Tuesday, July 9, 2013

10 Steps to Cure Your Digestive Disorder and 10 Reasons Why You Should Take Those Steps

A glance at the chemist's shelves reveals a host of medicines to fix your digestion - ant-acids, laxatives, purgatives, something for wind, probiotics, haemorrhoid cream, digestive enzymes and a dozen varieties of each. People live with a host of digestive disorders - discomfort/swelling, pain, can't eat this, can't eat that, can't do a bowel motion/can't stop doing them, excess acid, frequent burping, frequent wind, and so on.

The medicines have sufficient effect, in that life is tolerable for as long as the medicines are taken. So you take your medicine and the symptoms are resolved, so, what's the problem?

The problem is that the digestive system is the engine which drives the body and if the engine is broken in some way then the body will not 'go' properly, and if the body doesn't 'go' properly, there may be immediate symptoms such as headache, tiredness, pains, weight gain/loss, skin disorder but in the longer term illness will develop.

Your symptoms are signals that there is something wrong with the 'engine'. If your car starts emitting smoke out of the exhaust, you go straight to the garage and get the engine fixed; you don't put a filter on the exhaust to catch the smoke. So it is with your digestive system - the medicines are simply putting a 'filter on the exhaust' - the symptom is sort-of gone but the problem is still there, you just can't see it any more.

Step 1 - Identify your allergies and eliminate them from your diet.

If you have no idea what you are allergic to, then consider having an allergy test. There are various ways this can be done, - dowsing, blood tests, stool tests, kinesiology, skin patch tests, electromagnetic testing (I use a Vega machine), blood tests.

Reason 1 - If you have one or more food allergies, your body will respond by attempting to avoid/get rid of the offending foodstuff - it may cause an episode of diarrhoea (urgent, explosive diarrhoea is frequently a symptom of allergy) and this is because the body wants to rid itself of the foodstuff as quickly as possible. Your body may also respond by producing mucous, to protect the tissues of the body from contact with the offending foodstuff. In either situation the nutrients from that foodstuff will be unavailable as will the nutrients in the other foodstuffs mixed in with the allergen so that meal will be wasted, and nutrition will suffer.

Step 2 - Cut out junk food - it isn't nourishing, it's a mistake to consume it.

Reason 2 - It is hard enough to get the nourishment your body needs without filling yourself up with toxic, non-nourishing, stuff.

Step 3 - Every day drink 1 litre (34 fluid ounces) of filtered/bottled water, and 1 litre of herb tea or freshly squeezed juice.

Reason 3 - Water, herb teas or fresh juices provide the body with the liquids it needs to manage all the digestive processes properly, whereas tea and coffee need the water they are made with simply to deal with processing the tea, coffee, milk, and sugar and cannot be counted in the needed quantity of liquid.

Insufficient liquid intake can cause constipation, high blood pressure, water retention, dry skin, headaches, cystitis, depression and many, many other ailments, both minor and more serious.

Step 4 - Eat breakfast, preferably protein based and without sugar.

Reason 4 - Imagine that you are setting off to drive to the other end of the country one morning - the car would not work very well if you drove all the way there and then filled up with petrol! So, eat breakfast to fill up your petrol tank to give you fuel for the day's work ahead of you.

A protein breakfast provides more energy that lasts longer and increases mental alertness, whereas a carbohydrate breakfast, especially if it's high in sugar in, gives a brief burst of energy and which runs out.

Step 5 - Consume 10 servings of fresh fruit and vegetables every day.

Reason 5 - Studies have shown that fruits and vegetables these days contain as little as 25% of the vitamins and minerals that they used to contain. I recommend 10 servings to increase your chances of obtaining adequate vitamins and minerals from the food that you eat.

Every cell in your body is replaced many times in your lifetime and each new cell produced is made from the nutrients that you consume. If you are deficient in some nutrients your body will still make new cells but the new cells will not function as well as they would if the full range of nutrients were available. Over time, increasingly less good quality cells will result in diseased cells. To optimise your health tomorrow, ensure that your nutrient intake today is absolutely the best you can manage today.

Step 6 - Eliminate all diet drinks and foods that contain artificial sweeteners.

Reason 6 - Artificial sweeteners have nothing to recommend them at all. Artificial sweeteners are linked with a wide variety of health disorders. Artificial sweeteners are not food and must be avoided.

Step 7 - Resolve stomach acid problems.

Reason 7 - Insufficient acid in the tummy is not good news - it means that food, particularly proteins will not be digested properly and so the nutrients in the food will be unavailable leading to insufficient intake of nutrients.

Excess acid in the tummy is usually treated with an antacid, which if the dose is not absolutely correct can lead to undigested food again. This problem probably needs professional help to resolve.

Step 8 - Resolve wind problems.

Reason 8 - There's one obvious reason - embarrassing smells. However looking deeper into the causes of wind, there are some health reasons to solve it other than the social reasons.

Excessive wind may simply reflect eating too fast and gulping food down without proper chewing. Chewing food mixes saliva with the food and starts the digesting process. Or excessive wind can indicate incorrect stomach acids. Incorrect, and pathogenic micro-organisms in the digestive tract can also cause flatulence.

Step 9 - Regulate weight. For most people of inappropriate weight, following the suggestions in this article may be very helpful. Those for whom they don't work should see a professional.

Reason 9 - If you are underweight then you are malnourished and that bodes poorly for proper cell metabolism and growth. If you are overweight, then your whole body is stressed because it is being asked to do more work than it was intended to do - hence the multitude of obesity-related diseases - diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, infertility, asthma and many others.

Step 10 - Ensure that you have one-three easy and satisfactory bowel motions per day. It is likely that addressing the other steps detailed here will resolve this step.

Reason 10 - Studies of primitive peoples living the lifestyles they have lived for centuries, suggest that the correct frequency of bowel movements is 'as many bowel motions as meals per day' - less than once daily is constipated and more than 4 times a day is diarrhoea.

Resolving chronic constipation is as important as resolving chronic diarrhoea - constipation results in toxic, waste material staying in the body for longer than it should and this risks auto-intoxication i.e. literally self-poisoning - not eliminating the body's waste sufficiently frequently will cause toxic material to be re-absorbed into the bloodstream.

Chronic diarrhoea means that the foods eaten will pass through the system too quickly not giving sufficient time for nutrients to be absorbed properly - contributing to lack of nutrition and so impaired 'engine' function which will impact negatively on the rest of the system.

Please note

Seven days after you adopt these steps you will feel better, however for the first three days you may feel a bit unwell.

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