Saturday, June 8, 2013

NAET Allergy Treatment - NAET Therapist Identifies Little Known Allergens That Have a Big Effect

As an NAET Allergy Practitioner I do allergy testing using Applied Kinesiology or muscle testing, and NAET (Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Technique) Allergy treatment using Acupressure. The results from testing can sometimes highlight some little known allergens that surprise many of my clients. Once identified, the NAET treatment can be used to desensitise the person to the allergen.

People come with various conditions including Asthma, Eczema, Hay fever and IBS. Testing people for the first time using muscle testing is always entertaining as you watch their expressions as the strength in their arm changes when I give the various NAET allergy vials to hold. Their expressions usually start of with them looking at you as if you are a Martian with three head and change to puzzlement and intrigue. The next interesting part is when you tell them what allergens are causing their symptoms.

Below are a list of my top five with the conditions they are linked to.

My number 5 is Pollen. Usually associated with Allergy related Asthma and Hay fever but can be linked with heartburn and indigestion.

My number 4 is Formaldehyde. Found in Exhaust fumes and paints and sprayed on new clothes as a preservative. Common allergy related symptoms include ADHD, Asthma, Eczema, and Hyperactivity.

My number3 is Plastics. Especially soft or thin plastics used to make bottles, tubs and packaging. Common allergy related symptoms associated with plastics include fatigue, Endometriosis, IBS, infertility, nausea, and rashes.

My number 2 is Artificial Sweeteners. Found in toothpaste, diet drinks, medication, sweets, chewing gum.... they get everywhere! Common allergy related symptoms/ conditions associated include ADHD, Autism, Hyperactivity, Learning difficulties, and Multiple Sclerosis.

My number 1, and enemy of the people, is Fluoride. Found in tap water (especially in North America), toothpaste and tea leaves. As well as being a common allergy for many people, fluoride is also toxic to humans. It does act as a fairly effective antibacterial, so can help the built up of plaque on teeth, but its toxic and allergy effects far out weigh its benefits. Some of the common allergy related symptoms I have found linked to fluoride allergy are a Depression, Hyperactivity (especially in children), infertility, joint pain, Osteoporosis, and panic attacks.

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