second generation antihistamines include cetirizine (Zyrtec®), and Loratidine (Claritin®), and third generation antihistamines include fexofenadine (Allegra®), claim to be more selective for histamine receptors and cause less drying or sedating. However, these are contraindicated in patients with hepatic dysfunction, and when taking certain antifungal, antibiotic, and serotonin release inhibitors due to unfortunate deaths. My personal experience with these antihistamines is I did not find the relief I needed.

Because of the sedative effect, antihistamines are used in sleep aids like Nytol®, or Tylenol PM®. Because of the drying effect, antihistamines are found in over

Is Your Dog's Skin Allergies Driving You Both Crazy?

All dogs scratch and chew at themselves from time to time. But if your dog's scratching and chewing just never seems to end - and is making you nuts - don't blame the poor dog, it has something it never asked for - a dog skin allergy.

What causes a dog skin allergy?

Dogs can be allergic to any number of things. The number one dog allergen is probably flea saliva. But a dog can also become allergic to its food; to an airborne microscopic organism such as pollen or mold; or by something it comes in contact with - for example, the plant Wandering Jew or poison ivy.

Not its nose

When we have an allergy it affects our nose and sinuses. When a dog is born with - or develops - an allergy, it affects not its nose but its skin. In other words, a dog allergy is much the same as our allergies; they just affect a different area.

The symptoms of a dog skin allergy

The major symptom of a dog skin allergy is that infernal scratching and chewing itself that never seems to end. But there are other symptoms that signal a dog skin allergy such as an inflammation of the affected area, hair loss, hot spots and even recurring ear infections. A dog suffering an allergy may also chew and lick its paws and scratch at its face, ears and eyelids.

The types of dog skin allergies

There are a number of different dog allergies just as there are a number of human allergies. One of the most common is a parasitic allergy - one caused by a reaction to flea saliva or by the bite of a tick, demodex mite or sarcoptic mite.

Your dog could also be suffering from a food allergy, which is called nutritional dermatitis. It is what happens when the dog becomes allergic to something in its diet.

The most common type of dog allergy is probably atopic allergies. These can occur when your dog becomes allergic to something in the air - pollen, mold spores, dust, or some other airborne microorganism.

Maybe it's all in the dog's mind

Sometimes there is just no reason for the dog to be doing all that scratching and chewing. In this cause, the allergy is often called neurogenic, meaning that it's all in the dog's head. This happens when the dog persistently licks and chews at some area, often on its foreleg or ankle - for no apparent reason. The dog may even work on the area so obsessively that it never heals. What causes the dog to do this? No one knows for certain though it has been theorized that it may be caused by separation anxiety, confinement, frustration or just become some minor abrasion caught the dog's interest.

In summary, when you see your dog is obsessively scratching and chewing at itself to the point where it's making the both of your crazy, don't get mad at the dog. It most certainly has one of the dog allergies described in this article - and is more to be pitied than to be blamed.

Allergy Treatments - A Home Treatment - Energetic Approach to Treating Allergies

Allergies are an improper response or hypersensitivity to a substance that doesn't affect most people.

Everything in our world has an energetic signature or vibration that distinguishes it from all other substances. This variation makes a tomato a tomato and an orange an orange.

Using this signature, the immune system understands, defines and categorizes what's in it's presence and protect itself from substances that it thinks are harmful.

This is the frontline defense for the body. The immune system protects from toxins, bacteria, viruses and anything that might upset the delicate balance of the body.

With our complicated lives filled with stress, toxins and who knows what else, the immune system gets confused, something goes wrong, very wrong and causes allergies.

What causes this wrong (allergic) response?

When the body is stressed, doesn't get enough nutrition, is malnourished or has a toxic overload from the environment, there is a systematic breakdown in all the body's systems.

Our digestive system is affected, our nervous system is diminished and the immune system, the system that made the mistake in the first place, starts making more and more bad choices. The exact system that is supposed to protect us, does just the opposite and fails us.

How did allergies become so prevalent and what are the reasons for the change?

Could it be the 80,000 new chemicals created in this century alone?

Could it be a lifestyle with so much stress that the immune system breaks down?

Could it be toxins in the air and water that disrupt the normal functioning of our bodies?

Could it be the electro-magnetic fields (toxins) coming from cell phones, wi-fi, high-tension power lines, radio and TV signals, small appliances and all those wireless cameras on every major intersection, hair dryers and the list goes on.

And GMO's (genetically modified organisms) as a food source, but don't get me started on that one.

With this toxic soup that we live in, it's no wonder why we have more allergies today than ever before. Our bodies just start to fail, become hypersensitive, react inappropriately to the world around us, have allergic reactions and basically the body just doesn't do what it's supposed to do. The immune system gets overloaded, all in the name of "Progress" and allergies to basic foods, the building blocks of health, are created.

And if these allergic responses are allowed to continue, more and more foods become suspect and energy that should be used to heal the body is diverted to attack these foods and weaken the body.

To solve this allergic response, all we have to do is to delete the old "wrong" programming and install new programming that tells the immune system that these foods are good. We need them. It's nourishment.

These foods that cause an allergic response are not the culprit even though the body treats them that way. It's just the immune systems improper response to them that we must eliminate. We must stop this downward spiral now to reverse this trend.

NAET addresses this imbalance. Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Techniques, also known as NAET簧, is a non-invasive, drug free, natural technique that eliminates allergies of all type and sensitivities using a blend of selective energy balancing and testing with treatment procedures from acupuncture, acupressure, allopathy, chiropractic, nutritional, and kinesiological disciplines of medicine. Thousands of practitioners practice this successful method of treating allergies.

NAET not only relieves the symptoms, it strengthens the immune system to make better choices and fosters a climate of health and wellbeing.

The Allergy Kit takes this one step further. Based on principles from NAET, Bodytalk and EFT, The Allergy Kit offers a way to treat your allergies at home. It's a natural, do-it-yourself, home treatment protocol that reprograms your immune system to react positively to these basic foods, rather than reacting negatively to them. By reprogramming the immune system, you will be able to eat "like a normal person again".

More children are affected by allergies than ever before. Not only does it affect their digestion, but because over 90% of the serotonin is produced in the gut, it has a very beneficial affect on mood, depression and wellbeing.

Dr. Ynge Ljung, the creater of The Allergy Kit is an acupuncture physician, certified NAET practitioner and certified BodyTalk practitioner. She has created The Allergy Kit to allow people with allergies to treat themselves at home. We know it works because we have been using these principles in our office for more than 10 years and have adapted what we do in the office to allow you to treat you and your whole family.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Prevent Eczema Symptoms With A Wheat Free Diet

You can prevent eczema symptoms with a wheat free diet. This is what some people say as atopic eczema is linked to food allergies. A food allergy that inflicts many is the wheat allergy. You may not want to believe this because it may mean that you may have to give up eating several types of food. It is true that many products are made up of wheat nowadays. Wheat is a popular ingredient with food manufacturers as a cheap alternative to use in place of a lot more expensive substances.

If you get frequent skin problems and eczema outbreaks, then it is in your interest to determine if you have a wheat allergy. Once you find out if this is the case, go on a wheat free diet to prevent eczema symptoms. A wheat free diet is bound to make you feel a whole lot better with a reduction in the itch.

If you have a wheat allergy, then it will be the case that you cannot eat wheat completely nor ever should eat it again. Hence, consult a nutritionist to find out how to read food labels for wheat and wheat related substances. Many ingredients are wheat related. Hence, to avoid confusion, you need to know exactly what they are, for a wheat-free diet.

It is possible that instead of a food allergy, you may simply have mild wheat intolerance. In fact, many people are said to eat so much wheat that their bodies start to reject it a little. This is what is called a wheat intolerance. If you sometimes experience dizziness, nausea, or sneeze for no real reason or find yourself getting unexplained aches and pains, then your body might be rejecting wheat slightly. You may not realise this and dismiss this as merely having a normal reaction. If you are wheat intolerant, though, a wheat-free diet can help you to prevent your eczema symptoms by simply cutting down the consumption of such foods.

Some recent studies are also showing that there might be a direct link between wheat and dyslexia, and possibly several other medical conditions. In these studies, children with dyslexia, paid better attention in school suddenly and, in general, became more alert after going on a wheat-free diet. They were able to process information better and as such, scored better in tests than before.

Other symptoms of a wheat allergy or intolerance include cramping, irritable bowel, bloating, unexplained cold-like symptoms or headaches. If you really do find yourself experiencing these, and your itchy skin continues to give you problems, go see a doctor about testing yourself for wheat allergy. It may sound tedious to implement a wheat free diet, but it may be worth your time if it means that you can prevent eczema symptoms from ever attacking you again.

Elimination Diet For IBS

Irritable bowel syndrome and nutrition! What is the link between them? Can certain foods really lead to IBS symptoms? It is quite possible, though some doctors in US still think that nutrition should not be considered to be the reason for IBS symptoms. So they are skeptical that elimination diet can help to relieve these IBS disorders. But the fact is that about 70% of people were diagnosed with IBS problems caused by specific foods.

Even tests and researches have proven that some irritable bowel syndrome symptoms can appear as a result of food intolerance. Those who excluded certain foods from their daily diet according to their IgG antibody tests, have noticed improvement in their IBS symptoms (on average 10-26% reducing).

Most common IBS disorders related to specific foods are gluten sensitivity or gluten intolerance, lactose intolerance, food intolerance, food allergies and food hypersensitivity.

Some specialists think that specific food reactions should be considered as a potential cause of the IBS symptoms. In this case, the ideal solution is the Elimination Diet. This elimination diet for IBS works by excluding from the ration certain foods that are considered to trigger irritable bowel syndrome symptoms.

There are common food items that lead to adverse food reactions. According to the survey conducted among IBS sufferers most common foods causing their food intolerance and other IBS symptoms are dairy products, including milk protein (casein) and lactose (milk sugar); the legumes (peanut) and soy, barley, wheat, and rye (gluten); shellfish and fish, corn; fruits (apple, orange, and strawberry), vegetables (celery, cabbage, and lettuce), nuts (almond, Brazil nut, cashew, and walnut); nightshades (potato and tomato and the meats (pork, beef, and chicken). When the patients eliminated these foods from their daily nutrition, they have experienced improvement in existing symptoms.

Every patient should act according to an individual food elimination diet based on a variety of specific tests. In general, elimination diets for irritable bowel syndrome are based on the common foods causing certain allergic reactions. But a doctor should take into consideration that every sufferer requires an individual approach and each of patients can react individually while the matter is adverse food reactions. Unfortunately, this important issue is not always considered while prescribing the elimination diet for sufferers from irritable bowel syndrome. Indeed, this elimination diet have to be based on individual tests for gluten intolerance or sensitivity, casein intolerance, oral allergy syndrome (OAS) as well as food allergy testing.

For conclusion, it can be noted that a food elimination diet for IBS can be an effective solution in treatment of these symptoms. But of course, one should not act on his/her own, but only according to a specialist's recommendations and prescription.

Related Articles:

Top Rated IBS Treatments

Cat Allergies - Causes and Treatments

Itching is the most common sign of allergies in cats and dogs. Allergic dermatitis is inflammation of the skin that occurs after it has been exposed to something to which it is allergic, known as an allergen. The number-one sign of allergies in pets is itching. Cats lick, bite, chew and scratch themselves to the point of self-mutilation. The result is red, raw areas of skin with oozing sores and hair loss.

Allergies are caused by an "allergen", which is a substance that causes a hypersensitive reaction, which is usually itching. Almost 20 percent of all cats suffer from one or more allergies. Fleas, airborne particles, and foods are the top three causes. Plants with oily leaves, like rubber plants, and certain medications, including Tetracycline and Neomycin, can cause skin eruptions. Various types of kitty litter also cause allergic reactions.


* Flea allergies are responsible for up to 90 percent of itching in cats. Cats groom themselves constantly, which often quickly removes all evidence of fleas. Consider fleas first in any itching cat, regardless of whether or not fleas can be found.

* Inhalant allergies are the second most common type of allergy in cats. Atopy, Allergic Inhalant Dermatitis, and Atopic Dermatitis are terms that are used synonymously with Inhalant Allergies. Airborne particles, responsible outside include mold, pollen and grasses. Indoors, tobacco smoke, carpet cleaners and perfumes are common causes. Unlike people with inhalant allergies that sneeze and get a runny nose, the primary sign of these allergies in cats is itching. Occasionally cats wheeze and develop breathing problems. Signs of Atopy often begin with a seasonal pattern that that too coincides with the so-called "hay fever" season for people, but eventually inhalant allergies become a year-round condition. Most cases are inherited and can be controlled but not cured.

* Food allergies are the third most common reason cats itch. Eighty percent of cats with a food allergy have been eating the "adverse" food for over two years before a reaction occurs. Beef, dairy products and fish cause 90 percent of the problems. Itching is the number one sign of a food allergy, with the exception of a "milk intolerance", which results in diarrhea. Up to one third of cats with food allergies have concurrent flea allergies and/or Inhalant Allergies.


* Itching

* Licking

* Biting

* Excessive grooming behavior

* Small scabs on head, neck and ears or all over body

* Hair loss with or without scabs

* Skin crusts and plaques on head, neck and back


Determine underlying cause of itching and treat accordingly.

1. Eliminate fleas in Flea Allergies.

2. Certified veterinary skin specialists offer blood and skin testing, which can confirm certain hard to diagnose inhalant allergies.

3. Allergy free dietary trials are often effective for food allergies.

Itching usually resolves when the underlying problem is cured. Unfortunately, many allergies can not be cured but most can be controlled.

Itching may be controlled or relieved with a variety of products.

1. Antihistamines may be effective to relieve itching
a. Benadryl
b. Tavist
c. Atarax
d. Chlortrimaton

2. Vitamin C with Bioflavinoids in high doses has an antihistamine effect and often helps relieve itching. 250 mg of powder 2 to 3 times daily in food.

3. Omega 3 Fatty Acid Supplementation
a. Fish Oil
b. Flaxseed
c. Evening Primrose Oil
d. 1/8 teaspoon Salmon oil added to meals.

4. Oatmeal Based Shampoos - Oatmeal may relieve itching and skin irritation up to 72 hours.

5. Witch Hazel is soothing and comes as a spray or lotion; the spray works best in cats.

6. Aloe Vera Gel is available at health food stores. It contains enzymes that reduce skin irritation.

7. Corticosteroids like, prednisone may be the only effective medication to relieve itching in certain cases. Alternative therapies generally reduce the effective dose of corticosteroids needed on a long-term basis. In cats, unlike dogs and people, steroids are tolerated quite well and side effects are minimal.



Graphites 6x - a form of carbon. One pellet on tongue every 4 hours until signs are gone for up to 5 days. Discontinue if no improvement in first 24-hours. Withhold food 10 minutes before and after treatment.


Topical Herbs to reduce itching and skin irritation include:

* Calendula - an herb that can be used topically.

* Comfrey - this herb can be used topically as a rinse to reduce itching. Comfrey contains "allantoin" which promotes healing.

* Chamomile - this herb reduces skin irritation and has antioxidant properties. Can be used topically.

The Blood Type Diet Works

I started studying blood type and diet with Dr. James D'Adamo's 30 year practice compilation "One Man's Food... Is another Man's Poison" in 1995. The information was fascinating: specific foods could have a beneficial, neutral, or negative effect on human health and functioning!

In 1997, Dr. Peter D'Adamo, son of Dr. James D'Adamo published "Eat Right 4 Your Type". A patient bought me a copy as a gift and handed it to me with a look on his face like, "Hey Dr. Saks, I guess you were serious about the connection between blood type and diet!"

So here we are, many years later with so much more science, research and data on the connection between blood type and diet. The concept is really quite simple. The protein on your blood cells can have a beneficial, neutral or negative reaction to the chemical composition (protein structure) in food; thus, our health can greatly improve if our diet leans greatly toward our beneficial foods and we lean heavily away from our avoid foods. Incidentally, I stopped giving patients the avoid list years ago - so I could avoid "aw-man, you mean I can't have..." reaction!

As a Naturopath, Chiropractor, and Health and Wellness Coach, I recommend each person have their blood type tested (can be easily done at home) or more specifically, get your type and your secretor status checked with one salivary evaluation. Solutions to many of your health issues, even the difficult ones, may lie less in the intake of vitamins, minerals, and supplements than in the creation of a personalized "Bio-Logikal Diet". Doctors all over the country have started talking about the need for diets customized for specific individuals. Gone are the days of one-size-fits-all health and wellness programs.

For a brief summary of the concept of Blood type and diet, see my article "Blood Type and Diet - Weight Loss and Optimal Health".

I have found that blood typing alone can give me 80-85% accuracy with a clinical diet for a patient, WITHOUT having to use a food allergy test. Further, if we know the person's blood type and secretor status, we can fine tune their diet to 90% or better as compared to food allergy testing. Food allergy testing can still be very useful, but it's expensive and not absolute. This makes blood typing and secretor status testing a phenomenal clinic tool. In case you're wondering, secretor status indicates whether a person secretes his/her blood type antigens into their mucous membranes (eyes, intestines, urine, etc.). About 80% of the U.S. population are "secretors", while 20% are "non- secretors". Secretor status can be very beneficial when recommending a therapeutic or wellness diet for my patients and clients.

Dr. D'Adamo continues to research, publish and even treat patient in his clinic in Connecticut. His most recent publication is quite complex and primarily deals with heredity, genetic expression and blood type.

I had the opportunity to hear Dr. D'Adamo speak at his conference for The Institute for Human Individuality in Tempe, AZ April 2005. He started many doctors on a quest to learn more about blood typing, genetic expression, and dermatoglyphics (fingerprinting) as a means of recognizing patterns of dysfunction and disease.

I recommend Dr. D'Adamo's book Eat Right For Your Type for everyone. It is easy and vital reading for a healthy body and mind.

Please note, common sense is always your best medical advice! You should always consult with your doctor before undertaking any dietary or exercise program.

A Natural Treatment For Asthma

A plant-based compound significantly improves lung function in patients with moderate to severe asthma, producing results comparable to those of the steroid drug prednisone.


The mixture consists of the extracts of three herbs, and is called the anti-asthma herbal medicine intervention (ASHMI). ASHMI is a simplified version of a 14-herb medication used to treat asthma in Chinese hospitals.

First Controlled Study

It is the first time a controlled study has shown Chinese herbal medicine proving as effective as a corticosteroid for aiding asthma patients. The study was conducted on over 90 patients who were given either oral ASHMI, prednisone, or a placebo.

After four weeks, both the ASHMI and prednisone groups showed significant lung function improvement. There was a slight, but still measurable, greater improvement in the prednisone group.

Doesn't Impair Adrenal Function

ASHMI, however, unlike prednisone, also has the benefit of having no negative effects on adrenal function.

Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology September 2005; 116(3): 517-524MSNBC October 17, 2005

Dr. Mercola's Comment:There aren't many things that are important to do in life, but one of them for sure is breathing and when you can't get a full breath it is a major problem.

That is in large part why asthma can be such a frightening and frustrating condition, it's no wonder people will try anything -- including a toxic drug -- to stop it. Although steroids clearly work for asthma and many other conditions, they do so at great risk to your health.

Aside from their considerable toxicities though, steroids in no way shape or form treat the underlying cause which, if left untreated, will continue to devastate your health.

Although most supplements also fall into the category of not treating the underlying cause, especially herbs, they are typically far less toxic.It appearsthis novel natural, plant-based compoundwill prove to befar saferthan dangerousthe corticosteroid drug prednisone.

But if you're looking to reduce your dependence on any asthma crutch, here aresome simple lifestyle changes you can make:

  • Eat a healthy diet, being especially careful to reduce or avoid sugar, fruit juices, most grains and pasteurized dairy products.

  • Replacing commercial milk with raw milk from grass-fed cows is also usually well tolerated and highly health promoting. However, even raw milk may worsen asthma so you will need to be careful here.

  • Include generous amounts of omega-3 fats in your diet. I find Carlson fish oil and cod liver oil to be one of the most superior brands available as it conforms to the strictest guidelines for purity and freshness.

Please remember that for most Americans we are now in the cod liver oil time of year, as we simply don't have access to enough sunshine on our bare skin to help us produce vitamin D.

Important NEW Information About Cod Liver Oil Capsules

You have to be VERY cautious about using cod liver oil capsules. If for some reason you are not using the more economical liquid you need to understand that most brands of cod liver oil capsules can provide excessive doses of vitamin A (unlike the liquid) that can cause you a problem if you take dose in the 10-15 capsules per day that you will need to meet your omega-3 needs.

I reviewed this issue with Carlson and they were able to develop a low vitamin A cod liver oil capsule that won't get you into trouble. Interestingly they also taste great if you chew on them, almost like candy and I frequently chew them as a treat in the winter.

SO when you take cod liver oil if you feel you need to take the capsules the choice is very clear. Get Carlson's low vitamin A. If you can't find them we do have them in our store for your convenience.

For more severe and resistant cases of asthma, allergy skin testing can be appropriate. Traditional allergy treatments are one of medicine's safer and better approaches; however it has great room for improvement.

Additional Asthma Alternatives

My experience with conventional allergy testing, whether done through the blood (RAST) or skin is that only 20 percent to 30 percent of patients do exceptionally well with it. It is also highly inconvenient, as patients need to go to the doctor's office every week for months or years. It clearly does not work for the majority of patients.

For the past several years, I have been using a much improved version of this testing, which is taught by the American Academy of Environmental Medicine, called Provocation Neutralization (PN). The success rate for this approach is in the 80 percent to 90 percent range and patients can receive their treatment at home.

Health Problems Related To Toxic Black Mold

Common household mold causes a variety of health problems, but it is difficult to prove the exact cause of these symptoms. Mold spores can become airborne and contribute to a variety of respiratory and eye problems.

Because the symptoms of mold allergy resemble those of sinusitis, common cold and asthma, it is often difficult to determine the exact cause of these symptoms.

Most people suffer an allergic reaction if exposed to mold. The symptoms of mold allergy include:
Stuffy and runny nose.

You may feel suddenly congested when you walk into a certain room, basement or other part of the house. This is likely because there is mold. Areas that are humid or have had water damage are ideal places for mold to grow.

Itchy eyes.

These same mold spores can make your eyes red and itchy. During clean up of mold, it is important to protect your eyes, because the irritation can be severe. Itchiness or redness around the eyes may be a sign that you have mold.
Wheezing and coughing.

If you have no prior condition or cold, but find yourself wheezing and coughing, this may be because of mold. To test it, you can try moving around to different parts of the house and see if it clears up. If so, the area where you find yourself coughing may have mold.

Skin rashes.

This occurs only in pretty severe cases. If you experience skin rashes, you might have a lot of mold hiding out somewhere. You may have also come into contact directly with mold and your skin is reacting to it.

These are common symptoms of health related mold problems. Some people are more sensitive than others to mold, but all of us experience some of the above symptoms when we come into contact with mold.

Doctors are not sure exactly what health problems are mold related. But, it has been observed that those with asthma suffer especially bad in the presence of mold.

Some mold is toxic and researchers believe that constant exposure to mold over time might possibly contribute to certain types of cancer. This is not proven yet, but some species of mold, like the common household aspergillis, contain toxins similar to those found in those who suffer from liver and kidney cancers.

Have you ever heard of "sick building syndrome?" This refers to old buildings which may have some toxins in their building materials and cause those who work there to suffer various symptoms such as fatigue, headaches and respiratory problems.

Recent research suggests that sick building syndrome may be in part caused by mold. The symptoms of those who suffer from sick building syndrome are similar to health problems related to mold, and it is known that often old buildings were not built well to protect against mold.

Household mold has not been shown to produce any life-threatening diseases, but exposure to it can be a health problem. For this reason, it is best to keep your home and workplace as mold-free as possible.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Beyond The GFCF Diet - So Many Autism Diets to Choose From - Which One Do I Need?

Frequently Dr. Neubrander is asked what diet is the best or in what order the diets should be added. The following article was written by Dr. Neubrander to address this issue.

Please note that diets are an individualized thing and there is no simple answer. A few general rules that will apply to most patients the majority of the time (with major exceptions, of course!) are as follows: Begin with the GFCF diet first and observe for clinical benefits. The next diet is usually the SCD followed by the diets that eliminate special foods (elimination and rotation), food chemicals, e.g. phenolics, salicylates, glutamates, excitotoxins, etc. This can be followed by a "limited" low oxalate diet (not yet strict), the Body Ecology diet or the GAPS diet (Gut and Psychology Syndrome diet). The last diet many parents move to is a very "strict" low oxalate diet. NOTE THAT THERE IS NO 'PERFECT ORDER' AND DIFFERENT CHILDREN WOULD DO BETTER TO SWITCH THE ORDER. This is something that parents and their clinician could do together, though more often than not parents experiment on their own as they watch what works and what does not work for their child.

As stated, there are reasons that a child may need to skip over "the next usual diet to be added" to go farther down the list. These "skips" or "exceptions" are usually based on a child's symptoms, a discussion too big and too specific to be covered in this comment. Trial and error is the tried and true method. Lab tests are very often misleading and confusing. In addition, lab tests are not always available for many of the different "mechanisms of action" that may be operative. Even if a lab test was possible to do, because there are so many different lab tests to look at all the different mechanisms - IgE "true" food allergy, IgG non-allergic "delayed" hypersensitivity, difficulty breaking down peptides, gastrointestinal enzymatic deficiencies, cytotoxicity, direct chemical reactions, toxic or intolerance reactions to food components or contaminants, etc - it is financially impossible and impractical to do them all. Therefore, the CLINICAL TRIAL IS THE BODY'S BEST LAB TEST, but only if done in a systematic and progressive manner.

In general the casein-free, gluten-free diet helps over 60% of children on the autism spectrum according to ARI data. Though such a diet has been historically mocked by our detractors as unproven, unhealthy, and ineffective, as time marches on more and more peer reviewed articles are appearing in respectable journals documenting this diet works for a significant subset of the children on the spectrum. The reasons discussed in the published papers why this diet works has a spectrum of its own ranging all the way from "unknown but definite" to "gastrointestinal" all the way to "immunological" reasons. One recently described but definite reason that milk may be playing a negative role in children on the spectrum is because of a cerebral folate deficiency. In the "absolute" deficiency syndrome there is an autoimmune reaction whereby the body produces antibodies against the folate receptors found at the choroid plexus, thus blocking the body's ability to get reduced folic acid molecules across the blood brain barrier into the cerebral spinal fluid and ultimately into the neurons. It is becoming apparent that every child does not need to meet the criteria to be diagnosed with an "absolute" cerebral folate deficiency to be suffering similar negative neurological symptoms due to a "partial or incomplete" blockade of the same biochemical pathway. Cerebral folate deficiency studies show that when milk is present, the blocking antibodies rise, that when milk is taken out of a child's diet the blocking antibodies fall substantially, and that when milk is reintroduced, the blocking antibodies once again rise very quickly! Research also shows that the longer one is exposed to milk, the higher the antibody levels become. Of special interest at the time of this post (August 2011) is that out of the 120 children we have tested so far in our clinic for folate receptor autoantibodies, 2/3 of them (65.8%) have been positive to either the blocking and/or binding folate receptor autoantibodies. Of even greater interest is that we can often do something to treat the problem effectively, occasionally even to the 'Wow-degree'!

What is not well understood is that there are many different "mechanisms" as to why a certain food may cause problems in different subsets of individuals that look alike and have the same types of symptoms. Let's use casein as one good example. Some patients cannot tolerate casein well because of the "OPIOID" MECHANISM which causes a drug-like reaction. This opioid-like phenomenon is due to the inability of "specific" enzymes that break down key bonds that occur between the molecules holding together certain parts of a casein molecule [also certain parts of a gluten molecule]. Therefore, "if" a patient lacks this specific enzyme, DPPIV ["DPP-four"], casein may not be broken down into its smallest common denominator (single amino acids named "peptides") and thus remain as polypeptides or "dipeptides," which are then absorbed and subsequently "misread" by the body's opioid receptors with which they cross react as opioids [morphine-like drugs]. This "OPIOID REACTION" to casein/milk products is only "ONE SPECIFIC MECHANISM" to a host of mechanisms why dairy may not be good for a certain subset of children. The "ADENOSINE CONNECTION" is "ANOTHER SPECIFIC MECHANISM" whereby dairy products from milk (not eggs), acting through the DPPIV pathway, blocks the effectiveness of methyl-B12.

"ANOTHER SPECIFIC MECHANISM" why some children will do better without dairy products is because the child may have "TRUE FOOD ALLERGIES", e.g. the IgE antibody response [accepted by all conventionally trained physicians]. Still "ANOTHER SPECIFIC MECHANISM" why some children will do better without dairy products is because the child may have "FOOD SENSITIVITIES/INTOLERANCES" e.g. the IgG antibody response [accepted by most alternative medicine practitioners but only a small percentage of conventionally trained physicians]. "ANOTHER SPECIFIC MECHANISM" would include AN ABNORMAL CYTOTOXIC RESPONSE when the nuclei of cells are directly incubated with casein. When this is done, the nuclei "get angry" by taking in a lot more blue dye and the nuclei look just like the sky before a thunderstorm instead of a pretty blue sky on a summer day. Still "ANOTHER SPECIFIC MECHANISM" would include LACTOSE INTOLERANCE whereby "a different enzyme" than the one described above cannot break down milk sugar. When this happens, the undigested milk sugar bypasses absorption in the small intestine and travels down to the large intestine where bacteria and yeast say, "Yippee, beer and pretzel time!" and have a party on the front lawn of the large intestine. Unfortunately the byproducts of bacteria and yeast being "overfed" is the production of hydrogen and methane gases resulting in the child feeling bloated, having flatulence, and possibly abdominal pain.

Many similar mechanisms are happening with a child that may be better on a gluten-free diet, e.g. the DPPIV opiod-mechanism, the IgE and IgG mechanisms, and the cytotoxic mechanism. An ADDITIONAL MECHANISM comes into play with gluten, that being the AUTOIMMUNE PHENOMENON known as CELIAC DISEASE. In this disorder the body makes an antibody against its own intestinal mucosa. The mucosal lining becomes damaged and therefore the absorptive surface becomes compromised which impairs the body's ability to absorb. This can be pictured by opening one's hand to observe the fingers and knuckles which we will define as absorptive surfaces. When antibodies destroy the surface lining, picture this by making a fist. Now compare the two - the first one has a tremendous surface area while the second one has very little. So it is with celiac disease.

A popular diet right now for children on the autistic spectrum is the Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD). The "mechanism" at work in this diet is still another enzyme deficiency - a specific class of enzymes that are supposed to break down starches or "two-part, two-molecule sugars." The food classification known as "carbohydrates" are comprised of individual biochemical units known as sugars [these are "biochemical sugars" that are not the same as the lay term "sugar"]. These biochemical sugar molecules have common names, e.g. glucose, fructose, and galactose. Biochemically these individual units of biochemical sugars are called mono ["one"] saccharides ["sugar molecule"]. When two of these individual sugar molecules are combined, they are now called dissacharides ["two" "sugar molecules"]. When a single "glucose" biochemical sugar molecule combines with a single "galactose" biochemical sugar molecule, the result is the disaccharide lactose, commonly known as "milk sugar." When a single glucose biochemical sugar molecule combines with a single fructose biochemical sugar molecule, the result is the disaccharide commonly known as "fruit sugar." When a single glucose biochemical sugar molecule combines with another single glucose biochemical sugar molecule, the result is the disaccharide commonly known as a "starch." Clinically it seems that there is a subclassification of enzymes that is unable to break down the "starchy" disaccharides [names like isomaltase -- a disaccharidase; palitinase -- a dissacharidase, etc]. These types of disaccharidases are especially hard on the intestinal tract [remember "ase" added to the end of a word just means an enzyme that digests the similarly named substrate, e.g. lactase digests the substrate lactose, etc.]. By simply removing these "relatively hotter disaccharides" from a child's diet, the child may improve significantly.

Other diets include elimination diets based on "true allergy tests - IgE tests," on "intolerance/sensitivity allergy tests - IgG tests," "cytotoxic sensitivity tests - lymphoblastic activation," or "chemical reactions to food substances," e.g. the Feingold diet and other similar diets, "metabolic disorders," e.g. avoidance of foods containing items like phenols, sulfur pathway offenders, tyramines, nightshades, the oxalate diet, etc. Each of these diets may work because of single mechanisms or alternatively because of combined synergistic mechanisms working together.

PLEASE NOTE THAT THE SINGLE MOST VALUABLE LABORATORY TEST is a child's specific reaction to the introduction, restriction, and then reintroduction of a potentially offending substance. Therefore, When In Doubt, Cut It Out of the child's diet and observe clinically for results. Understand that the removal of an item may not give clinical results that are easily observable. However, with the reintroduction of the food, symptoms or decompensation may then occur.

The only real exception to the general principle stated above is to the "big baddies," things that are known to be life-threatening, things like peanuts, shrimp, etc. These are true IgE allergies and could have serious consequences if not respected. To these substances one should not consider reintroducing them just to see if the child has improved or can tolerate the substance or not. The problem is that if reintroduced, two things could happen. With the first reintroduction after being off the food for a period of time, the body may not have an outward reaction, though internally the body will lose what was a "temporary amnesic response" because it had avoided the food for a long period of time while it sets itself up for a serious reaction should the food be ingested again within a relatively short period of time. The second thing that could happen is that the child may react to the first reintroduction of the food and have a potentially life-threatening anaphylactic emergency.

Remember that each child is different and that each diet is different. The best way to determine when to start and when to stop a diet will be different, one child to the next. Therefore I always recommend professional help in these matters. As is standard for my practice, if I believe a result to starting a diet could be "very important," or have significant benefits or side effects, I will recommend that the diet be started at a time when no other variables are being added or removed from the child's program. The same general principle applies to the discontinuation of a diet.

Diets are very frustrating, no doubt. They are not "The American Way"! The right diet is not easy to find. And no diet is ever easy to do. It takes commitment by the parents and alters the family's lifestyle, one of the hardest things for all of us to do - change! However, diets are worth investigating by every parent because when the correct diet is found, many of the troublesome symptoms associated with the autism spectrum will diminish or disappear completely~! Good luck on your journey. We are here to help you in any way we can along the way.

James A. Neubrander, MD

Are You Affected by Mold?

Coming from sunny California, where the air is often dry and it rarely rains, the climate of Georgia is quite dynamic. When it's hot - it's really hot. When it rains - it really does pour. Lightening is exciting and scary - it can be extremely powerful and it feels like it will tear your home apart. The weather in Atlanta affects and influences each day, something that Californian's sometimes take for granted.

One of the first things I noticed in living in Atlanta, was I didn't see any water sprinklers. Where are the water sprinklers, I asked an Atlantan? Every front yard and garden home in LA has water sprinklers. The reply came with a loud hearty belly laugh, "We don't have water sprinklers in Atlanta." " We don't need them!" It didn't take long for me to understand why. It rains often in Georgia, as long as there isn't a draught. Not like Seattle fame, but a few times every week.

The benefit of living in a moist environment, is the beauty of the vegetation and relative cleanliness of the air. Atlanta is like living in a gigantic park. It is lovely. So what's the downside? After it rains, the air is clean, but natural occurring mold spores is the result. That is a temporary phenomena, the mold spores, but more often than not, this moldiness leads to mildew and mold growth. Mold is insidious. Sometimes you can't see it or smell it until it becomes a problem. Mold can grow and cause fungus havoc. Clothes, books, furniture, and your lungs can have detrimental affects to mold. I have treated many patients - young and old - for allergic reactions to mold. In LA, I never saw a person with mold allergies in 23 years. In Atlanta, one in every four allergy patients that I treat has some type of reaction or symptom due to mold. Atlanta Georgia has a middle name - it's Mold.

Atlanta is a great city yet mold allergies are part of life. What are the typical symptoms of mold allergy? Wheezing, cough, difficult breathing, malaise, stuffy nose, itchy watery eyes, mental dysfunction, vertigo and rashes. Mold allergies are often misdiagnosed in children as Asthma. In adults it is misdiagnosed as a cold or influenza. Mold spores proliferate the environment, making it very difficult on people with allergic tendencies. People are often affected by mold and don't know it. Medical doctors do not routinely look for mold allergies. You may ask for a blood test to determine if you an allergy to mold.

The people who complain of allergy symptoms year round are those most likely to have mold allergies, not seasonal allergies. Many trips to the medical doctor could be avoided and much suffering eliminated with a correct diagnosis. Ritchie Shoemaker, MD in his book, Mold Warriors - Fighting America's Hidden Health Threat, presents proof that mold may cause serious illness.

With holistic natural therapy a serious mold allergy can be completely and permanently eliminated without shots or medication. This also helps to prevent future illness, because you're not just treating the symptoms.

Understand How Cortisol and Stress Affects Your Weight

Healing from Adrenal Fatigue/Chronic Fatigue

Adrenal fatigue is a condition which occurs because of our busy American lifestyle. With all of the demands placed on upon us physically and emotional today, this condition is seen in all practices. Surveys indicate that more than 70% of the American people feel that their lives have been affected by the recession and feel added stress. Many of you are all ready seeing these changes in your patients and practices. Times are very different than just a few years ago and it is directly affecting our patient's physical ability to cope with these changes.

Adrenal fatigue is defined as a deficiency in the functioning of the adrenal glands. People who suffer from adrenal fatigue do not suffer from full blown disease. The extreme variations of adrenal disease are Addison's and Cushing's disease. Addison's disease is the rarest from of Hypoadrenia. It occurs in 4 out of every 100,000 people. Hypoadrenia is responsible for 70% of the adrenal disease and is an autoimmune disorder.

Adrenal Fatigue is a collection of broad signs and symptoms, known as a "syndrome" that results when the Adrenal glands function below the necessary level.
Over the past century this disorder has been known as:

Sub-clinical Hypoadrenia
Adrenal neurasthenia
Adrenal apathy

Who Suffers From Adrenal Fatigue?
- An illness, a life crisis, or a continuing difficult situation can drain the Adrenal resources.
- Lifestyles can make one more prone to Adrenal issues such as:
- Poor diet, substance abuse, too little sleep and rest, or too many pressures all result in the symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue.
- Life Events
- Death, Marriage, Birth of a child
- Lifestyle leading to Adrenal
- Executives working 60-70 hours a week, juggling family life, kids, a home, and financial stress.
- This situation goes on for several years.
- Finally symptoms start to present but the person keeps going.

What are the symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue?

Weight Gain
Low Blood Pressure
Low Pulse
Light Headed/Dizziness
Hair Loss
Decreased Sex Drive
Decreased Immune Function

Do these symptoms sound familiar? It is estimated that 50% of the people diagnosed with hypothyroidism also suffer from adrenal fatigue. Many people who suffer from hypothyroidism cannot be completely balanced because they never receive adrenal support. Without adrenal support the thyroid gland continues to get stimulated without any support leaving the adrenal glands depleted even more. This process then increases the symptoms of hypothyroidism. A conservative estimate indicates that 50% of the people with thyroid disorder are also affected with adrenal disorder. The figure below shows the connection between thyroid and stress hormones.

Common Diseases
Many associated diseases can occur with chronic stress or adrenal fatigue. Symptoms of these disorders vary from mild to severe.

Arthritic Pain
Decreased Immune Function
Psychiatric Disorders
Syndrome X

The Stress Response
The stress response cycle is very complex. There are four different zones of the adrenal cortex each secreting different hormones such as; cortisol, DHEA, testosterone, aldosterone, and progesterone. The adrenal cortex produces over 50 hormones all working as bridges to form other adrenal hormones. These changes affect: Carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism, insulin and blood sugar control, fluid and electrolyte balance, cardiovascular system and Sex drive.

Testing for Adrenal Fatigue
A simple saliva test can be conducted at home to diagnose adrenal fatigue. Blood or saliva testing can be used to evaluate hormones to determine if adrenal fatigue is a concern. The most common hormones tested are testosterone, DHEA in saliva or DHEA-S in blood. Cortisol should always be tested using saliva. Typically a diurnal cortisol is evaluated but you can order one or two if you prefer. If you chose to order one or two you will usually order a morning or evening cortisol or both. When ordering a diurnal cortisol collection of the sample is done between seven and eight o-clock in the morning, and noon, then the third sample is collected between three and four o-clock in the afternoon. The last sample is collected between ten o-clock and midnight.

Iris testing If a person's adrenal glands are working properly the pupil will normally contract if a light is shined across the eye. If adrenal issues are present the pupil will not be able to hold the contraction despite the light shining on it. This dilation will take place over 2 minutes and last 30-45 seconds.

Ragland's Test: Is commonly done in a medical office for a variety of reasons and not ever thought of as a test for adrenal function. This test is done by the evaluation of one's blood pressure readings. Having the patient sit and obtain a blood pressure reading. Have the patient stand and take the blood pressure. The patient will rest for 6 minutes lying down the patient will stand up and immediately take the blood pressure.

Interpretation of Test:
If the blood pressure is 10 mm Hg. lower after standing, suspect adrenal gland weakness.
The greater the drop in blood pressure the greater the degree of adrenal dysfunction.
Sergent's White Syndrome: This test was first described in 1971 by a French physician Dr. Sergent. The test is simple and doesn't cost the patient anything. Simple use the end of a pen and lightly draw a line about 6" on the abdomen. Watch for a line to appear within a few seconds this is a normal response.
The line should initially be white then turn red within a few seconds. If adrenal issues are present the line will remain white.

HPA Axis
The regulation of cortisol is done by the HPA Axis. The hypothalamus mediates between external and internal states to keep the body balanced. Cortisol is the chief agent used by the hypothalamus to balance body chemistry. Any stressors listed above can trigger the body's stress response and interrupt normal requirements for cortisol.

Cortisol protects the body by normalizing blood sugar levels. A drop in blood sugar triggers the adrenal glands to produce more cortisol. Cortisol increases blood sugar by converting fats and proteins to energy. Cortisol also has anti-Inflammatory properties when secreted in normal levels.

Cortisol levels affect White Blood Cells, and specifically produce lymphocytes. Cortisol regulates blood pressure and central nervous system function by affecting; behavior, mood, excitability and all other neurons in the brain.

Stress hormones and neurotransmitters provide a quick burst of energy. They speed up the necessary body systems by increasing heart rate and breathing. It can also shut down the unnecessary body systems such as the reproductive system and immune system.

Cortisol receptors exist on almost every cell in the body and have an important role in brain function. If serotonin is depleted it can result in fatigue, depression and inflammation. Moderate and transient amounts of cortisol increase the release of dopamine. If dopamine levels reach abnormally high levels people will experience symptoms of attention deficient or attention deficient with hyperactivity. Dopamine will also become elevated when people consume diets high in sugar which often happens when cortisol levels are low this occurs because people are looking for a rush to increase their energy levels. While high and chronic levels of cortisol decrease the production and release of dopamine.

The immune system can be directly affected by the adrenal function. Allergies involve the release of histamine a pro-inflammatory. Cortisol is a strong anti-inflammatory. It is the histamine & Cortisol reaction that produces the symptoms experienced with allergies. Food allergies are common during adrenal fatigue because of these added stressor placed on the immune system. The most common food allergies are corn, wheat, eggs, and dairy. The symptoms can vary in severity and may be temporary if the adrenal glands can be restored.

How common is Adrenal Fatigue
According to "The Adrenal Fatigue Organization" it is estimated that 80% of North Americans suffer from Adrenal Fatigue at some point in their lives!

Treating Adrenal Fatigue
Once Adrenal fatigue is diagnosed an individualized adrenal program can be initiated. An adrenal program contains life style changes and nutritional support which will help balance the body. It will restore the body's ability to balance and correctly utilize sugar, support in digestion, and rebuild the adrenal glands to properly handle stress and return the body back to its normal state. In some cases it is necessary for hormones to be replaced for short periods of times until the body can repair and produce them on their own. The hormones replaced are DHEA, testosterone and hydrocortisone.

Unfortunately, restoring the adrenals is not a quick fix. You can expect a patient to be on this program for six to twelve months at minimum. If patients have been ill for several years they can expect to be on an adrenal program for one to three years before they are healed. Patients can expect to have periods of time that they feel good and then crash. It is important to provide patients with education and support during this time.

An example of an adrenal program includes using supplements: Vitamin C, B, and Trace Minerals. Herbs that are used to assist in treatment include Ginseng, Rhodiola, Withania, Ashwaganda, and Licorice. Many other supplements can be used but these are the most common. A variety of programs can be initiated and all practitioners who are knowledgeable with adrenal fatigue will create variations in their treatment programs.

Alleviating Allergies

If you have allergies like I do trying to do your routine activities is difficult.

On top of the fact I have allergies I also have Asthma. I have had both for 30 years and I am 31. When my allergies kick in so does my Asthma. It is not any fun to have both clobbering you at the same time.

For years I used numerous medications and most of them made me drowsy. I was one of those in that rare category that ended up drowsy. The following day I was still like a zombie walking around in a daze.

I got so tired of this that I went to an allergy specialist. They wanted to put me on allergy shots on top of a list of things to get rid of or change in my life. I was told to get rid of carpet, keep the windows closed, stay inside, don't have pets, etc. That wasn't the kind of life I wanted to live.

I am active person that loves the outdoors as well as animals.

I continued to take prescription medicines like Zyrtec for awhile until my body got used to it.

Then I tried Singulair but when I lost my job I also lost my insurance so I was back to over the counter medications.

When my allergy testing was done "officially" 10 years ago, I was nearly off the charts. I joke around that I am allergic to everything but myself. Really though, my allergies could be worse than they are. I am even allergic to Cantaloupe, Watermelon, Peas among many other things.

Most of my life I have been unacceptably miserable because of allergies. I have gotten angry at times because I depend on medications to keep me going.

Earlier this year, a friend of mine who is a registered nurse was telling me about a supplement that has helped many other people she knew had allergies. They either said their allergies were completely relieved or the symptoms were greatly alleviated.

As many medications and natural techniques I have tried over the years I was skeptical. There is always someone out there claiming to have a cure or a really great fix on allergies but yet it isn't flying off the shelves?

Well, this supplement is apparently the hottest, top seller of a company I just recently became associated with. Market America's Isotonix OPC-3 is an awesome product.

I began taking it about the time Spring was really going into action. Everyday I have taken it faithfully especially since if I forget to take it on time my body reminds me. While it has not completely cured my allergies it has significantly alleviated them. I am able to work normally day to day with absolutely no side affects such as drowsiness.

Isotonix OPC-3 is all natural too. You just use the cap provided to put the bottlecap full of the supplement into and add water or you can add it to your drink if preferred.

I recommend if you have allergies and have tried everything under the sun give the OPC-3 a try. Give it a week to see results. It is an alternative and natural way to deal with your allergies.

If you are getting ready to take allergy shots and want to try something before committing then try the OPC-3.

I have exposed myself to heavy pollen, mowed an acre and been in the most dusty places the last few months. Usually I am miserable. But not one single day have my allergies bothered me.

Vagina Pain

A 26 year old female complained of vagina pains. Her vulvar pain was so painful that it was difficult to ambulate. During the consultation, the patient fidgeted so much, I knew she was in extreme discomfort. She was unable to have an intimate relationship with her boyfriend and it was adversely affecting them. The constant pain was making it very difficult for her to function in any activity of daily living.

I asked her, "how long has it been since you felt good?" The patient stated, it had been three years, since after she graduated college.

The patient had seen many doctors. No one could give her any explanation for her pain or any lasting relief. She was prescribed pain medication and antidepressants.

It was completely rule out that there were no infections. No sexually transmitted disease, no yeast involvement or human papillomavirus. There was no rare disease or pathology and no obstruction. As a practitioner of the healing arts, many possibilities ran through my head as the cause of the patient's pain. Was it a food allergy, was it a sensitivity to her tampons, or was she allergic to her boyfriend's semen?

My intuition was hinting that the vulvodynia was emotionally in origin. I inquired if there was a trauma three years ago. Often a traumatic event can cause pain and probably can't be seen on an X-ray, ultrasound scan or blood test. The patient denied any trauma, but did mention she broke-up with her fiancee at the time. While there are over a hundred healing techniques available in alternative medicine, I chose N.E.T. (Neuro Emotional Technique) to find the source of this individual's severe pain. Through the process of kinesiology, that is muscle testing, I could access the memory linked to the intense pain.

I had the patient stick out her right arm and tested her strength. Her arm tested strong. Then I had her focus her attention on her vagina. The arm still tested strong. Next, I tested the strength in her left arm, which was also strong. I asked the patient to think of her vagina. This time, her arm went weak! This indicated an emotionally charge memory. With the N.E. T. procedure, it was found that the patient experienced, "low self esteem," after the split with her fiancee three years ago. While the patient did not want this relationship, she still felt many emotions that were unresolved. With the N.E.T. technique, the patient was able to release her feelings about almost getting married. The N.E.T. approach helps release negative memories in the body, mind and spirit.

On the next office visit a week later, the patient stated that her pain had subsided and that she was happy, that she could have sex again. It took several more sessions to completely resolve her symptoms. After six months, the patient is still pain free.

An Entrepreneur's Guide to Food Product Development Firms

Did your career coach, co-packer, or consultant refer you to a food product developer? Are you curious about what a food product development firm can actually do for your business? This quick guide will explain exactly what it is that these developers do, and what you can expect while searching for the perfect firm to suit your needs.

The Food Product Development Process

A good food product development firm will tailor their process to help you achieve your goals - chances are you won't have to use every service they are capable of providing. In fact, the first step in the process is to assess your goals. Your goals may involve creating a new marketable product, adjusting your current product, or scaling your current production methods. This may also involve brainstorming new recipes and ideas with the food scientists and culinary developers who make up the development team.

Once goals are established, the food product development team will take steps to develop and refine the concept depending on your processing, packaging, and distribution needs. Regulatory guidelines will help direct the developer's progress. Some firms also conduct market research to gauge the potential demand for your recipe, whether in the consumer or business-to-business arena.

Your concept will then move to the testing and prototyping phase. Issues like cost and manufacturing restrictions will begin to become apparent. Several rounds of testing and refinement may be necessary.

Food product developers can then conduct shelf-life testing, stability testing, taste testing, and the testing of physical and biochemical properties of your developing product. This might take your product back into the testing and prototyping phase; attention to detail is the most important aspect of the development industry.

Regulatory compliance is also an important part of new product development and should be part of the process from beginning to end. Most firms also offer the option of creating your nutrition label to ensure it complies with local and federal regulations as well.

If needed, the food development team can also run tests that gauge customer acceptance of your new product or recipe. There are third-party firms that conduct this type of test exclusively but it's always nice to cut costs by going with the same company for as much of the development process as possible.

Some firms may also assist with your packaging design, investor presentations, and product launch. They may be able to get you into trade shows that will further your success. Every food product development firm offers optional extras, but not all firms offer the same forms of pre- and post-launch support.

Every development firm is different. They all offer different levels of involvement, different resources, and different philosophies. You will conduct many, many interviews before landing upon the perfect match - but the result is well worth the effort. Are you excited about working with a food product development company that will put your new recipe or product on the map?

How Can An Allergist Help You With Diagnosis and Treatment of Allergies

Itchy eyes, a runny nose, and frequent sneezing are indicators of allergies. More than half of the U.S. population has tested positive for at least one allergen. Allergies are among the most common chronic diseases in the country and are estimated to cost businesses and the U.S. health care system $7.9 billion each year. An allergist can help relieve symptoms so people spend less time inside sneezing and blowing their noses and more time enjoying each day.

Self-treatment for allergies is usually not effective because many over-the-counter medications do not treat moderate to serious cases. Some people mistake allergies for a cold and use the wrong medication. A visit to a general healthcare practitioner may not reveal the mistaken diagnosis because most general physicians are not very experienced with allergies. The medical professional may identify that a cold is not to blame for the symptoms but may not be able to render an accurate diagnosis.

An easy way to get the correct initial diagnosis is to visit an allergist. This medical specialist has the skills and equipment required to identify an allergic condition. Years of study regarding different types of allergies and access to tests that reveal allergic triggers enable this professional to quickly pinpoint the problem and prescribe the most effective course of treatment. After just one visit, patients may be on their way to feeling better than they have in years.

Treatment may involve avoiding the allergy trigger or taking medication. If a person is allergic to an environmental substance like pollen, avoidance is usually not possible, so medication will be required, particularly during seasons in which pollen is commonly present in the air. An allergy doctor may recommend trying several medicines under medical supervision to determine which is most effective.

There are many types of allergic diseases, ranging from common allergic rhinitis and sinusitis to eczema, asthma, hives, and swelling of the skin or mucous membranes. Some people are allergic to airborne substances, while others have allergies to certain foods, antibiotics, insects, or biological materials. Identifying what is triggering the allergic reaction is the first step in treatment.

An allergist will conduct surface and intradermal skin testing, patch testing, and pulmonary function testing to determine allergy causes. The sooner the sufferer consults with this medical professional, the sooner treatment can begin. Living a life free of allergies due to proper diagnosis is better than suffering with them for years as a result of improper treatment.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Gluten, Wheat, Lactose Intolerance: 3 Food Intolerances and How to Treat Them

Three of the most common food intolerances are gluten, wheat, and lactose. Gluten is the storage of proteins in wheat, oats, barley, and rye. It's prevalent in bread, cakes, and baked goods. People with wheat intolerance experience negative reactions to the proteins in wheat; children are often wheat intolerant. Lactose is the building block of dairy products and people who are lactose intolerant are intolerant to the proteins in milk. People with these common food intolerances will experience the following:

  • Bloating

  • Stomach and abdominal pain

  • Diarrhea

  • Constipation

  • Excessive Gas/wind

  • Vomiting

  • Stomach cramps

  • Indigestion

  • Fatigue

  • Strong headaches

  • Weight gain

Before going into specifics about lactose, gluten, and wheat intolerance, it's important to understand the fundamentals behind them. Although the symptoms are often similar, food intolerance should not be confused with a food allergy, which is a hypersensitivity to certain foods caused by the presence of certain antibodies; these allergies affect the body's organs while intolerances only affect the digestive system.

Food intolerances typically develop over time and the onset of symptoms can be slow. People who experience these have type III Gig antibodies. Symptoms can occur anywhere between 8 and 72 hours after eating the offending food or additive. The food causing the problems stresses the immune system and this affects the digestive system. The body believes the food being eaten is going to cause an infection caused by a bacteria, virus, or fungi; the food triggers the body's defense mechanism.

Gluten, Wheat, and Lactose Intolerance: The Details.

The most serious form is Coeliac disease. This leads to the poor absorption of certain nutrients and can lead to serious health problems. Approximately 15-20% of people with gluten intolerance have Coeliac disease; it can take up to 13 years to develop. People suffering with either should avoid any food with oats, kamut, spelt, rye, barley, and oats; this includes bread, flour, biscuits, cakes, noodles, pizza and beer.

People with wheat intolerance can often eat products with grains-other than wheat. Approximately 15% of the population has common symptoms from wheat. The symptoms experienced from eating wheat can worsen to Irritable Bowel Syndrome but the most common symptom is bloating. Foods to avoid include cereals, breads, and pastas plus sauces, yogurts, and beer containing wheat-based stabilizers. And some sausages use wheat for filler.

Some people who are lactose intolerant cannot digest the sugars (lactase) found in wheat products; others experience symptoms because they are intolerant to the proteins in milk; the latter is known as a type III dairy intolerance. And people who are lactose intolerant can also be fructose intolerant. Conditions that can follow include chronic dehydration, iron deficiency, malabsorption, and osteoarthritis.

Fortunately, testing is easier than in the past. Testing starts with a general allergy/intolerance test. If the test comes back positive for a food intolerance, further testing can pinpoint whether a person is experiencing a specific type. And today's testing can test for up to 271 types of food stuffs. This type of specificity means people can avoid a specific type of food while enjoying other types of food.

Patients who are lactose, gluten, or wheat intolerant face the inconvenience of avoiding certain foods. But after accurate diagnosis and through a revised diet, they can enjoy life without the painful symptoms.

Dog Allergy Testing - Tips on the Methods and Preparation

Dog allergy testing is performed as standard procedure before immunotherapy, or allergy shots are normally given. Being part of the diagnosis, the data gained from a canine blood test and skin scratch test will provide the basic information necessary to correctly diagnose that a condition of hypersensitivity does exists and will determine exactly which allergens are responsible. Thus, this testing makes it possible to conduct immunotherapy.

Dog allergy shots are given in order to inject a carefully created vaccine, each one is individually designed to bring about the desensitization of specific allergies that have been shown in testing to be the cause of the physical reactions to allergens.


Before beginning any procedure, two things must be done.

First, all lingering skin infections must be cleared-up. These include flea, mite, yeast, fungal, and bacterial infections. At times this may take several weeks to completely cure these conditions. Still, this is necessary to ensure that your pet's allergies are the problem-- and not the infections.

Secondly, if it has not occurred earlier, your pet will be placed on a diet of hypoallergenic food for a period of about three months prior to proceeding. This will be done in order to ensure your pet is not reacting to a food allergy, which is usually treated by identifying the problem food in question and eliminating it from the diet. Desensitization of a food allergen is usually not attempted except in cases of very special circumstances because of especially poor success rates.


When all is ready, an Intradermal Skin Test (IDST), or allergy skin testing, is performed in order to confirm that: 1) the physical reactions are indeed caused by an allergen, and 2) to determine specifically which allergens are responsible.

In theory, the IDST is a very straight-forward procedure, yet at times it may become somewhat complex due to the incredibly huge range of possible allergens. Re-testing is sometimes performed to further understand the scope of the problem.

Whom to Select

At times a family veterinarian will conduct the canine blood test and skin test leading to desensitization therapy (dog allergy shots), and then the family vet may even provide the shots based him or herself. Let me say that there are some family vets that are competent in doing this, although most are not-- primarily because they lack the proper training and do not have enough experience, except for very simple cases.

That is why it is recommended that an animal with more than simple inhalant allergies be taken to a veterinary dermatologist. They are highly-trained specialist in the field of diseases of the skin. Going to a vet dermatologist from the beginning will often avoid wasted time and money. You will find most veterinary dermatologists will want to do their own dog allergy testing according to their own standards and specifications; and these will likely be different from those of the family vet. The simple fact is that veterinary dermatologists are far better suited to understanding and applying the fine art of specialty diagnosis.

One Last Thought

It should be kept in mind that dog allergy testing works best in the season when your pet's allergy symptoms are not present, in the non-itchy season. Though, inhalant allergies often begin as a seasonal hypersensitivity that will eventually progress to a year-round problem, so this may not be possible.

Why Does Gluten Sensitivity and Celiac Disease Seem to Be More Prevalent These Days?

Until recently not too many have people heard about or knew someone with gluten sensitivity or even celiac disease. Why does it seem to be so prevalent now? Answering this question requires a bit of discussion and is by no means an in-depth treatise on the subject. Perhaps it may be important to understand some terms first. I am frequently asked what is the difference between gluten sensitivity, gluten allergy and celiac disease.

Most experts agree that for one to be diagnosed with an allergy, you need to have an immune reaction that includes the antibody named immunoglobulin E (IgE) and the subsequent release of histamine from a class of white blood cells called mast cells. This type of allergic response is immediate and often can be severe. The most severe reaction is called an anaphylactic reaction and can be life threatening. If you have this type of allergy you definitely know it and probably carry an EpiPen around with you. Some people "grow out" of this type of allergy as they age because the level of IgE diminishes rapidly between the ages of 10 and 30 [1].

Gluten or another food sensitivity typically means the sufferer has an immune response with a different set of antibodies. These antibodies are called immunoglobulin A (IgA) or immunoglobulin G (IgG). When you are diagnosed with a gluten sensitivity your testing would show you are reacting to some compound in wheat, rye, barley. Realizing you have an IgA and/or IgG sensitivity can be more mysterious as there are many symptoms you can have that many times are attributed to some other cause. The mistaken attribution is commonly due to a delay between the time of ingestion of the food you are sensitive too, or due to the mild nature of a reaction at the time that you just chalk up to "just how you are".

Celiac disease refers to the destruction of your small intestinal villi, which are the finger-like projections of your small intestine cells by your own immune system. Imagine a piece of shag carpeting rolled up into a tube with the shags facing inward and you have an idea of how the small intestine looks on a microscopic level. Now imagine your immune system has a fleet of lawnmowers that mistakenly mow off all the shags down to nubs. That is celiac disease - and the end point destruction is called total villous atrophy (TVA). Due to the lack of villi you cannot absorb nutrients in sufficient quantity and as a result several other diseases or conditions can develop such as osteoporosis or iron deficiency, depression, abnormal results on liver blood tests and much, much more. [2]

Here is a super important point to take to heart: gluten sensitivity and celiac disease BOTH are permanent intolerances to ingested gluten that results in immunologically mediated inflammatory damage to the small-intestinal cells. So why is gluten sensitivity seemingly more prevalent these days? First of all, more advanced testing is now available, which makes the diagnosis more accurate with blood tests or with saliva tests.

The gold standard for detecting celiac disease used to be a blood test for IgA reaction to alpha gliadin plus 3 biopsies (gliadin is a glycoprotein present in wheat and several other cereals within the grass genus Triticum). The problem with this "gold standard" test is that almost total villous atropy (TVA) was necessary before the test became unequivocally positive. In fact celiac disease patients tend to be 10-15 times more likely to exhibit IgA deficiency in the blood!

Since the advent of better testing (saliva IgA and IgG and testing more that just alpha gliadin) and awareness that gluten sensitivity and celiac disease is more prevalent than previously thought, has led clinicians to look for these disorders in their clinical workup. In my practice I have found nearly 100% of those patients that come to me with chronic health challenges (such as fibromyalgia, hypothyroidism and balance disorders, etc.) have gluten sensitivity. I have access and use some of the most advanced non-invasive testing available today and as a result, now my chronic condition patients, have found renewed hope for recovering from their illnesses. Those patients with autoimmune thyroid, fibromyalgia, balance disorders, diabetes, menieres disease, etc. who obtain our battery of tests and are treated with my specialized Johnson Neuro-Metalbolic Therapy program are regaining a zestful life.

Additional reasons why gluten sensitivity and celiac disease are more prevalent include:

  • Genetically modified foods (GMO)

  • Gluten deamidation

  • Gluten storage in bins for long periods of time, leading to enterotoxin contamination

  • Hygeine hypothesis

  • Leaky Gut Syndrome (LGS)

  • Chronic stress - and the resultant breakdown of immune system tolerance

  • Poor nutrition

Unless you've had your head in the sand, you probably are aware that Monsanto and other conglomerate companies have been messing with our food supply. They think that changing food via the "better living through chemistry" mindset will make our foods more nutritious or for self-serving purposes make the modified seeds immune to the herbicide chemicals they manufacture. Wheat has been modified over the years to have more protein, which is the most allergenic portion of wheat.

Deamidation is the product of acid or enzymatic treatment of gluten used in the food processing industry. This is accomplished because gliadins are soluble in alcohol and cannot be mixed with other foods (like milk) without changing the food's qualities. Deamidated gliadin is soluble in water. Our immune system reacts with greater ferver to deamidated gliadin than to gliadin.

The average US storage time for harvested wheat is approximately 2 years! During this storage time the waste products of fungi and mold form which are called enterotoxins. Enterotoxins and be defined as a toxin produced by bacteria that is specific for intestinal cells and causes the vomiting and diarrhea associated with food poisoning. The enterotoxins lead to a leaky gut which triggers an immune reaction to the gluten that is contaminated.

The Hygeine hypothesis theory "proposes that inadequate exposure to infectious organisms leads to immune dysfunction. Under normal circumstances, the immune system is exposed to various viral, bacterial, fungal, or parasitic challenges and becomes properly calibrated to these real threats following successful defenses. Today's public health successes, coupled with the increased use of antibiotics and vaccines, minimize opportunities to mount successful attacks against genuine attackers. IgE is still present, however, and, in the absence of harmful agents, it begins attacking harmless environmental substances.

There is an enormous amount of scientific evidence for this. Children who have had early infections manifest far less atopy, allergy and autoimmune disease". [3]

Leaky Gut Syndrome LGS is an intestinal condition in which the walls of the intestines are damaged to the point where they no longer function to keep food molecules, bacteria and other unwanted material from entering the blood stream. As a result of the foreign material entering the blood stream, the immune system is activated and intact gluten molecules or any one of the other wheat breakdown products are targeted for destruction, as are the cells of the intestines. The following wheat derivatives are the target of some of the specialized testing other like-minded doctors and I offer to detect gluten sensitivity.

Derived from wheat lectins:

  • Wheat Germ Agglutinin (WGA)

  • Derived from wheat proteins:

  • alpha, beta, gamma, and omega gliadin

  • glutenin

  • gluteomorphin

  • transglutaminase

  • deamidated gliadin (15, 17, 33)

Chronic stress alters how our immune system functions and can lead to autoimmune illness such as celiac disease, diabetes and other illnesses. [4] [5]

Chronic stress limits your body's ability to produce the antibodies needed to fight off pathogens. It suppresses the T-cells or lymphocytes allowing pathogens to proceed quickly. Elevated levels of cortisol also damage the part of your body that produce immune cells. These parts are the spleen, lymph nodes, and the thymus gland.

Poor nutrition leads to multiple vitamin and mineral deficiencies. In case you weren't aware vitamins and minerals are used in the myriad of chemical reactions your body's enzymes carry out on a daily and nightly basis. "The Standard American Diet (S.A.D.) has been implicated in many diseases and conditions. The Standard American Diet usually consists of a myriad of processed carbs (cereals, breads, pasta, cookies, cakes etc.), processed meat products, and a few fruits and veggies". [5] Of course all those wheat based carbs will trigger an immune response against gluten in those with the predisposition (people with celiac or gluten senstivity genes). A majority of Americans with northern European descent will test positive for celiac or gluten senstivity genes. I tested positive for one celiac gene and one gluten sensitvitiy gene and my wife tested positive for two gluten sensitiviety genes. As a result all our children will have some combination of thee genes as well.

So there you have it...more reason gluten sensitivity and celiac disease is more prevalent.

Remember that better (more advanced) testing and treatment and awareness of these other factors plus your positive action stepscan help you overcome or mitigate your chronic health challenges.


1. Croner S (1992). "Prediction and detection of allergy development: influence of genetic and environmental factors". J. Pediatr. 121 (5 Pt 2): S58-63. 10.1016/S0022-3476(05)81408-8.

2. Murray, J (19990, "The Widening Spectrum of Celiac Disease", American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 69, No. 3, 354-365, March 1999

3. The Hygiene Hypothesis or Old Friends Hypothesis,

4. Miller, G, et al, (2008). "A Functional Genomic Fingerprint of Chronic Stress in Humans: Blunted Glucocorticoid and Increased NF-κB Signaling", Biological Psychiatry, Volume 64, Issue 4, Pages 266-272

5. Willemijn V, et al, (2003). "The HLA-DQ2 gene dose effect in celiac disease is directly related to the magnitude and breadth of gluten-specific T cell responses", Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2003 October 14; 100(21): 12390-12395.

Mastocytic Enterocolitis - A Patient Guide to Mastocytic Inflammatory Bowel Disease (MIBD)


Mastocytic enterocolitis (entero=small intestine, colitis- colon + -itis= inflammation) is a newly discovered disorder defined by the presence of increased mast cells in the intestine. Mast cells are a type of immune cell. They are involved in allergy reactions, infection fighting and nerve regulation in the body. They have numerous granules that contain a variety of chemicals that mediate body reactions i.e. chemical mediators. Histamine is one of the main chemical mediators in mast cells that are released when mast cells are triggered. Mast cells present in the superficial intestinal lining or mucosa in small numbers except when there are parasites, food allergies, increased stress or the presence of other chronic inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis. When mast cells release histamine and other chemicals, this irritates or inflames the bowel making it more permeable or leaky. This can set up a vicious cycle of pain and further gut injury.


The most common symptoms are diarrhea, bloating and abdominal pain. However, constipation may occur due to gut paralysis. Nausea, vomiting and various non-GI symptoms such as flushing, headaches, and fatigue may also commonly occur. When histamine is released, it can cause leaky gut, increased contractions of the gut or decreased contractions, increased secretions and increased pain.


When you have an endoscopic procedure, the doctor takes samples of tissue, called biopsies, from the lining of your intestines. The tissue is then sent to a pathologist who looks at it under the microscope. Mast cells may be hard to see on biopsies without a special stain for tryptase, an enzyme present in mast cells. Mastocytic enterocolitis is diagnosed when excess mast cells are present in the small bowel or the colon.


There are medications that can reduce or block the release of the chemicals by the mast cells. The most common are antihistamines, both type I and type antihistamines. Type I antihistamines are typically used for allergies symptoms such as Zyrtec, Allegra, Claritin etc. The type II antihistamines are also acid blockers such as Zantac, Tagamet and Pepcid. The most specific therapy for mastocytic enterocolitis is a medication that stabilizes mast cells known as cromolyn sodium (Gastrocrom). This drug prevents the release of chemicals including histamine from mast cells. It is typically prescribed four times a day for about 4-6 weeks. Along with medication, you should have allergy testing done for the most common allergies, work on reducing or coping better with stress and consider taking a probiotic supplement.

Copyright 2008 Dr. Scot M. Lewey, "Dr Celiac, the Food Doc" All RIghts Reserved

This may be reprinted for non-commercial patient use provided the contact information above is included.

Flea Bite Allergies - Discount Pet Medications Will Keep Your Dog Comfortable All Summer Long

An allergy to flea bites is perhaps the most common allergic reaction in dogs. In cold climates, flea infestations may last only the few months of summer and fall. However, in temperate zones, fleas can be a problem for your dogs twelve months of the year.

If your dog is repeatedly biting at the base of his tail and scratching his body wildly, flea allergy dermatitis may well be the cause of his discomfort. You may notice places on the animal's body where the fur has thinned or bald spots have developed. The skin may appear red and even raw where he has chewed and scratched incessantly.

For a dog with a flea allergy, it takes only a few fleas to drive him wild with itching. The allergy is to the flea saliva that is deposited when the flea bites the dog to draw blood. If you bathe your dog frequently you may not notice the flea dirt left behind by this parasite. Flea dirt is actually excrement which is deposited on your dog and shows as small dark spots that turn red when moistened.

A dog suffering from an allergic reaction to flea bites may also have reactions to other things such as foods, plastics or nylon or environmental allergens such as grass and weeds. If your complaint is of frequent scratching and irritated skin on your dog, your veterinarian will first rule out parasites such as fleas and mites before testing your pet further.

If you faithfully use topical flea drops on your pet, you may have ruled out fleas as a cause of your dog's scratchy behavior. The problem with flea medications for dogs is that fleas reproduce rapidly and can quickly mutate to protect themselves from the medicines meant to kill them.

For that reason, it is wise to change the brand of flea medicine you use at least once a year. If you notice small dark specks on your dogs coat there's a good chance the fleas have developed a defense for the pet medication you have been using.

A single flea bite will cause a reaction in a sensitive canine. Products meant only to kill adult fleas are not sufficient as the goal should be to prevent any fleas from investing your dog. Prescription pet meds are designed to kill adult fleas and to interrupt the flea life cycle by killing flea eggs as they hatch.

If fleas are the cause of your dog's skin problems, you can assume there are fleas in your home, too. The pests will hide in dog bedding and furniture and will continue to plague your animal as long as he is exposed to them.

Ridding a pet of fleas requires a multi-pronged approach by the owner. For the dog, you can give one dose of Capstar which is now available online as a discount pet medicine. This one pill will kill all of the adult fleas making a home on your pet within 24 hours.

During that one day period, wash all pet bedding in hot water and use a safe flea spray throughout your home to eliminate fleas hiding in furniture and carpets. One day after giving your pet a dose of Capstar, administer a topical flea medicine for dogs and renew the application every 30 days as recommended.

Some widely used effective flea medicines for dogs are available as discounted pet medications online without a prescription required. The most popular are:

Kills fleas quickly - usually within 12 hours. Also kills flea larvae when it comes into contact with your dog from surrounding areas and adult fleas jumping onto your dog are killed within two hours. Within one week Advantage also kills lice that may be chewing on your pet. A treatment is effective for 30 days after application and is not affected if your pet goes swimming or bathing. Advantage was the first spot on flea treatment for dogs that contained residual flea killing properties in a monthly application and remains one of the least expensive options for pet owners.

Front Line Plus-
Front Line Plus adds tick protection to flea killing properties in a topical spot on flea treatment for dogs. It can be used on puppies as young as 8 weeks old and is safe for pregnant and lactating canines. The protection last through bathing and grooming.

K9 Advantix
This flea medicine breaks the flea life cycle, kills ticks and repels mosquitoes. Flea are killed very quickly with K9 Advantix as it stops biting fleas in minutes and kills 98-100% of the fleas on your pet within 12 hours. K9Advantix should not be used on dogs that come into close contact with cats. Some ingredients in this product cannot be metabolized by cats and a dog treated with this topical pet med should be kept away from household cats for an hour or until the spots have dried.

Revolution is a topical flea treatment that is available with a prescription from your vet. It is a broad-spectrum parasiticide that is safe and effective in controlling a variety of pests.
Revolution protects dogs from fleas and other parasites as well as providing protection from heartworms.

The products above are veterinarian recommended flea medicines for dogs. Other topical spot on products can be found in pet stores and in the pet displays of department stores but should not be confused with the items above. The cheaper commercial flea drops are of limited use and often provide little or no real protection.

To keep your dog flea free all year require a monthly application of a professional flea product that will break the life cycle of fleas and keep your pet flea free for a month after application.

By rotating the products you use to kill fleas you will keep those little parasites confused and vulnerable and give the fleas no chance to develop immunity. Shop online for discount pet medication for the best prices on all of the flea treatments listed above.