Saturday, June 15, 2013

Kids With Autism - Risperdal and Similar Psychotropic Drugs May Produce Negative Responses

Jean Genet, a brain researcher and an autism survivor himself, truly believes that psychotropic drugs (i.e. Risperdal) can produce negative responses for the child over time. Although it is a stimulant drug which is known to fight ADHD, it is not immune from negative consequences. This is why kids with autism should be given better forms of treatment if possible.

What psychotropic drugs do is that they use the central nervous system's energy as a fuel to the responses that they produce. However, the time it takes to entirely use this energy is relative to the child. The more active the child is, the faster the consumption of this energy will be.

If you want to detect when the psychotropic drug is about to exhaust the energy of the child's central nervous system, you can do so by observing how aggressive the child's behavior is. If s/he cannot sleep easily, lacks appetite and is unusually depressed, then the energy has most likely been used up. And since kids with autism are usually very on-the-go, it is easy to detect this behavior.

They say that when the symptoms of energy loss begin to surface, you need to increase the dosages. But then again, the symptoms will only become worse.

Jean Genet feels it is highly essential to closely observe how the child responds to the drugs that s/he takes and this should be done with your doctor in order to monitor the doses too.

Genet also recommends a gluten essential in the neutralization of the consequences of psychotropic drugs. Also, corn and soy should be removed from the child's diet.

Yeast must be injected in the diet, as it can reduce hyperactivity and sudden tantrums. Melatonin is good as well. It can induce better sleep. Allergy testing is likewise recommended, as it is important to monitor the responses to whatever the child takes in. Kids with autism need to have their diet closely monitored.

Be sure you are one of his/ her watching eyes.

And if you have never heard of chelation therapy, you should consult your doctor about it. It is a non-evasive way of assisting the child's body to remove the toxins which are brought about by taking psychotropic drugs.

Lastly, for the child's emotional growth to come full circle, remember that the basics of discipline still follow. Calmly delineate what is right and wrong and never forget to be a role model to your kids.

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