Saturday, May 25, 2013

Helpful Tips When Conducting a Chlamydia Home Test

Chlamydia is one of the most common sexually transmitted disease. It often affects younger women with ages ranging from 14- 19 yrs old. Chlamydia develops from the infection from bacteria which can be caused by biological or behavioral reasons. Since a person with Chlamydia cannot easily notice if he or she is infected, there is a higher risk is by infecting your sexual partner.

Getting infected with Chlamydia takes place during unprotected sex, which involves oral, anal, and vaginal sex. Chlamydia can also spread between men who have sex with men. If you plan on getting pregnant and having a healthy baby, make sure that you and your partner are not infected by this disease. Chlamydia can cause premature birth and certain infections on your baby too.

People who are infected by this disease often experience the symptom when the infection has already gotten serious. Chlamydia can destroy the reproductive organs and makes urination and vaginal sex painful. Most persons who are affected by this disease often get embarrassed when going for a checkup, which is why most of them often resort to doing a Chlamydia home test and medication. Having this conducted at your own home does not only offer privacy and confidentiality but also convenience on your part. For women, if you want to do the test yourself, the best method of doing so is by having your urine tested. But for swab tests, a nurse or a doctor is best suited for the job since they have to take a sample around the cervical area. These tests can also be done for men who are infected by this disease.

Be careful when conducting the tests since there are times when you get a negative result even if you are infected. Accurate test results often come from those which are conducted in clinics or hospitals and done by the expert. There is also a possibility that you will get a positive result even though you are not infected by this sexually transmitted disease. That is why it is often advisable that you talk to your doctor if you think you are infected by such disease. So do not just ignore these symptoms if you think there are changes in your bodily charges and pain during urination and menstruation for women.

If you get positive results, treatment can last for up to two weeks only. Women who have a severe Chlamydia infection often get hospitalized for proper medication. After taking the proper treatment, you still have to undergo for re-testing to make sure that you are clear from bacteria which caused such infection.

Chlamydia can also be passed on to your offspring when you are infected while pregnant. Since prevention is the best cure, make sure that you always have a protected sex by using condoms. You can also avoid getting infected by not changing partners often and try to have a monogamous relationship with only one person. Although once infected, take your antibiotics as prescribed by your doctor even after your discharge from the hospital when it is still prescribed.

Five Types of Dog Skin Diseases

As many dog owners will attest, canine skin diseases can drive both a dog and their person, right up a wall. The dog's incessant licking, whining, and scratching is not only heart breaking to watch, it's maddening to listen to hour after hour, day after day.

There are five types of canine skin diseases. They include allergies, auto-immune/immune mediated, infectious skin diseases, developmental/hereditary circumstances, and internal diseases. On top of that, secondary infections, such as yeast infections, can occur if the problem is not address at once.

Types of Skin Diseases of Dogs


Dogs can be allergic to a load of things, such as: food, insect bites (flea/ticks), environmental irritants (lawn service chemicals, pollen, household cleaning chemicals, chemicals used to process rawhide chews, hoofs, bones and horns), medications, and even products, like plastic feeding bowls!

Auto-immune/Immune Disorders

Skin diseases such as Atopic Dermatitis, Canine Lupus, Canine Diabetes, kidney problems, hot spots and Acral Lick Dermatitis can be caused by auto-immune or immune syndromes. These types of skin diseases occur when the dog's immune system is either not working enough, or is working overtime, and thereby attacking itself. These skin diseases are usually the most serious, and could be fatal.

Infectious Skin Disease

Infectious skin disease can be parasitic, bacterial, viral, or fungal. Many are contagious. A few infectious skin diseases are even zoonotic. That means the disease can be passed from the pet to the owner. Sarcoptic Mange, caused by mites, is contagious and can be passed between dog and owner. Demodectic Mange also caused by mites is not considered contagious. Ringworm, which is a fungus, not a worm, is a zoonotic disease. Lyme Disease, from tick bites and Dipylidium, (tapeworm) from fleas, can be passed from dog to owner. Lice and mites are additional parasites that transmit contagious infectious skin diseases.

Hereditary/Developmental Skin Disease

Puppy Strangles, Seborretic Dermatitis, Ehlers-Danos, Canine Follical Dysplasia, Cushing's Disease and Hypotricosis are skin diseases that dogs either inherit, or get, either while a puppy, or later in life. Hypothyrodism is an example.

Internal Diseases Cutaneous Manifestations

Endocrine (hormone) abnormalities can be the origin of hypothyroidism, Cushing's Disease and tumors. Impacted anal sacs can also cause irritation to the surrounding area. In mild to moderate cases the sac can be expressed. In severe cases, they may have to be surgically removed.

Symptoms To Watch For

It's easy to pick the dog with skin problems from the rest of the pack. Typically, there is a foul odor from their hair or skin. Hair and skin could appear greasy and matted., or brittle, dull and dry. Skin may be dry, thick, discolored. They could have open sores, ring-shaped sores, redness or weepy sores, bald spots, fever, scooting, hair loss, anemia, obsessive licking or chewing, scabs, head tilting or shaking, lopsided ears, black debris in ears, excessive wax in ears, ear infections, rubbing against objects, rolling, cysts, abscesses, tumors, skin has white scales or flakes, patchy sores or hairless areas, excessive shedding, and/or area feels warm to the touch. The most common areas for skin disease problems are the dog's face, head, ears, paws, between digits of the paws, forelegs, armpits, belly, tail and anal area.

If your dog exhibits any of the above, take them to your veterinarian for testing, diagnosis and treatment.

Tests and Diagnosis

To diagnose which type of skin disease your dog may have, your veterinarian has several testing options. They include, blood tests, skin biopsy, cytology (examine cells under microscope), intradermal allergy tests, cultures (bacterial and viral) and video oloscopy.


Depending on the severity of the problem, treatments options include: daily brushing, medicated shampoo, change of diet, oral and topical antibiotics, anti-fungal ointments, and/or e-collar. Your veterinarian may recommend oil massages. Skin conditions are commonly treated with corticosteroids. Anal sacs can be expressed or surgically removed. Tumors may be surgically removed.

Breeds Prone To Skin Problems

The following are a few popular breeds that are prone to skin problems and disease: Akita, Alaskan Malamute, American Cocker Spaniel, American Water Spaniel, Australian Terrier, Beagle, Bichon Frise, Boxers, Bull Terrier, Chow-Chow, Collies, Dachshund, Dalmatian German Shepherd Dog, Lhasa Apso, Miniature Pinscher, Miniature Schnauzer, Old English Sheepdog, Poodle (Toy, Miniature and Standard), Samoyed, Scottish Terrier, Shar-Pei, Siberian Husky, Toy Fox Terrier, and Wire Fox Terrier.

Bottom line: Don't waste time. Your pet is in extreme discomfort. Don't let them suffer unnecessarily. Seek veterinary help. It may be nothing; it could be serious, and possibly fatal.

Nootropic: L-Theanine


Green tea (and indirectly l-theanine) has been used a general health-tonic throughout Asia for untold centuries; renowned for its plethora of medicinal properties - green tea stands intransigently against big-pharma and this defiance and prolific superiority has been its sure route to wide-spread popularity and success.


Although green tea is rich in antioxidants and potentiators of glut4 activity (Glucose transporter type 4) this article will explore the unique amino acid l-theanine and its effects in-vivo. Theanine is glutamine and glutamate analog, and readily crosses the blood-brain barrier rendering it a psychoactive chemical. Able to decrease both physical and mental stress, theanine demonstrates an affinity for the brain inhibitory transmitter GABA. Its mechanisms of action do not stop there. Akin to the racetam family - theanine has also demonstrated moderate affinity with AMPA receptors and has been shown to increase the monoamine neurotransmitter dopamine. In clinical studies theanine has demonstrated efficacy in promoting alpha-wave brain patterns - associated with meditation, increased concentration and creativity. People debilitated with anxiety disorders take note: l-theanine has been clinically demonstrated to possess significant anxiolytic properties.


Anxiolytic mechanism may benefit those with anxiety disorders
Dopamine uprating may improve drive and focus
AMPA modulation could lead to aniracetam-type properties
Alpha wave propagation could improve focus and creativyt
Boosts the activity of gamma delta T cells hence increasing immuno-response.
Potent anti-psychotic for use in schizophrenia


The consumption of green tea in Asian countries may only lead to an average daily exposure of 20mg of l-theanine or less and thus long-term safety in humans has not been established. Rats fed high dose l-theanine for 13 weeks demonstrated no biological abnormalities perhaps indicating that l-theanine is a safe and well tolerated amino acid.


As always precautionary allergy testing is recommended using a minute dose; one safety is established the current recommended dosage is between 50-200mg and electronic scales will be required to accurately ascertain this quantity. As always I recommend a full blood test and consultation with a health practitioner before beginning any nootropic regime.


I received an order of l-theanine last week and after an allergy test dosed with 200mg. The effects were subtle but not psychosomatic. I experienced a feeling of mils tranquility and focusing of thought (in the morning) that is normally unobtainable until the later hours of the day; also presented a mild state of euphoria - I found myself more engaged in music and my thoughts turned toward literature and my work projects.

Adrenal Fatigue Testing

Exhaustion and weariness is one of the popular and the most frequent rants among all the adult patients. If you have the symptoms such as the following: tiredness, frequent influenza, fearfulness, allergies, arthritis, anxiety, depression, reduced memory and difficulties in concentrating on one topic, insomnia maybe, or the fact that you are always worn-out, you could very well be suffering from a the infamous case of adrenal fatigue.

The General Symptoms

The Adrenal fatigue has a wide variety of non-specific yet often unbearable symptoms. The beginning of this disease is often sluggish and sinister. Patients are told and often forced to believe that they are stressed and need to learn to just relax more. Indeed, it is a known knowledge that stress kills to a great extent.

But, the ultimate question is how does it kill? And, what are the solutions offered to address it? Allergy and sensitivities to dietary or ecological substances can act as a body weight that contributes eventually to the Adrenal Fatigue.

It is very important to do away with or reduce the end product of these so that we can restore a healthy adrenal function. The lab tests listed on this page may help you determine the following tests can tell you if you have adrenal fatigue or not.

Gastro Test

Gastrointestinal test is excellent for people suffering from upset stomach, ulcerative colitis, Chron's disease, along with irritable bowel syndrome. This test is especially made for detrimental pathogens such as yeast, parasites, worms and bacteria. It also tests for small intestinal and colon inflammation, pancreatic enzyme production, and food intolerances to soy, dairy, egg and gluten, which are all upsetting to your stomach.

Hair Analysis Testing.

This can tell you which are the minerals and vitamins your body really needs at the moment. Not only that but also this test may also tell you if you have toxic metals such as aluminum, lead, copper, or mercury. This is a helpful test for people with anxiety problems, ADHD, seizures, panic attacks, hyperactivity, sleep problems, even people working in the area of toxic metals, or those who simply want to know what minerals and vitamins does their body needs.

Environmental Testing

The test is called the test for environmental allergy test. It is a sensitive blood test that somewhat precisely detects direct hypersensitivity/allergy reactions to environmental allergens that take place in just minutes up to a few hours after your exposure. However, this does not involve any skin testing. There are no unfavorable reactions since the test is done to your blood.

Food Testing

This test is called Food allergy test. It is a series of sensitive blood tests which correctly perceives instant and delayed hypersensitivity/allergy reaction to food. The delayed reactions can happen within 12 hours to weeks subsequent to exposure. It's often the deferred type of reaction which is tough to take down for the reason that symptoms might not appear until a couple of hours or days after you've eaten the substance that you are allergic to. This kind of food allergy test is the only one that could give you this kind of information.

The ELISA/ACT LRA can gauge sensitivities to molds, medicines, additives, preservatives, spices, condiments and herbs as well as many other edible foods. A diverse combination of tests is available, enabling you to decide as few as forty food items or maybe as many as two hundred plus.

Wheat Allergy Symptoms

In layman terms, wheat allergy refers to adverse reactions involving your immune system to one or more protein elements in wheat.

Wheat contains many elements in its total makeup. You are familiar with them already because they give bread dough and bread itself many of its characteristics. Elasticity and stickiness to the dough for instance and the sponginess to a cake and the nice crisp crust to a loaf of french bread. They have names like albumin, gluten, and gliadin. Without them dough would have the consistency of modeling clay and a muffin would look like a hockey puck when it was done baking. The good news is that wheat allergy is considered to be a very uncommon as allergies go. For people who work with, or are in constant contact with wheat flour, statistics have shown that they can be at higher risk for occupational asthma caused by the inhaling of wheat flour.

Wheat flour has been shown to be a substantial contributor to the cause of occupational asthma for people working in the baking industry. However; for the general public there appears to be very little risk in eating wheat based food products. Many processed and snack foods contain wheat derivatives like gluten and albumin. The majority of people allergic to wheat are allergic to the albumin and globulin in the wheat. The most common allergic reactions are stomach cramps and vomiting after eating the food containing a wheat product. They commonly occur in a few minutes but can take up to a few hours to manifest themselves. Other common reactions are skin rash and eczema.

The allergic reactions to breathing wheat flour or flour contain wheat derivatives can be life threatening. It can cause heart complications and extreme breathing problems if they manifest themselves while the person is exercising. In rare instances these complications have been life threatening. Because wheat and other grain products are so common in our diet, wheat allergy can be difficult to diagnose. If the person who is suspected of suffering from wheat allergy eats them occasionally it can make the diagnosis a little easier. If they get sick following the occasions the person eats the food contain wheat then that's a very strong indicator.

For the person who is eating wheat regularly as a part of their daily diet and is constantly sick, it can be more difficult to sort out the cause. Elimination-challenge testing is the most reliable method of allergy diagnosis. The first step in treating wheat allergy is to eliminate it from the diet or from the environment if the allergy is caused by breathing the dust or flour. This can be a difficult regimen to adhere to because wheat and wheat products are so common in our diets. For children it can be particularly difficult because it is in so many snack products. Albumin and gluten can even be found in candies. Children often lack the ability to read the and understand the contents labels of food and snack products. There are alternative food products available in health food stores such as soy based food and snack products.

The Truth About Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) - Treatment Options Your Doctor Won't Tell You About

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is an affliction of the bowels that impairs normal function in a variety of different ways. The diagnostic criteria for the condition is vague at best and the term itself is something of an umbrella sickness, a category in itself containing numerous "types" of IBS that might differ significantly in their primary symptoms while retaining a similar base shared by all sufferers: intense abdominal pain. Other common symptoms include abdominal bloating, constipation, and or diarrhea.

In addition to the aforementioned symptoms, the diagnosis of IBS can also be aided by its associations with other afflictions. For instance, the individual who has irritable bowel syndrome may also tend to suffer from heartburn. Other illnesses that tend to present alongside IBS include chronic headache, fibromyalgia, and even depression. In women, there is also a strong correlation between irritable bowel syndrome and endometriosis.3

The cause of IBS is most often associated with stress. Although this association is correct, one should be wary if this reason is used as the primary factor for diagnosis. Irritable bowel is a complex condition that requires diligent investigation by the treating physician. IBS attacks tend to result soon or immediately after consuming food suggesting either an associated food intolerance or allergy.1 Studies have shown a strong positive correlation between those individuals with irritable bowel syndrome and viral, bacterial, or parasitic infections. Additionally, there are some studies that associate a chemical imbalance in the brain as a contributing factor.2

Most commonly, doctors tend to treat irritable bowel syndrome with a variety of drugs. In most cases, treatment consists of antispasmodic medication, pills that reduce the tremors associated with bowel malfunctions such as diarrhea and constipation. Additionally, anti-depressants and anti-acid medicines are commonly used. The ultimate problem with the use of these medications however, is that they only address the symptoms of IBS and do not address any of the underlying causal factors. Long-term, the patient has to rely on the medications, many of which have unwanted side effects and contribute the loss of vitamins and minerals.

Of all of the contributing factors involved in the onset of IBS, dietary choices play the most consistent role in the development of symptoms. Therefore, food should be considered first. IBS sufferers should consult with their doctor about specialized tests to rule out allergies or food intolerances. Traditional skin prick tests are not adequate in this case and more advanced tests should be performed to ensure an accurate diagnosis. Because fiber is often times recommended for IBS patients, it should be known that the liberal use of whole grains and soy as fiber choices is a bad one, as these two foods are often root causes of IBS. Fiber intake should be emphasized through the liberal consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits.4

In addition to what one is eating, one must also pay careful attention to what one is drinking. Milk, soda, alcohol, coffee, artificial sweeteners, and excessive juice can all irritate the gastrointestinal tract and contribute to a worsening of symptoms.5 Remember that food fits the classic definition of a drug. "Any substance that makes one act, think, or feel differently." Genetically speaking, different people react differently to different foods. Identifying this uniqueness can go a long way to ensure and maintain health.

In the end, irritable bowel syndrome is relatively easy to treat. Provided the proper exam and lab work up are performed, the cause can typically be identified and appropriately addressed.

References available on request.

Friday, May 24, 2013

The Rast Allergy Test

The RAST allergy test is a blood test that can be used to detect the levels of antibodies to an allergen circulating in the blood. A small blood sample needs to be taken and sent to an appropriate testing laboratory so all the testing is done by the automatic machinery in the test lab. This is great from a patient's point of view because all we need to do is show up once to get a blood sample taken and then wait for the results.

The RAST allergy test is one of a number of possible allergy tests done by examining a sample of blood.

Allergies are thought of as unpleasant reactions to a trigger such as pollen or a food. Orthodox allergists define allergies as reactions which involve particular antibodies to the pollen or the pizza. There are several different types of antibody and orthodox allergists only label a reaction as an allergy if there are IgE antibodies to the allergen present in the blood. There may be other antibodies but they are ignored. Other allergists who may be called Environmentalists also look at IgE present in the blood but may still call a reaction an allergy even if IgE was absent.

In other words one Doctor may say you have an allergy but another Doctor looking at the same laboratory report and data would say that you do not have that allergy!

What the patent can do is to inform themselves and ask lots of questions.

The word, RAST is an acronym and it stands for radio allergy sorbant test. We know it's an allergy test so let's look at the reasons behind this odd sounding name.

Besides the blood sample the testing laboratory needs samples of the allergens it has to test patients for. That includes food samples and environmental irritants and pollutants too.

An extract of the allergen is put into a testing column in the lab. This is a tube with glass beads in it and the allergen sticks to the beads. A sample of the patient's blood minus the red cells is then allowed to flow into the testing column. The blood serum comes into contact with the allergen coated glass beads.

If the blood contains IgE antibodies they will stick to the allergen. That is the whole purpose of the test. The glass beads are then rinsed clean and the next stage of the test begins.

A radioactive marker or even a coloured marker liquid is then poured into the testing column where it coats the glass beads. If IgE is stuck to the beads the marker molecules will stick to them otherwise the liquid will flow through and away.

Now we have the antibodies tagged with either a colour which can be easily measured or with a radioactive molecule which can be easily measured. Using which ever method we prefer we can find out how much IgE is present and print the results in a laboratory report which goes to the allergist.

This was a pioneering method in its day. It produces what all scientists want - numbers and seems to give an objective numerical answer to whether or not and even how allergic a patient is to a particular allergen. Needless to say the method is not perfect and technological advance has refined the procedure.

Nevertheless it still provides a valid and useful alternative to the classic skin allergy test.

Celiac Disease and Gluten Sensitivity Detected Under the Microscope


Specialized white blood cells known as lymphocytes are present in the tips of the villi of small intestine. They are believed to be important in surveying the digestive tract for potential invaders or attacks from viruses, bacteria and parasites. In the context of leaky gut that can occur from eating gluten containing grains and flour, these lymphocytes can increase in numbers at the tips of the intestinal villi. This change is critical in the development of celiac disease (CD).


Though not specific for CD, increased lymphocytes in the tips of the villi, also known as increased intraepithelial lymphocytosis, is accepted as the earliest sign of gluten intolerance in the gut. This increase when significant is obvious to most pathologists reviewing biopsy slides from tissue obtained from the intestine during a scope examination. However, this may not be obvious without an objective count of the number lymphocytes in the tips of the intestinal villi.


Most pathologists either report the number of IEL's per 20 intestinal lining cells (enterocytes) or per 100 enterocytes. Generally there are only 1-4 lymphocytes in the tips of each villous where there are typically 20 intestinal cells. When the pathologist or a computerized counting microscope reports or counts the lymphocytes per 100 intestinal cells there are usually no more than 12-15 per 100 intestinal lining cells. In the past, 40 lymphocytes per 100 intestinal cells (or about 8 per villous tip) was considered the cut off for abnormal. More recently that number has been lowered to 30 lymphocytes per 100 intestinal or epithelial cells (about 6 per villous tip). There are some researchers who believe the number should be lowered to 25 per 100 (or about 5 per villous tip).


Celiac disease is the most common but infection from the ulcer causing bacterium Helicobacter pylori or the parasite giardia can be a cause as well as recent viral infection. Cow's milk protein sensitivity and allergy is also a cause. Though not well established, it is believed that the number of lymphocytes in conditions other than Celiac disease or gluten intolerance may not be as high.

Inflammatory conditions in the esophagus, stomach, distal small bowel or colon may be associated with increased IEL's in those areas but the number has not been well studied. There is a concern that some pathologists may falsely attribute increased duodenal lymphocytes to associated inflammation going on in either the esophagus or stomach. Increased lympnocytes have been noted in the gut above the duodenum (esophagus and stomach) and below the jejunum (ileum and colon) in both celiac and microscopic or collagenous colitis caused by gluten sensitivity.


Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease of gluten intolerance or sensitivity not a food allergy though many people mistakenly refer to it as gluten allergy or wheat allergy. Previously thought to be rare it is now known to be very common, affecting 1/100 worldwide.

Celiac Sprue, as CD is also commonly known, is definitively diagnosed by the combination positive results for specific blood antibodies for CD, either endomysial (EMA) or tissue transglutaminase (tTG); a characteristic small intestine biopsy; and response to a gluten-free diet (GFD). Classically, flattening of the intestinal villi, known as villous atrophy, has been the gold standard for diagnosis. Positive EMA or tTG tests without villous atrophy on biopsy but increased IEL's is accepted as diagnostic in the context of response to GFD, especially when an individual is positive for one of the two predisposing genes, DQ2 or DQ8.


A recent study of biopsies of the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum of 46 people without Celiac disease reached several conclusions. Though there may be a slight increase in lymphocytes in esophagitis and gastritis, the difference in lymphocyte numbers is not significantly different in normal biopsies of the esophagus and stomach. Though general ranges of duodenal lymphocytes found in active esophagitis (2-13, average 8.8), active gastritis with Helicobacter pylori infection (2-13, average 7.2) and chronic gastritis without H. pylori infection (4-20, average 10.2) was very similar to those with negative esophagus, stomach and duodenal biopsies (2-18, average 6.7) the average number of lymphocytes was slightly higher, though not statistically significant.


In my opinion, I believe this study showed that the numbers of lymphocytes in people with normal biopsies, esophagitis and gastritis were significantly lower than those reported in people with Celiac disease (>30/100 ) and early gluten injury (20-25/100 enterocytes) but not meeting diagnostic criteria for Celiac disease. I believe this study is helpful because it argues against attributing more than 20-25 lymphocytes/ 100 enterocytes to other inflammatory processes in the esophagus or stomach. It also supports the findings of other studies that have found that >20-25 /100 as an early sign of gluten sensitivity.


In the context of elevated gliadin antibody levels I believe that intestinal lymphocyte counts in the villi of 25 or more likely indicates gluten sensitivity though it does not necessarliy mean Celiac disease. Strict criteria for diagnosing of this disease require a positive specific blood test such as endomysial antibody or tissue transglutaminase antibody and >30 IEL's/100 enterocytes and evidence of villous atrophy on small intestinal biopsy.


If you have had an intestinal biopsy but were told you did not have signs of Celiac disease, I recommend you consider asking that biopsy be reviewed by another pathologist who has experience in Celiac disease and you ask them to provide you with the number of lymphocytes in the villi. If they provided the number and you find there were 30 or more then that is clearly abnormal and can be diagnostic of Celiac disease if you have a positive specific blood test such as the endomysial or tissue transglutaminase antibodies, especially if you carry either the DQ2 and/or the DQ8 genetics. If you have less than 30 lymphocytes per 100 enterocytes but 20 or more and have a gliadin antibody elevation I would recommend you get HLA DQ genetic testing and try a gluten free diet.

Sinus Pressure - The Allergy Connection

How many times have you heard someone say: "I think I'm coming down with a cold."? No doubt many times. In fact, most of us have said that or made a similar statement, ourselves. Now a days when someone I know tells me that I usually reply: "Could it be allergies?" Because many of those "colds" are probably allergy reactions to the environment. As I look back to my childhood days one cannot, but wonder at the strong possibility that all those tablespoons of cod liver oil my mother faithfully administered----in their full natural flavor, as commonly done in those days--to prevent my getting a "cold," although not a bad idea were probably unnecessary since my frequent runny nose, coughing and post nasal drip were very likely caused by allergens. Even, perhaps, by the thick smog that had developed in the large city I grew up in.

As I studied my sinus problem several years ago, I came to the conclusion that the two main causes of my problem were: some foods and environmental allergies. Whenever I indulged in a milk shake or a large serving of ice cream I had serious post nasal drip in a matter of hours. And whenever I had a large glass of cow's milk 3 or more days in a row I had the same result. I would stop drinking milk for several days or stop eating ice cream and the sinuses would clear up in just a few days. The seeming correlation became so obvious that I finally decided, a number of years ago, to stop using these food items on a regular basis and, of course, the sinuses cleared up indefinitely.

Then came spring time and as weeds and their flowers, and trees and their own flowers made their appearance once again in our area, the same allergic reaction I had had to the foods already mentioned, above, began to reappear, except that  I wasn't using them. So, it became obvious that I was allergic to certain pollens and probably other allergens. I had pollen allergy tests made and sure enough there were a number of pollens I was very allergic to. With these results on hand the only alternative I had was: move to a place where there were not pollens I was allergic to--probably something rather impossible--or begin to receive allergy injections on a regular basis. I opted for the latter.

Several years went by and we moved farther North where carpets are more commonly used than in the Southwest and I began to once again have "cold" symptoms. At least that's what we thought at first. Since I was hardly using cow's milk and had resumed the allergy injections my wife and I wondered, what could the cause of the post nasal drip, etc., be this time. So I went back to an allergy specialist in our new area. After doing some testing he found I was very allergic to house dust. In the process of being given the allergy tests I found that not all house dust is created equal. Some dusts contain large amounts of dust mite droppings. This kind of mites thrive in a humid and warm environment, like the one produced by the human body while lying in bed, where the mites eat mostly microscopic particles of human skin that rubs off there and on the carpet. The tests did show I was very allergic to that kind of house dust. Thereupon I was given minute instructions by my doctor on how to shield my bed from the little varmints and their droppings. The devastating allergic effects I was having began to subside, especially when to my allergy injections was added the dust mite droppings antigen.

There can definitely be an allergy connection to sinus pressure and other sinus problems. My case is not unique. If one is suffering from ongoing sinus problems it might not be a bad idea to consider testing for allergies to the environment and possibly foods, especially if your health insurance covers these tests.

The Many Faces of Coeliac Disease

Suffering from diarrhoea, abdominal pain and / or weight loss? These are some of the key symptoms that might alert a doctor to the possibility of coeliac disease or an issue with gluten. Research, however suggests that individuals suffering from these 'classic' symptoms are merely the tip of the iceberg and that there are many, many more people who are likely to be affected..

So how does Coeliac Disease differ from gluten intolerance?

Coeliac disease is an autoimmune disease where in genetically susceptible individuals the villi in the small intestine (where food is absorbed), are progressively destroyed causing nutrient malabsorption. In non - coeliac gluten intolerance this villi damage does not happen, although gluten intolerance has still been associated with many serious health issues as we shall see

So what health issues are caused by gluten?

In some individuals the presenting symptoms will be similar to those described above, however in the majority of cases, ( yes it is important to note that it is in fact the majority of cases!), symptoms will be different or in fact there may be no symptoms at all. If symptoms are present then these may include digestive issues such as constipation, indigestion, bloating and flatulence. Alternatively signs and symptoms seemingly unrelated to the gut might emerge such as headaches, depression, schizophrenia, skin problems such as psoriasis and eczema and other autoimmune conditions such as hashimotos thyroiditis, graves disease, MS, lupus, abnormal liver function tests, infertility, anaemia, B12 deficiency and tiredness.

But if I've been tested then I have no need to worry do I?

In the UK, the main way that Coeliac disease is screened for is initially by a blood test for anti transglutaminase antibodies. Sometimes anti endomysial antibodies are also included. If the blood results come back as normal, then the individual is generally considered to be coeliac free and no further testing is deemed necessary. Generally they are told that they can continue to eat gluten and the case is closed. The problem with this is that the blood tests are in fact very accurate, very accurate indeed - if and here's the big 'if' - you have total villous atrophy. Research indicates than in this scenario the tests are 90-95% accurate

However, the damage caused by coeliac disease doesn't happen overnight. You don't go to bed with perfectly healthy villi one day and wake up the next with them totally flattened. It takes time to happen and in some individuals it can take years and years. During this time you may or may not be experiencing any signs or symptoms related to gluten intolerance, but if you are susceptible then an inflammatory process is going on and sooner or later it will make itself known one way or another.

An additional problem with this test is that IgA anti tissue transglutaminase and anti endomysial antibodies are measured. This is fine provided the individual has adequate levels of IgA antibodies. However we know from research that IgA deficiency is more prevalent in coeliacs. This means that a negative result on a coeliac test may be caused by this IgA deficiency and may in fact be a false negative.

More false negatives may be found on tests from individuals who have suspected a gluten intolerance and have attempted to self medicate by avoiding wheat and other gluten containing grains.

So if the Coeliac tests aren't that accurate then how else can I find out if gluten is a problem for me?

Although there are no 100% fool proof tests for gluten sensitivity you can increase the reliability of the tests by requesting a total IgA test to see whether IgA deficiency is an issue for you. It is also worth getting tested for both anti tissue transglutaminase and anti endomysial antibodies (both IgA and IgG). Research shows that including both markers increases the accuracy of the test and helps with diagnosis. Genetic testing for coeliac disease is also available and if positive increases the likelihood of gluten being an issue for you.

If the Coeliac markers are still negative then it is worth having a blood test which measures levels of antibodies (IgG and IgA) to gliadin (the toxic element of gluten). Unlike the other antibodies, which are autoimmune antibodies, anti- gliadin antibodies are antibodies to the food itself. We produce them in much the same way as we produce antibodies to milk proteins, egg proteins or to other foods and it is possible that these may be produced before we start producing autoimmune antibodies. This test is also useful for detecting non celiac gluten intolerance.

The bottom line however is this: if you know that gluten disagrees with you or you have a history of gluten intolerance or coeliac disease in your family it would be sensible to strictly avoid gluten to prevent the likelihood of developing one of the many diseases associated with gluten sensitivity.

How to Test for Penis Sensation Loss

Penis sensation loss can occur in men of all ages. Even individuals in their late teens and early twenties report experiencing loss of feeling in the glans and/or shaft - a potentially devastating problem that can seriously affect a man's quality of life. As with many other physiological issues, early detection is critical in treating penis problems successfully. Following these simple steps can help to determine whether there is any reduction in sensitivity that warrants attention from a urologist. Testing will be more effective if done with the help of a partner.

1. In a standing position, close your eyes and run your fingers lightly up and down the shaft of the penis and over the head (or have your partner do so). This is best done during an erection. Note any point at which the touch feels less pronounced or is absent altogether.

2. If any areas of reduced feeling or numbness are noted, follow the same procedure, using an ice cube instead of the finger tips. Again, note which parts of the penis appear to be affected.

If loss of penis sensation is detected, further testing may be necessary to determine the underlying cause. Some common reasons for lost penis sensation are as follows:

1. Neurologic pathology- damage to the nerve tissue responsible for transmitting tactile sensations to the brain are often at the root of reduced sensitivity. Men with diabetes are at an increased risk for neurological issues. Trauma to the pelvic nerves and degenerative disk disease may also cause loss of nerve function. A neurologist can determine whether nerve damage is present through a standard procedure known as electromyography, or EMG, which tests for neural activity between the brain and penis.

2. Circulatory problems- chronic pressure in the perineal area (resulting from obesity, cycling, or aggressive horseback riding), restrictive clothing, smoking, atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) and varicose veins may reduce circulation, resulting in tingling, numbness and chronic loss of sensation.

3. Keratinization of the skin cells- friction from dry rubbing or intercourse, as well as irritation from clothing, detergents, soaps and fragrances, may damage the outer layers of the skin. This tissue responds to the damage by forming a thickened layer of protein cells known as keratin, which functions as a layer of protection against further damage. However, this "armoring" process can detract from the natural sensitivity of the penis, causing loss of pleasure in sexual stimulation, and in some cases, loss of function.

Protecting against desensitization and restoring penis feeling

While it may not always be possible to prevent sensation loss, there are measures that all men can take to reduce the risk of future problems, and in some cases, sensation may even be restored with the proper attention to penis care. Some suggestions for preventing loss of sensation include:

繚 Wearing loose, non-restrictive clothing;

繚 Following a healthy diet that is high in protein and fiber and low in fat;

繚 Quitting smoking;

繚 Avoiding the use of recreational substances;

繚 Losing weight;

繚 Using lubrication during masturbation or sex;

繚 Changing sexual positions;

繚 Alternating self-pleasuring techniques and using a soft touch, rather than a firm grip;

繚 Using mild cleansers and non-allergenic laundry detergents.

In addition, a smoothing and restorative penis vitamin cream containing penis-specific nutrients (most health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) such as vitamin A (for smooth, supple skin); vitamin C (for immune function, collagen formation and healthy circulatory tissue); alpha lipoic acid (for stimulating blood flow); l-arginine and acetyl-l-carnitine (for nerve cell repair and healthy metabolic function), as well as natural, plant-based moisturizers such as shea butter can help to prevent loss of sensation and may even help to restore lost feeling in the penis.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Types of Hives - Understanding the Common Forms of Urticaria

 For some, hives are a regular occurrence and can feel like more of a nuisance than an illness. One of the most important steps in preventing the different types of hives is knowing which type is occurring and what can be done in the way of prevention. The medical term for hives skin disorder is urticaria. Other phrases used are wheals and nettle rash. Here is a brief description of the three main types of hives:

Idiopathic hives: Idiopathic hives are possibly the most difficult to treat and live with, simply because there is no identified medical cause, they just happen. Although there are no proven triggers for idiopathic hives, many sufferers develop their own personal theory by studying their history and try to avoid certain foods, activities, animals, environments and even household cleaners.

Immunological hives: These kinds of hives are generally caused by changes in the sufferer's immune system. The most common cause of these hives is coming into contact with a potentially harmful trigger such as an allergy or illness. This initial contact leads cells in the immune system to release histamine from white blood cells or as they are sometimes called, mast cells. For example an individual who suffers from an immune deficiency may experience immunological hives on a regular basis.

Non-Immunological hives: These types of hives are the most common and are often related to acidic foods, harsh chemicals, perfumes and are often a symptom of food allergies. When suffering from non immunological hives the body responds similarly to that of immunological hives but does not involve the immune system. For example, an individual who is mildly allergic to peanuts may experience non immunological hives in conjunction with other allergy symptoms.

Remember, although hives are rarely serious, the allergies which cause them can be. If you are experiencing reoccurring hives speak to your physician and consider testing for allergies and unknown immune deficiencies.

STD - Diseases and Preventive Measures

Knowledge is power! Being well informed about Sexually Transmitted Diseases or STDs is your first step in fighting the disease. As the name suggests, STDs are commonly transmitted by infected individuals through unprotected sexual intercourse. Some strains of STDs can be transmitted by direct contact with the infected person through exposure to open sores and infectious body fluids and discharges. A drug user sharing unsanitary needles is another way to get infected. Sexually active people with multiple partners, having same sex intercourse, sex with a STD infected person and the practice of unprotected sex exposes one to a high risk of STD infection.

STD is life threatening. Though this disease is either bacterial or viral in nature both are very infectious. The effects on the patient can be devastating and can even develop to more complicated health problems. Some strains of Bacterial STDs are curable but are very recurrent. Viral STDs have no proven cure. The treatment for this type of STD is for the alleviation of its symptoms and to prevent its further development and transmission.

STD symptoms are hard to detect. Some types may show no visible symptoms at all making it difficult for the person to know that he is infected. The best thing to do when a person suspects that he is exposed to infection is to go to undergo a physical examination in an STD testing center. Some STDs may show symptoms that may be confused for a harmless allergy or a typical flu so it is best being checked to eliminate the probability of misdiagnosis.

STD is a long list of diseases. To be specific, these diseases are Chlamydia, Genital Herpes (HSV-2), Genital Warts, Gonorrhea, Hepatitis B (HBV), HIV and AIDS, Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID), Pubic Lice (CRABS), Syphilis, Trichomoniasis and Bacterial Vaginosis (BV). It is not enough to know the names and nature of these diseases. To really win the battle against STDs is to prevent the disease from infecting people and from spreading further.

STD testing centers provide services for the prevention and treatment of this disease. Educating the general public on how this disease can be transmitted as well its harmful effects on the human body is essential for its prevention. By providing counseling to people who are of great risk of exposure to STD can help lessen the occurrence of STDs. Thru counseling, high risk candidates are given tips on how to avoid infection by way of changing their sexual behavior and practices.

Identifying the asymptomatic symptoms of infected patients can result to the proper diagnosis and treatment of this disease. Evaluation, treatment and counseling are also extended to the sexual partners of infected people. This prevents the further transmission of STDs to other sexual partners and the re-infection of the disease once the patient has been treated. Another service STD centers have is to give pre-exposure vaccinations of preventable STDs to persons at risk but not yet infected. Vaccinations for the prevention of Hepatitis can be given to patients who do not show any symptoms of this disease.

3 Reasons You Should Try a Gluten-Free Diet

Gluten is a substance that is found in several grains, most commonly in wheat, that can wreak havoc on the digestive system and be at the root of many health issues. Even symptoms that you think may have nothing to do with a food allergy can be caused by an intolerance to gluten. Researchers are finding that people may be placed on a spectrum of gluten intolerance: those who are very tolerant at one end, and those who have celiac disease at the other.

How Do You Know if You're Gluten Intolerant?

Not everyone who has a gluten intolerance will test positive for celiac disease. If you have certain health problems that you just can't seem to get rid of, such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), a mood disorder, or persistent skin irritation, a gluten-free diet may be the answer you are looking for. A good way to determine intolerance is to try removing all gluten-containing products from your diet for three to four weeks. If your symptoms subside when it is removed, you may have your answer.

There are a variety of health issues that can surface as a result of gluten intolerance. Digestive problems, undiagnosed symptoms, and other issues that occur even after testing negative for celiac disease are a few signs that a change in diet may be in order.

You Have Leaky Gut or Other Digestive Problems

Leaky gut occurs when the lining of the intestine has been damaged to the point where toxins and food can pass through and enter into the bloodstream. This not only causes digestive problems, but also compromises your immune system, making you susceptible to whatever is going around.

Gluten attaches to the lining of the intestine, which causes it to tear. Healthy bacteria, also called probiotics, are destroyed and nutrient-absorbing villi are damaged. If you have gluten sensitivities, you may even have symptoms of malnutrition because your body is unable to absorb vital nutrients as a result of this injury.

You Can't Seem to Get Rid of Your Symptoms

The damage that is done to your intestinal lining can lead to a host of health problems. From irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) to fibromyalgia, gluten can be the root cause of a wide range of issues.

People who suffer from celiac disease or gluten intolerance may also have a lack of energy, problems with mood swings and depression, or itchy rashes.

You Tested Negative for Celiac Disease, But Your Symptoms Persist

In order to test for celiac disease, two types of antibodies are measured from blood samples. These "anti-gluten" antibodies help determine the presence of the disease.

There are several reasons why a person may test negative for celiac yet still have the disease, or some level of gluten intolerance. Some people are genetically deficient in these antibodies. Also, since the antibodies are viewed under a microscope to determine the presence of the disease, human error also comes into play. Certain test kits are more accurate than others, and some may produce a false negative result. If the person who is being tested hasn't recently eaten gluten, the anti-gluten antibodies will be reduced.

Some people say that a gluten-free diet is just a fad, but many doctors are discovering that gluten sensitivity is a real problem for a large portion of the population. Grains have been consumed for many years, but today's grains have been hybridized and engineered to be more prolific and pest-resistant, resulting in new compounds that have the potential to be quite damaging to human beings. An elimination diet, one in which you remove all gluten from every source for a period of several weeks to a month, should help you to determine if your persistent symptoms are due to a gluten intolerance.

ADHD Test - Food Allergies

A growing number of studies confirm that attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children is partially triggered by sensitivities to substances in food. When children ingest these foods, they experience physical changes like gastrointestinal problems and glazed eyes, or behavioral problems like mood swings, uncontrollable hyperactivity, and inattention. These discoveries led ADHD experts to consider diet and nutrition plans as part of a comprehensive, all-natural approach to ADHD management.

Before we can even speak about ADHD diets, we need to know what specific foods your child is allergic to so we can exclude these from your child's meals. One way we can identify these foods is through an elimination diet, a trial-and-error procedure that involves removing food groups and observing your child for any improvement in symptoms. While elimination diets are a surefire way of identifying which specific foods your child is intolerant to, this is a lengthy procedure that often takes weeks, if not months, of careful monitoring. If you do not have the time to do an elimination diet, you can test for food allergies through a blood test. But take note that food intolerances are different from the classic allergy, and that there is a specific kind of blood test you have to take for food intolerances.

A typical allergic reaction occurs through a specific antibody called immunoglobins E or IgE. IgE antibodies are released by the immune system when it detects the presence of an allergen in the body. When IgE antibodies come out, the child experiences standard reactions like watery eyes, hives, or swollen lips. To get rid of this allergic reaction, an allergist will give a shot made up of a low level allergen so that the immune system does not produce an IgE reaction. The dose is gradually increased until the child becomes tolerant to that allergen. While this method suppresses the allergic reaction, it does not identify the specific substance that causes the allergy.

Food intolerances are a type of allergic reaction, but they work through a different mechanism. Instead of releasing IgE antibodies, the immune system releases IgG antibodies, manifesting in more subtle ways like behavioral problems, inattention, and other symptoms of ADHD. What makes detecting IgG allergic reactions even trickier is that they are delayed-onset allergies. This means that the allergic reaction does not occur until days after the child has eaten the food he or she is intolerant to.

To confirm if your child has an IgG food intolerance, he or she will have to take a blood test designed to identify IgG allergic reactions. The ALCAT (sometimes referred to in Europe as the CytoToxic Test) is one of the best tests for determining food intolerances because, unlike other IgG and IgE tests, it examines the blood directly and looks at all immune pathways for possible reactions. After a blood sample is taken, the lab technician identifies delayed onset allergies by observing how white blood cells and red blood cells react when they are exposed to certain foods. Red and white blood cell samples literally explode when allergens are introduced. What's also great about the ALCAT is that the test is not limited to detecting food intolerances; it can also identify reactions to artificial additives, antibiotics, environmental chemicals, and pharmacological ingredients.

Another method of testing for food intolerances is through a technique called manual muscle testing, or kinesiology. The test works by examining the strength of the child's muscle when he or she is asked to hold bottles containing food extracts. If an originally strong muscle becomes weaker as the extract is held, the child may be intolerant to that food extract. Studies show that muscle kinesiology has a 90% correlation with results of IgE testing.

IgG food tests are techniques that cannot be found in Western medicine. If you think the ALCAT test or the muscle kinesiology test can help your child, ask a holistic health care practitioner or chiropractor to help you order and interpret the results of these tests.

Black Mold - How To Tell The Symptoms Of Toxicity

Mold is common in all our homes and doesn't usually cause any severe health problems. It stuffs you up, makes your eyes red, gives you a cough or a headache; it's a pain and should be got rid of, but it's not lethal.

However, there are some varieties of black mold that have toxicity. Prolonged exposure to toxic mold can lead to serious, life-threatening problems. This is why you need to be aware of the symptoms of black mold toxicity.

- Sinus trouble. The most common symptom of exposure to black mold is sinus trouble. This includes nasal congestion, runny nose and sinus headaches. These sinus symptoms are caused by both non-toxic and toxic mold, so with this symptom alone it may be difficult to tell for sure.

- Skin rashes and hives. Your skin doesn't like toxic mold and will do anything it can to resist it. This is why some people experience rashes and other skin problems when they are exposed to toxic mold. It is a natural reaction to the black mold's toxicity, and you should see a doctor immediately.

- Cough and sore throat - If you have a cough or sore throat that just won't go away, you may be suffering from black mold exposure. Regular mold is hazardous to health and can cause some coughing and throat irritation, but if it is ongoing, that is a sign that the black mold contains some toxicity.

- Asthma. The exact causes of asthma are unknown, but studies have shown that exposure to toxic mold, especially in youth, can lead to the development of asthma. If you find yourself developing asthma-like symptoms, it may be an indication that there is toxic black mold present.

- Dizziness or light-headedness. This often goes with the sinus symptoms, and is an indication that the mold in your home contains some toxicity. It means that the mold spores that have entered your body have released toxins that are disturbing your whole system.

- Nausea - Regular mold produces cold or sinus symptoms, but toxic mold may affect your stomach and digestive system. This is because the toxicity can affect any part of your body. If you are experiencing flu-like symptoms, you have been poisoned by toxic black mold and should seek medical help.

- Fatigue - Toxic black mold can make you feel tired and lethargic all the time, even when you've had a good night's sleep. Black mold's toxicity has an effect on your immune system, breaking down your body's natural defenses, and this can lead to excessive fatigue.

- Memory loss or trouble hearing. If spores enter your respiratory system, the toxicity of the mold can work on your brain. Once the toxins are in the bloodstream, they can go to any part of your body. This is why some people who have been poisoned by black mold lose their memory or hearing.

- Bleeding Lungs - In severe cases of toxic black mold poisoning, you may suffer bleeding in the lungs. This is very severe and will require hospitalization. At this point, the toxicity is well inside your system.

If you suffer any of these symptoms, or suspect that you may have toxic black mold, you should hire an inspector to test your home. They can take samples from the mold itself, or test the air for spores. They will send these samples to a lab for analysis and tell you what they find. If you find any mold at all in your house, you should remove it as quickly as possible and remove the conditions that allow it to grow.

A Lesser Known Migraine Trigger

The idea that oranges are considered a possible trigger for migraine has surprised many of us, as orange juice is usually considered to be beneficial in our diet

Not if you are sensitive to citrus. The citrus group of foods, which includes fruits such as oranges, lemons, limes and grapefruit, is a known allergen. Additionally, a lot of commercial orange juice is squeezed with the rind on, subsequently bruising it and releasing synephrine, a vasoconstrictor.

There have been links between migraine headaches and synephrine as well as related vasoconstrictors, so it makes sense that this could be a trigger. Many patients found that freshly squeezed orange juice made at home caused them no problems.

A 2004 study found that: "In migraine patients, plasma levels of octopamine and synephrine were higher compared with controls, although in migraine with aura, the difference was not significant".(1)

Synephrine is a stimulant that raises blood pressure, which can also cause migraines. The theory being that migraine sufferers with a citrus allergy can gain relief from a low dosage of daily blood pressure medication.

Citrus fruits also cause magnesium deficiency in some patients, and magnesium deficiency has been linked to migraine without aura. In a study where thirty migraine patients were treated with magnesium versus ten treated with placebo, the number of patients experiencing relief was so high that the possibility of the test results being coincidental was less than a 1 in 1000 chance.(2) The magnesium was administered as a magnesium citrate supplement, 600mg per day, orally. Patients were assessed by computerized tomography before and after the three month treatment period.

Citrus fruits also contain histamine, another suspect in food related allergies. A study at Texas Tech in El Paso TX found a correlation between high histamine levels and migraine attacks in susceptible persons. Antihistamines would seem to be a logical choice for treatment!(3)

An unhappy relationship between hypoglycemia and migraine can be heightened by drinking of orange juice, lemonade or other citrus juice in an attempt to raise the blood sugar - the orange juice can actually increase the migraine pain and the blood sugar level is blamed instead. This justifies the importance of maintaining a food diary and testing for food allergies.(4)

One woman related how she had taken migraine medication daily for years, washing it down with an 8 oz glass of orange juice each morning. Finally, when her sons were diagnosed, it became apparent that by giving them juice daily, she had simply been stimulating the cycle of migraines. Incidentally, orange flavored drinks such as Tang and Sunny D also contain migraine triggering substances similar to the natural fruits, so if citrus is a problem for you, avoid them as well!

Elimination of citrus is much simpler than many other migraine trigger foods, and is relatively easy to live without. For people suffering severe food intolerance migraines, living without orange juice, lemonade and key lime pie was a minor exclusion from their diet.


(1), Cure Hunter, 05/25/2004
(2) Magnesium Research, Jun 2008;21(2):101-8. PMID: 18705538, by Koseoglu E, Talaslioglu A, Gonul AS, Kula M. Erciyes University, Medicine Faculty, Neurology Department, Kayseri, Turkey
(3) Mansfield LE , Journal of Allergy & Clinical Immunology. 86(4 Pt 2):673-6, 1990 Oct.
(4) Leira R, Rodriguez R, Revista de Neurologia 1996 May;24(129):534-8

Research by Grace Alexander

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Dog Allergies Are Making My Dog Lick And Scratch Herself Silly

Poor Annie.

For the first 12 years of her life she was as normal as most dogs. That is to say she spent her days in search of the doggy basics: food, walk, play time and loving. Not to mention the never ending hunt for the single best place to pee or poop.

Then about a year ago Annie began to develop dog allergies. At first we thought she had fleas. We diligently applied Frontline, gave her flea baths and combed and brushed her but this did not relieve her itching for long. Over time she developed red and scaling sores on her belly and especially on the butt near her tail.

Her licking and scratching went on every day and, worse, into the night. It was not uncommon to be awakened by the sound of her licking. She, and I, needed relief.

We visited the vet and she informed us that dog allergies occur in over 40% of the dogs that seeks vet treatment for itching and scratching. She explained that these allergies are caused by any number of food or airborne allergens.

The first issue was to get her licking and scratching under control.

To do this involved a three step approach. The first step was a medicated bath that helped sooth the skin. Step two was to start Annie on a course of antibiotics to kill the sores that had formed on her body. Finally, to control the scratching, a 10 day steroid dose was prescribed. In terms of side effects the main issue was the steroids that caused her to drink a ton more water than normal and to be hungry all of the time. Fortunately she did not start to exhibit personality changes brought on by mood swings caused by the steroids.

Within 3 days Annie was feeling much better. She was better but the cause of her dog allergies was not yet understood.

Was it in her food? Was it in our home? Was she allergic to our cat?

The search for answers is a long process much like getting to the bottom of a human allergy problem. There are many approaches to take but we chose to focus on the food related possibilities. The first step was to eliminate all the store bought food from her diet. But wait, this can have unforeseen side effects. You see as bad as dog food is, given the fact that it contains simply unknown parts of unknown animals, there has been enough testing to know that from a nutritional standpoint it does provide the right blend of nutrients to keep our normally healthy dogs healthy. So by feeding a diet of homemade food we effectively removed the potential allergen but compromised her health. An alternative solution was to move to a vegetarian based dog food and get the animal impurities out of her system.

The follow up step was to do lots of research, as even the best vet in town does not have the time to dedicate to understanding the issue as much as the dogs owner. The internet contains a huge database of information on dog allergies as written by drug companies, veterinarians, pet owners, and complied into many useful sites.

Don't let your best friend suffer. Start by getting some help for your dog today and then do your homework. Making your dog feel better will make you feel better.

Boston Terrier Health Problems

The Boston Terrier is a fairly sturdy breed. The list of most common Boston Terrier health problems is relatively short, and most people enjoy a long, healthy life with their lovable companion.

These issues generally include eye, orthopedic and skin issues, but Boston Terriers are also known for having breathing problems as well.

Whether you are considering bringing home a Boston Terrier puppy or already enjoy the company of this sweet and gentle breed, you will need to be aware of some of the issues that may affect the health of your beloved pet.

Eyes: Those cartoon bulgy eyes are cute, but can develop problems such as cataracts that can lead to blindness with age. Watch for bluish, grey or white flecks in the eye. In some cases, surgery may be possible to correct it. Another eye problem is corneal ulcers. These may develop through irritation of the eyes from particles in the environment or from other internal eye health issues that cause infection and irritation. Protect your Boston Terrier's eyes in dusty or windy conditions.

Orthopedic: Boston Terrier health problems can include knee and back leg problems known as Patellar Luxation. Signs of patellar luxation are limping, pain, and frequent stops to stretch the rear leg. This condition can sometimes require surgery.

Skin: Allergic Dermatitis is one of the skin issues that many Boston Terriers deal with. Allergy testing by a dermatologist can help to determine the underlying causes. Sometimes the dog may have to eat a specialty diet and take medicine to combat the problem. Although it is not recommended to bathe the afflicted animal too often, using medicated shampoos and lotions can sometimes help.

Breathing Problems: Because of the short head of the Boston Terrier, there is a little more work for them in order to breathe. For that reason, Boston Terriers tend to snuffle, snort and even snore. (Mine snores pretty loud!) It is recommended that you use a harness-style instead of a traditional neck collar for this reason.

By all means, this does not include all Boston Terrier health problems that may be experienced and is not meant to diagnose any condition. If your dog exhibits any symptoms of discomfort or illness, do not hesitate to call your veterinarian immediately.

Dog Food for Allergies - What to Give Your Allergic Dog

Finding the best type of dog food for allergies is essential once you discover that your dog has allergies. Because normal food may not be good for him anymore.

Since every dog is unique - just like men - and what he is allergic to is unique to him too. But you can find it out by simple testing different food types and seeing his reaction.

The food that normally causes him irritation is the one that he is allergic to, and so should be avoided in his diet.

How to Find an "Allergy Free" Food Formula for Your Dog

You may have seen some vets selling something called an "allergy free formula diets", which are always very expensive.

But the little secret that they won't tell you is that you can create the same formula uniquely for your own dog easily and save lots of money.

Simply try including some usually non-allergic food in your dog's diet and monitor his reactions.

For example chicken is rarely a food that causes allergies in pets, so you can try adding chicken for a week. If that goes well, than your dog is probably OK with chicken.

Using the same method, try some variety of food types with your dog and after discovering which ones he is fine with, add them to the list of his safe diet.

NOTE: Another common type of allergies in dogs is skin allergies. So if you are seeing some symptoms in your dog, have you thought that is might be a skin allergy - not food allergy?

You can find out more about signs of dog skin allergies and compare it to find out which one your dog is really allergic to.

Dust Mites And The Allergies They Cause

Dust mite allergy or intolerance is one of the most frequently found healthcare determinations most medical doctors make throughout their practice as an allergist. These are amazingly small to medium sized members of the Arachnid class and Acari subclass, similar to spiders and "other relatives" to head lice and ticks. Individuals with this type of allergy are allergic to both the termite and its waste material. The indications involve scratchy and drippy eyes, itchy nose, sneezing, coughing, wheezing, and dry out, itchy skin.

Would you have Dust Mite Allergy? Whenever you could have allergy signs and symptoms around dusts in the house, additional probable sources of allergy consist of cockroaches, household animals, mouse and rat dropping, and molds. A person will even most likely discover important amounts of pollen in house dust during season when allergies are prevalent. This is exactly why it's critical for you for getting skin testing accomplished by an allergist to help pinpoint the source of your allergic reactions. Using this method, when you go to the difficulty and expenditure of environmental prevention, you can prevent the particular things to which you have allergies.

Medical doctors have experienced clients who gave away the family cat and then discovered it was a dust mite allergy that was getting their child unwell, or other people who have gone through rigorous dust mite prevention procedures only to find out they weren't hypersensitive to mites in any way. Right after having the skin testing, patients identified with a dust mite allergy are usually defensive about their housekeeping habits.

With a tiny effort, you can significantly decrease your exposure to these mites and subsequently decrease the allergy signs and symptoms ensuing from exposure. However to beat the dust mite, we must first realize how it exists and thinks. Termites love our skin. Believe it or not, these enjoy feeding on our skin, especially the skin cells which we normally get rid of and which fall off our body.

Termites will not be air-borne. This is principally since they are overweight but also mainly because there is no foodstuff (i.e. dead skin) in the air (until you have incredibly bad dandruff or flaky body pores and skin. Therefore, we come across high levels of activity in bedding, in apparel, in upholstered household furniture, and, to a lesser extent, in carpets. Jumping up and down on the mattress or substantial cleaning may for a limited time send the termite adrift inside your home (giving those with a termite allergy a great excuse to go to the beach while another person with no mite allergy is vacuuming and/or other anti-dust mite activity).

Mites just like to reside where there's considerable foodstuff, dampness, and warmness. For mites, this usually means our bed. Our bed is the best location for dust mites in a number of exactly the same ways as it is for people: most of us like to sleep there simply because it's warm and toasty! And also, we as people tend to get rid of most of our skin in the bed. And that's great news for our eager dust mite bed companions. But dust mites proliferate wherever there is warmth and moisture, not just your bed. That may be why when you open a house that's been shut for a very long time, you may encounter a few violent sneezing and wheezing.

Helicobacter Pylori Can Cause Rosacea

Nobody knows exactly why rosacea develops, but what we do know is that the process of "inflammation" is of paramount importance.

More recent scientific evidence suggests that the kind of inflammation in rosacea is associated with the generation of molecules called reactive oxygen species (ROS).

When patients apply skin medications that contain antioxidants like vitamins, C, E and flavonoids to areas affected by rosacea, the symptoms are often reduced. These antioxidant nutrients work to quench ROS.

A growing body of research indicates that H pylori infection may have a role to play in rosacea as well as some of the other skin disorders because it causes a great deal of inflammation in the stomach and intestines that may "overflow" into other areas of the body.

An excellent article on H pylori and skin conditions appeared in the European Journal of Dermatology, in 2009. The paper reported that:

H pylori is more common in patients who have rosacea than in patients who do not have the skin condition.

H pylori can increase levels of nitric oxide (NO) in the blood or tissues. This may lead to dilation (opening-up) of the skin blood vessels or inflammation and immune system changes that lead to the development of rosacea. Nitric oxide produced as a result of H pylori may cause the "flushing" of facial skin.

Successful H pylori treatment can reduce the symptoms of rosacea, or even completely alleviate them.

Reading this information it would be easy to point the finger at H pylori as the sole cause of rosacea. However I believe that anything in a person's body that creates an inflammatory response has the potential to cause skin conditions.

Foods such as gluten, chemicals in food and water, intestinal parasites or bacteria other than H pylori, yeast and fungal overgrowth and nutritional deficiencies could all theoretically lead to skin conditions such as rosacea because they can all cause inflammation.

Even mental and emotional stress or lack of sleep can increase inflammation in the body. It is therefore prudent to take a look at your complete diet and lifestyle if you have "unexplained" skin disorders of any kind.

My recommendations regarding a course of action would be to first eliminate foods like gluten, processed sugar, soy and cow's milk for 60-days.

I also recommend that you seek professional guidance on running comprehensive stool analysis to see whether you have any hidden digestive infections such as H pylori or parasites. You could also look into running IgE and IgG food allergy testing, again under the supervision of a qualified professional.

Make no mistake, skin conditions do not always have obvious causes. In order to clear the symptoms, you have to address the cause, which sometimes means thinking outside the box. If you feel we can help in any way, please do get in touch.

The Shih Tzu: Common Health Issues

Although disease affects all different breeds of dog, certain breeds are more prone to certain ailments than others, due to their particular anatomical structure, genetic make-up, or other factors. In this article, we will briefly describe some of the most common ailments that affect the Shih Tzu.

Eyes and Ears: Because of the anatomical structure of the Shih Tzu's head, their eyes are especially vulnerable to being injured. This can be caused by collisions with foreign objects, encounters with other animals, rough play, etc. Eye injuries are probably the most avoidable of all ailments that affect the Shih Tzu and can be prevented to a large degree by providing a safe environment for the dog to play in, with special care taken to removal of potentially injurious objects. Shih Tzu should always be supervised when interacting with other animals and should discouraged from rough play. Another important preventive measure is to keep the eyes and eye area as clean as possible. Avoid allowing crustiness or dirt to accumulate. When grooming, it is recommended that the hair covering the eye area be left at a reasonable length as it protects the eyes from dirt and debris.

A genetically linked disease that often affects the Shih Tzu is Progressive Retinal Atrophy, or PRA. PRA is basically the de generation of the retina and retinal tissue over time and can lead to blindness at an early age. If a dog is suspected of having PRA, veterinary care should be provided. As PRA is an inheritable disease, dogs that suffer from the affliction should not be bred.

Shih Tzu are also very susceptible to ear infections. Ear infections are generally not serious and can be treated easily by a veterinarian. Some preventive methods include keeping the inside of the ears immaculately clean and free of hair and other debris.

Bones, Joints, and Internal Organs: Another genetically linked disease that affects ShihTzu is Hip Dysplasia. Hip Dysplasia is a degenerative disease that affects the function of the ball-and-socket joint of the hip. This can be an extremely debilitating disease and cannot always be corrected by surgery. Dogs suffering from Hip Dysplasia should not be bred.

Renal Dysplasia is an inherited disease that affects normal kidney function which, in turn, affects the overall health of the dog. Although Renal Dysplasia is more prevalent in older dogs, it can also affect young puppies and in some cases, can be fatal. Dog with Renal Dysplasia should not be part of any breeding program.

Other Concerns: Just as in humans, some Shih Tzu suffer from abnormal thyroid function. This can be treated with medication prescribed by a veterinarian, although the dog may have need of the medication for the entirety of their lives.

Shih Tzu also seem to be prone to certain types of allergies including food allergies, flea allergies, and hypersensitivity to environmental substances. This can lead to any number of secondary ailments, such as irritated skin, hair loss, and overall poor health. Allergy testing can be performed by a veterinarian and can be treated with medication.