Eczema can be a very frustrating condition. Although not life threatening, it can be very hard to live with. In addition, it's frustrating because there is no known cure for it at the present time. However, there are ways to minimize the effects the condition can have on your daily life.
One of the best ways to cope with this frustrating condition is to determine what may have caused the eczema. There doesn't appear to be a single root cause for all cases of eczema (at least none that has yet been found), but there are certain factors which seem to aggravate the condition.
Some of the more common causes of eczema flare-ups include:
1. Changes in temperature or humidity
2. Chemical irritants, such as pesticides, paint strippers, alcohol, astringents, perfumes, harsh soaps, detergents, and household cleaners
3. Physical irritants, such as clothes made of rough or scratchy fabrics, like wool
4. Allergies to dust, pollen, mold, animal dander, etc.
Finding The Cause Of Eczema
Because one of the most common causes of eczema is alllergies, some physicians will suggest their eczema patients get allergy testing.
Although allergy testing won't magically reveal the cause of eczema, it will reveal which allergens produce an allergic reaction in your body. And those allergic reactions could cause your eczema to flare up.
One of the most common allergens is dust and dust mites. And to make matters worse, where there is dust there are dust mites.
Because dust in the house is a common allergen, eczema sufferers who test positive for this should consider buying hypoallergenic bedding to minimize the amount of dust mites and other irritants that may be the cause of eczema flare ups. Many allergists recommend covering your pillows and mattresses with a special encasing that is made from breathable, high-tech, non-woven fabric. These encasings are usually very cool, comfortable and noiseless. They will create a barrier between you and the allergens in your mattress and pillow.
In short, the results of an allergy test can point to irritants you can try to avoid in your everyday life. By doing this, you may find that the cause of eczema in your own life can be isolated and the effects reduced.
Another common cause of eczema is stress. Stress occurs in nearly everyone's life at some point. Even though stress is often a contributing factor for those with eczema, most people never realize how big a component it really is. Often, if one's stress is dealt with, eczema is greatly lessened.
If you tend to get stressed easily and you find it affects your eczema adversely, try to find ways to reduce your stress. Make some time for yourself each day to simply relax and enjoy something, whether it's reading a good book or reclining in the bath.
Reducing your stress levels won't happen overnight, but if this is a big trigger for you and your eczema, persevering towards a more relaxed lifestyle will yield big benefits in the long run.
Every cause has an effect, and finding the cause of eczema in your own life may not be easy, but you can find what feeds it. Take this source away, and your eczema should improve.
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