Saturday, June 15, 2013

Celiac Disease Blood Test

When a patient has symptoms suggestive of celiac disease or CD, the physician will request a celiac disease blood test, also called a celiac blood panel. Since other diseases may have similar symptoms, it is important to conduct the proper testing to diagnose or rule out celiac sprue disease.

Common Celiac Disease Symptoms

The most common symptoms prompting the blood test include: Anemia, diarrhea, malnutrition, abdominal pain, weight loss, joint pain, fatigue and weakness. A celiac blood panel may also be ordered for patients who have a family history of gluten intolerance or other autoimmune diseases.

Diagnosing Celiac Disease

Physicians often follow three steps to diagnose CD - a complete physical examination that includes bloods tests and, in some cases, a duodenal biopsy taking samples from different areas of the small intestine. A gluten-free diet is usually put into place. If the symptoms are alleviated and the small intestine returns to normal, the confirmation of CD is made.

It is common for patients with CD to experience lactose or gluten intolerance. A celiac disease blood test may be combined with other tests such as allergy evaluation for gluten allergy symptoms. AGA, Anti-tTG, and EMA tests may also be ordered to screen compliance with a gluten-free diet. This analysis helps to determine how effective the treatment is since the levels will fall once gluten is eliminated from the diet. There are several other tests ordered to help determine the extent of the disease and if any other organs are involved.

Celiac Sprue Disease Blood Tests

- CBC (Completed blood count) for anemia - CMP (Comprehensive metabolic panel) to verify protein, calcium, and electrolyte levels as well as to the condition of the liver and kidneys - ESR (Erythrocyte sedimentation rate) - CRP (C-Reactive protein) to assess inflammation - Stool fat, to evaluate malabsorption (Difficulty digesting or absorbing nutrients from food) - Vitamin B12, D, and E levels to measure any vitamin deficiency.

This disease has no current cure, but it can be managed effectively with dietary restrictions of gluten. It is important that you see your physician if you are experiencing any of the symptoms noted above to begin a treatment regimen.

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