Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Dentures May Cause Burning Mouth Syndrome

Many men and women across North America and around the world wear dentures for a variety of reasons. A relatively new phenomenon is a medical condition called Burning Mouth Syndrome that has recently been linked to wearing poorly-fitted dentures. This article will outline specific details of Burning Mouth Syndrome and give you some helpful tips to cure of avoid the disorder. As with any problems that affect your health, it is important to consult a health professional for advice and instructions. Your doctor or dentist will be able to help guide treatment modalities and ensure you receive the most relief from this painful condition.

Burning Mouth Syndrome is usually described by people that suffer from it as a scalding sensation on the tongue, palate, lips, and through the whole mouth. The messages from the nerves in the oral cavity are somehow mixed up and the brain receives indication that the mouth is burning. There are a variety of conditions that are related to this syndrome including nutritional deficiencies, menopause, dry mouth syndrome, and allergies. The exact cause is unclear, but there is a very strong link between those individuals that wear poorly-fitting dentures. Some tests that your dentist may use to help diagnose the disorder can include blood work, blood cultures, tests to look for nutritional deficiencies, diabetes, oral swabs, and allergy testing. In rare cases, you may even be allergic to the material used to make your dental replacements.

As such, it is important to ensure your dentist provides you with a thorough evaluation for your denture fitting and offers follow-up to ensure they continue to fit as your jaw changes over the years. Burning Mouth Syndrome is an uncomfortable and unfortunate side effect to putting up with false teeth that don't fit and may not be reversible. Don't take the risk with your oral health. Start with great teeth from the start. Spending a little extra time or money when you first receive your dental replacements will pay off in the long run.

Treatment for Burning Mouth Syndrome is tailored specifically to the individual's needs. A consultation with your dentist will ensure you receive the treatment you require. He or she may recommend an adjustment of your dentures or even a full replacement. They may also suggest that you treat other comorbid health disorders that can cause dry mouth. Nutritional supplements can help correct deficiencies and switching certain medications may also help. While it is ideal to try to correct the underlying problem, it may only be possible to alleviate the symptoms.

Tips that can help those that suffer from Burning Mouth Syndrome to get some relief include drinking small sips of water frequently. You can also suck on chips of ice or chew sugarless gum. Make sure to avoid hot or spicy foods and especially avoid mouthwashes that contain high levels of alcohol. Teeth or dentures should be brushed carefully with baking soda and water

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