Thursday, June 6, 2013

Vagina Pain

A 26 year old female complained of vagina pains. Her vulvar pain was so painful that it was difficult to ambulate. During the consultation, the patient fidgeted so much, I knew she was in extreme discomfort. She was unable to have an intimate relationship with her boyfriend and it was adversely affecting them. The constant pain was making it very difficult for her to function in any activity of daily living.

I asked her, "how long has it been since you felt good?" The patient stated, it had been three years, since after she graduated college.

The patient had seen many doctors. No one could give her any explanation for her pain or any lasting relief. She was prescribed pain medication and antidepressants.

It was completely rule out that there were no infections. No sexually transmitted disease, no yeast involvement or human papillomavirus. There was no rare disease or pathology and no obstruction. As a practitioner of the healing arts, many possibilities ran through my head as the cause of the patient's pain. Was it a food allergy, was it a sensitivity to her tampons, or was she allergic to her boyfriend's semen?

My intuition was hinting that the vulvodynia was emotionally in origin. I inquired if there was a trauma three years ago. Often a traumatic event can cause pain and probably can't be seen on an X-ray, ultrasound scan or blood test. The patient denied any trauma, but did mention she broke-up with her fiancee at the time. While there are over a hundred healing techniques available in alternative medicine, I chose N.E.T. (Neuro Emotional Technique) to find the source of this individual's severe pain. Through the process of kinesiology, that is muscle testing, I could access the memory linked to the intense pain.

I had the patient stick out her right arm and tested her strength. Her arm tested strong. Then I had her focus her attention on her vagina. The arm still tested strong. Next, I tested the strength in her left arm, which was also strong. I asked the patient to think of her vagina. This time, her arm went weak! This indicated an emotionally charge memory. With the N.E. T. procedure, it was found that the patient experienced, "low self esteem," after the split with her fiancee three years ago. While the patient did not want this relationship, she still felt many emotions that were unresolved. With the N.E.T. technique, the patient was able to release her feelings about almost getting married. The N.E.T. approach helps release negative memories in the body, mind and spirit.

On the next office visit a week later, the patient stated that her pain had subsided and that she was happy, that she could have sex again. It took several more sessions to completely resolve her symptoms. After six months, the patient is still pain free.

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