Friday, July 12, 2013

Is Your Dog's Itchy Skin Caused by Parasites?

When a flea bites your dog, its saliva gets under the skin and causes itching. And if a dog is actually allergic to fleas it may have a severe reaction, even to just one bite.

A dog flea allergy can result in the dog itching and scratching constantly. You may already know that your dog has fleas because you have spotted them in the fur. But if you're not sure, check at the base of your dog's tail - they tend to hide there because it's a difficult spot for the dog to reach. They may also be visible scuttling across the dog's tummy, where the fur is thinner.

If you can't see any fleas, check for flea poo. Comb your dog with a fine-toothed comb, looking for dark specks like grains of pepper. If these are flea droppings they will contain blood products, which makes them easy to identify - just drop some of the grains on a wet tissue. Flea poo will dissolve, creating tiny red stains and confirming that your dog has fleas.

Effective natural flea control

If your dog has fleas but you want to avoid using conventional flea treatments, which contain harsh pesticides, on your pet, choose a natural flea treatment such as Neem oil for treatment. Neem is a proven natural flea repellent that can be used safely even on dogs with sensitive skin. When you use a shampoo containing Neem oil, the effective compounds are absorbed by the dog's skin and spread through the sebaceous glands (microscopic glands that lubricate the skin). And the effect is cumulative, so the protection gets stronger every time you use it.

Alternatively, natural flea control can work 'from the inside out', through natural ingredients - such as Billy No Mates herbal flea repellent, containing mint, seaweed, fenugreek, Neem leaves and lemon balm - sprinkled on your dog's food, or a spoonful as a tincture. Once established in your dog's system, they naturally repel fleas. But they can take two to three weeks to build up so start using them at Easter to be ready for the flea season.

Natural treatment of dog flea allergy

It only takes one flea bite to set off a dog's allergic reaction that can last for hours or even days. It can be heartbreaking to see a flea allergy making your dog sore from scratching; some dogs end up nearly bald. If you know that your dog has a flea allergy, preventative measures are essential.

Treat the environment AND the dog

In addition to using a natural repellent to keep fleas off your dog, it's wise to take measures to control fleas in the environment. During the summer months of the flea season, vacuum carpets, rugs and furniture as often as possible to remove fleas and their eggs, and wash the dog's bedding weekly. Bear in mind that any flea eggs collected inside the vacuum cleaner can still hatch in the bag, so seal it well and throw it away after use, or put it in a plastic bag in the freezer overnight after each vacuuming.

So, to recap, my recommendations for Natural flea control

Ekoneem Organic Neem Oil Shampoo Bar

Billy No Mates Herbal Flea, Tick and Mite Treatment and Repellent

Billy No Mates Tincture - liquid form

Homeopet Flea Bite - An effective homeopathic remedy for Flea, Bug & Insect Bites

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