Saturday, May 25, 2013

Helpful Tips When Conducting a Chlamydia Home Test

Chlamydia is one of the most common sexually transmitted disease. It often affects younger women with ages ranging from 14- 19 yrs old. Chlamydia develops from the infection from bacteria which can be caused by biological or behavioral reasons. Since a person with Chlamydia cannot easily notice if he or she is infected, there is a higher risk is by infecting your sexual partner.

Getting infected with Chlamydia takes place during unprotected sex, which involves oral, anal, and vaginal sex. Chlamydia can also spread between men who have sex with men. If you plan on getting pregnant and having a healthy baby, make sure that you and your partner are not infected by this disease. Chlamydia can cause premature birth and certain infections on your baby too.

People who are infected by this disease often experience the symptom when the infection has already gotten serious. Chlamydia can destroy the reproductive organs and makes urination and vaginal sex painful. Most persons who are affected by this disease often get embarrassed when going for a checkup, which is why most of them often resort to doing a Chlamydia home test and medication. Having this conducted at your own home does not only offer privacy and confidentiality but also convenience on your part. For women, if you want to do the test yourself, the best method of doing so is by having your urine tested. But for swab tests, a nurse or a doctor is best suited for the job since they have to take a sample around the cervical area. These tests can also be done for men who are infected by this disease.

Be careful when conducting the tests since there are times when you get a negative result even if you are infected. Accurate test results often come from those which are conducted in clinics or hospitals and done by the expert. There is also a possibility that you will get a positive result even though you are not infected by this sexually transmitted disease. That is why it is often advisable that you talk to your doctor if you think you are infected by such disease. So do not just ignore these symptoms if you think there are changes in your bodily charges and pain during urination and menstruation for women.

If you get positive results, treatment can last for up to two weeks only. Women who have a severe Chlamydia infection often get hospitalized for proper medication. After taking the proper treatment, you still have to undergo for re-testing to make sure that you are clear from bacteria which caused such infection.

Chlamydia can also be passed on to your offspring when you are infected while pregnant. Since prevention is the best cure, make sure that you always have a protected sex by using condoms. You can also avoid getting infected by not changing partners often and try to have a monogamous relationship with only one person. Although once infected, take your antibiotics as prescribed by your doctor even after your discharge from the hospital when it is still prescribed.

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