Monday, July 1, 2013

Fuzzy Thinking? How to Naturally Eliminate Brain Fog in 3 Steps

Do you often feel that your mind is unclear, and you always have fuzzy thinking? If this describes your typical daily life then there are 3 ways to begin naturally eliminating these symptoms. First though you need to know the 3 major reasons for why you have fuzzy thinking, also known as brain fog and how to get them out of your life!

3 Causes of Fuzzy Thinking

#1 - Eating Late/Poor Sleep Habits - This is a double cause, since both going to bed late and at odd hours throws off your circadian rhythm as does eating close to bed (anywhere within 4 hours) will also cause your body to not recover at its optimal level. Stop heaving eating by 6pm, only eat light up until 8pm and nothing after. Be in bed by 10pm as well, since sleeping from 10pm-2am is the optimal time to recover your energy levels and will allow you to think clearly the next day!

#2 - Food Allergies - You might think that whatever form of allergy testing you had when you were 5 is enough to protect you for life from developing allergies but this is far from true. Many people develop allergies later in life, quite often due to poor eating habits and most importantly poor elimination otherwise known as constipation. Going beyond this however, there are many foods that most people take for granted as being ok, when they can cause considerable health problems. These foods include dairy, wheat, soy & corn at the top of the list.

Avoid all 4 for a week and see the difference, in fact just dairy and wheat alone will make a great difference in how clearly you can think. Most people are simply sensitive to the gluten in wheat and when they remove it from their diet their brain fog also goes. However some people will also need to eliminate the other foods from their diet as well and go even deeper until all unresolved food allergens are reduced and removed.

#3 - Candida Overgrowth - Candida is a yeast that exists in over 90% of the worlds population, essentially everyone except young babies will have some in their body. Of the 90% 1/3rd will suffer various health problems as a result of this yeast. The 3 most common symptoms associated with a candida overgrowth are;

i. Fatigue
ii. Brain Fog
iii. Digestive Problems

The list goes well beyond just this, however if you suffer from 1 or especially in the case of all 3 then you need to immediately begin doing a candida elimination program. If left to continue developing in your body health problems will only continue to get worsen. Everyone who has ever done a thorough candida cleanse has achieved fatigue, fuzzy thinking and digestive relief.

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